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The Christening


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OOC: Just assume you all got invited as I'm too lazy to put all nations on it :P Just post your arrival if you want to come


It was a week after the birth of Nadine and today it was going to happen like every Sovereign before them the future Queen was going to have her christening. Over the week all possible preparations were made. The church was Secured and no one except Guards on the ship would have weapons it all was perfect.


The Queen sat in her room on the ship looking at a picture of a man in a military uniform.

"How can I do this without you?"she asked. After a while the Councilor of Sanc came in.

"The guests are arriving your highness"


OOC: Please note that as it is a city ship Aircraft can't stay and will need to go to Airfields on the mainland when the passengers are off.

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We shall send our prime minister and her aides to attend this event.

Expect her arrival by Olympian Air-force 2 shortly.

Four body guards are part of the entourage but they will be unarmed during the ceremony and while in secured areas, they will arrive one hour before the prime minister and double check security to ensure our prime minister's safety.

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We shall send our prime minister and her aides to attend this event.

Expect her arrival by Olympian Air-force 2 shortly.

Four body guards are part of the entourage but they will be unarmed during the ceremony and while in secured areas, they will arrive one hour before the prime minister and double check security to ensure our prime minister's safety.

Granted, the Imperial Guard has already forwarded neccesary information.

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Even with conflict escalating in Asia this journey was especially important. After leaving the government in charge by the newly promoted General Kolm and Minister McAlpine, Sarah boarded a plane to take her to the ship where the christening was being held. 'A ship.' she thought, 'its more fitting I think, out on the waves to begin with.'

The flight across the Pacific was long, but before the plane landed on the carrier Sarah had a little time in the back room to freshen herself up, she had to look her best, especially if she was going to be stationed as Nadine's Godmother. When the plane landed, she disembarked, and watched the plane take off again behind her, heading to the air fields in the Imperial Union. Standing alone, amongst the frenzy of servants around her as she walked deeper into the ship, she looked for someone familiar to take her to the queen or bump into the queen herself.

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A delegation from the Estovakia Imperium has been sent to see the christening and to offer the entire Imperium's congratulations to the child's parents. They have also brought a gift of a fine piece of Samurai armour and they hope that the spirit of the armour will watch over the child and that the child may look upon the armour and see what it means to remember ones honour.


The Gift

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Even with conflict escalating in Asia this journey was especially important. After leaving the government in charge by the newly promoted General Kolm and Minister McAlpine, Sarah boarded a plane to take her to the ship where the christening was being held. 'A ship.' she thought, 'its more fitting I think, out on the waves to begin with.'

The flight across the Pacific was long, but before the plane landed on the carrier Sarah had a little time in the back room to freshen herself up, she had to look her best, especially if she was going to be stationed as Nadine's Godmother. When the plane landed, she disembarked, and watched the plane take off again behind her, heading to the air fields in the Imperial Union. Standing alone, amongst the frenzy of servants around her as she walked deeper into the ship, she looked for someone familiar to take her to the queen or bump into the queen herself.

After a while an escort of Soldiers in a special uniform would walk towards her.

"Lady Tintagyl, we are from the Imperial Guard and if you agree will bring you to her Highness the Queen"

A delegation from the Estovakia Imperium has been sent to see the christening and to offer the entire Imperium's congratulations to the child's parents. They have also brought a gift of a fine piece of Samurai armour and they hope that the spirit of the armour will watch over the child and that the child may look upon the armour and see what it means to remember ones honour.


The Gift

The gift is apreciated very much and will be placed in the section of the Princess in the Palace.

The Imperator would be pleased to attend this vital ceremony to our southern Neighbor. It may also be a prime-time to negotiate the co-operation for fighting the diseases more closely.

The Imperator is welcome but we request having that discussion after the ceremony.

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After a while an escort of Soldiers in a special uniform would walk towards her.

