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[CNRP] Vaule's President to address Parliament

Imperator Azenquor

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VNN:Vaule President National Address to Parliament

President Rokossovsky and Prime Minister Ivanov are scheduled to make a televised address to the new Vaulian Parliament on a wide range of topics, including the budget, changes in Vaule’s foreign policy and upcoming amendments to Vaule’s constitution.

What is unusual about this address is the fact that the International press has been invited to question the President and Prime Minister of Vaule either in person, or via satellite. Questions may also be posed by Vaulian citizens.

The Vaulian Parliament has also released the agenda for the first session of Parliament:


-Approval of the National budget

-Measure to release funds for the construction of a military base in Novaya Zemlya

-Measure to remove term limits on the office of the President of Vaule

-Measure to lift the current suspension of the Vaulian Senate

-Vaule constitutional reforms

-Status of Vaule’s autonomous regions

-Redrawing the voting districts in Outer Mongolian-Buryat Autonomous Region

-Immigration reforms

-Redrawing of Vaule’s internal borders

-Halting Vaule’s nuclear weapon program

Any nation that wishes to send press to question either the President or Prime Minister may contact the Vaulian Ministry of the Interior, which will facilitate either entry visas, or satellite communication. The Vaulian Foreign Ministry has also issued invitations to attend a state dinner after the address to Parliament.


-President Rokossovsky on VTV Live


***Undisclosed Location***

In a dark room, a cell phone rings.


"We stand under Buddha's shadow."-????#2

*click* *dial tone*

Edited by Imperator Azenquor
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Tanisian Head of State, General Jaio Makvel boarded a plane bound for Vaule. He had an undisclosed state visit to attend to up there. After several hours onboard a retrofitted 767, he landed in Vaule.

To keep a low profile, one black armored sedan and blue colored security SUV were requested. From