"Lady Tintagyl, we are from the Imperial Guard and if you agree will bring you to her Highness the Queen"

Sarah smiled and bowed at the guards. "Please gentlemen, lead the way." She followed her them to the Queen's Chambers to be officially introduced not only to Queen Relena again, but also to her charming young daughter that Sarah had yet to lay eyes on.

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Sarah smiled and bowed at the guards. "Please gentlemen, lead the way." She followed her them to the Queen's Chambers to be officially introduced not only to Queen Relena again, but also to her charming young daughter that Sarah had yet to lay eyes on.

Sarah was acompanied by the guards to a special car made to operate on the large City Ship bringing her directly to the Imperial Section after a while they arrived and she was escorted inside where the baby was inside her cradle and the queen still looking at the picture.

"Ah Lady Tintagyl good to see you again"

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A representative (Gavriil Batalova) from the Neo Soviet Union is interested in attending. Accompanying him will a golden "Hammer and Sickle" necklace for the future Queen. So that even if she does not share our ideals, she may never forget the struggles of the working class. Also a complimentary Neo Soviet mug.




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A representative (Gavriil Batalova) from the Neo Soviet Union is interested in attending. Accompanying him will a golden "Hammer and Sickle" necklace for the future Queen. So that even if she does not share our ideals, she may never forget the struggles of the working class. Also a complimentary Neo Soviet mug.




OOC: Hmm Commie Queen interesting


You are welcome to attend.

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Sarah was acompanied by the guards to a special car made to operate on the large City Ship bringing her directly to the Imperial Section after a while they arrived and she was escorted inside where the baby was inside her cradle and the queen still looking at the picture.

"Ah Lady Tintagyl good to see you again"

Sarah bowed at the queen. "Your Majesty the pleasure is mine. It appears that happiness has blessed both our lives in a very short period." Sarah rose from her position and looked over Nadine who was laying still in her cradle. "She's beautiful Relena, truly a wonder of life." She turned back to the queen still sitting. "She will grow up to be just like you, a great person, a great leader." Looking at the queen Sarah could not help but see the picture that Relena had been looking at when she had entered the room. "Nadine's father, Relena?"

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Sarah bowed at the queen. "Your Majesty the pleasure is mine. It appears that happiness has blessed both our lives in a very short period." Sarah rose from her position and looked over Nadine who was laying still in her cradle. "She's beautiful Relena, truly a wonder of life." She turned back to the queen still sitting. "She will grow up to be just like you, a great person, a great leader." Looking at the queen Sarah could not help but see the picture that Relena had been looking at when she had entered the room. "Nadine's father, Relena?"

Relena nodded. "A real patriot he lost his life when preventing our Biological arsenal getting in hands of mobs if he failed thousands of missiles capable of infecting the whole world combined would have gotten in Criminal hands". She walked towards the cradle. "She will have a hard time when ready to rule I fear worse is coming to the world in the upcoming years"

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Relena nodded. "A real patriot he lost his life when preventing our Biological arsenal getting in hands of mobs if he failed thousands of missiles capable of infecting the whole world combined would have gotten in Criminal hands". She walked towards the cradle. "She will have a hard time when ready to rule I fear worse is coming to the world in the upcoming years"

Sarah sighed taking a seat next to the queen and smiled once more at the small child resting peacefully in the crib. "You know Relena, I've given that thoughts about my own family. I am an elected official, but for some reason I don't see my absence from office coming up any time soon and we I have a family they will be suffering to the same pains that I have. To be honest, when I was younger and I was first thrown into politics, I wasn't ready, my father forced me and for the longest time I wanted to escape. But when you see...when she sees that the people depend on her and trust her as long as you teach her well she will be a fine ruler." Sarah chuckled lightly to herself. "Maybe she can bring some reason to this world of ours. After all you and I are still trying. We could use the help."

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Sarah sighed taking a seat next to the queen and smiled once more at the small child resting peacefully in the crib. "You know Relena, I've given that thoughts about my own family. I am an elected official, but for some reason I don't see my absence from office coming up any time soon and we I have a family they will be suffering to the same pains that I have. To be honest, when I was younger and I was first thrown into politics, I wasn't ready, my father forced me and for the longest time I wanted to escape. But when you see...when she sees that the people depend on her and trust her as long as you teach her well she will be a fine ruler." Sarah chuckled lightly to herself. "Maybe she can bring some reason to this world of ours. After all you and I are still trying. We could use the help."

"We could use it indeed the world just started to recover from Weapons of Mass Destruction and here we are facing another Strategic Arms War but now happier things this is a day of joy"Relena said.

OOC: Will keep this completely open for now and begin the actual ceremony tomorrow

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A figure walked through the doors of the Church. But it wasn't an usual figure, no. Indeed, that figure was tall, towering, and imposing in height; he towered over everyone and was solidly built. He was Arnold Schwarzeim.

The former GAE representative grinned widely as he scanned everyone. "Hello!" He greeted in his deep voice as he raised a hand to wave, his other holding a wrapped present of some sort. Looking around, the Byzantine grinned as he spotted a certain figure: the Queen (and new mother). Making his way toward her, Schwarzeim smiled and bowed. "Hello, ma'am. I offer you my congratulations in Byzantium's name."

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"Well thank you"she answered towards the rather big Representative from Byzantium

Now it was all going to happen Relena looked into the church it was filled with nobles and World Leaders never before had she been so nervous about standing before so many people. This was going to be different than general because of the pressence of Imperial Guard in every corner something she did not like. After 5 minutes she walked inside together with Sarah towards the Archbishop now it was going to begin.

"The rite of baptism or christening is the recognition of the loving presence and infinite power of the Spirit in each child.

The seed of perfection is planted in every child and awaits only recognition to give complete expression of good in hisher life.

From St. Luke’s Gospel 18:15 “And they brought unto him also infants that he would love them. But when his disciples saw it they rebuked them. But Jesus called them unto him and said, “Allow little children to come unto me, and forbid the not, for such is the kingdom of God.” And he took them in his arms and put his hands upon them and blessed them.

Today is a special celebration – a time we have set aside for the confirmation of our love for this special child.

Relena bring Nadine to this ceremony as an act of love – a sharing of this special event with each of us. Giving us an opportunity to affirm with them the goodness of life as it expresses in this child.

This is an outward rite for an inward recognition that each child comes forth from life, a Divine, unique creation. We do recognize that good is incarnated or inborn in this child right now, and hisher own life creativity is native to hisher being.

This ritual symbolizes our recognition of the immersion of the human in the Divine life stream, our Oneness with all life. Actually, there can be no separation. On this occasion, we affirm our belief that the soul – the essence of us, our true identity, is on a great adventure. This is true for Nadine. Hisher adventure is so magnificent, so full of wonder, that we will never be able to experience it as he/she does. Our role is to encourage, to guide, and support and always love her unconditionally.

This morning/afternoon, is an opportunity to re-affirm our trust in the inherent capabilities already present in this child to fulfill hisher destiny. We have the faith that she possesses the potential to become whatever she desires to be.

This occasion is also an opportunity to express our joy, as we realize that this child will always be in an all-embracing circle of infinite love.

From The Prophet – by Kahlil Gibran…”and a woman who held a babe against her bosom said, speak to us of children: and he said, ‘your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for Itself. They come

through you but not from you, and though they are with you, yet they belong not to you. You may give them your love but not your thoughts. You may house their bodies but not their souls, for their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams. You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you. For Life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday. You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth. The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite, and he bends you with his might that his arrow may go swift and far. Let your bending in the archer’s hand be for gladness. For even as he loves the arrow that flies, so he loves also the bow that is stable.’”

And so, Relena, in presenting your child for christening, I would charge you to believe that “man is a creative expression of the creator” – that you realize ….keeping your mind set on good, leads to joy and accomplishment in life.

Will you teach your child Nadine, the Truth of hisher Being, that her life is one with all life, with all good, peace, harmony and well being?"

"I will"

"Will you teach her from childhood that she may realize her unity with God and all that this implies?"

"I will"

"Will you conduct your own lives so that not only by word but by example, she may learn to live joyously, creatively and harmoniously with Divine Principle?"

"I will"

"Thank you and God bless you in your commitment to Nadine."

Now the next part was going to happen but luckily for Relena the hardest part was over and she had survived.

Edited by Centurius
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Standing up on the altar Sarah looked down at the child as Relena read her rites to the baptism. After those were finished the bishop turned to Sarah who smiled getting ready for her part.

The bishop began in strong voice that reverberated through the chapel. "As the Godparent, Sarah, you are charged not only with being faithful to the ideals stated in the charge to the Parent, but also with the responsibility of seeing to the spiritual welfare of Nadine. Should the need arise, it behooves you to stand in place as friend and counselor. Listening when she needs to talk, advising when she asks, and always loving her unconditionally. It is an honored place you hold in this child's heart." The bishop stared at the child and then at Sarah. "What name shall be given to this child?"

"Nadine Audrey Peacecraft, your Grace."

The bishop smiled at Sarah and then down at Nadine. "I baptize you, Nadine Audrey Peacecraft in the nature of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Father, in who you live, move and have your being. The son, the Christ Light within you, and the Holy Spirit. The moving creative principle of all life. That is the meaning of God with me."

Sarah took hold of Relena's hand as the bishop began the blessing. "Then let each of us join in this prayer: Loving Creator of all Life, may this beautiful family come to know in a new way that they are enfolded within the loving Presence of the Almighty, that they are sheltered by an Infinite Peace. They are held and protected by the Power that holds the Universe. Into Infinite Spirit of all Life and Love, I dedicate this loving family to God's care and keeping. Bless the Godparent for their loving dedication to Life's expression of Itself known as Nadine, with a calm sense of love, I know God shines in the life of Nadine. And so it is. Amen."

"Amen." Sarah said solemnly as she looked back up at the child, she hoped that in the future she would have the honor to watch Nadine grow up and hopefully grow up along side the family she wished to start as well. "This really is a beautiful moment Relena." Sarah said with the start of tears in her eyes.

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Usually Kiska would take care of things like this, but after Helsinki… The challenge is in the moment, the time is always now; there would plenty of time dwell, introspect, and mourn the past later. What would be a suitable gift for the christening of an aristocrat?

The usual box of Procinctian cigars might be inappropriate for an infant, but Lady Peacecraft might disapprove of the EE-11 Urutu armored personnel carrier.

Wait, who actually received the gift at a formal royal christening? Was it the infant or the parent? If there wasever a time a knowledge of this sort of protocol would be useful it would be now.

Generalissimo had initially intended to return to the Saint Paul City wasteland after the Solidor-Tintagyl wedding, but decided a trip to the Sanc would probably be moderately productive. After hearing of the international tour, meeting the so-called Lady of Peace was too much of an opportunity to miss.

Armed with what was believed to be a suitable gift, Generalissimo arrives at the church just in time to catch the ceremony.

Edited by Generalissimo
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Arriving just in time to miss the Baptismal, Lord Ranather sat silently near the back of the area, stuffed dragon for the child and Silver Rose for the parent in hand.

Following the ceremony all guests were escorted to the ballroom for the next part where they were allowed to talk with each other.

"Lord Ranather good to finally meet you"the Queen said.

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Following the ceremony all guests were escorted to the ballroom for the next part where they were allowed to talk with each other.

"Lord Ranather good to finally meet you"the Queen said.

Ranather bowed ever so slightly.

"The honour is entirely mine, You Majesty. As a small token of my well wishes, allow me to present one of our finest stuffed Silk Dragons, for the little one; and this Silver Rose, Imperial Symbol of House Rukia."

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Ranather bowed ever so slightly.

"The honour is entirely mine, You Majesty. As a small token of my well wishes, allow me to present one of our finest stuffed Silk Dragons, for the little one; and this Silver Rose, Imperial Symbol of House Rukia."

"What beautiful gifts and I am sure Nadine will adore the Dragon, please take a seat at the main table"

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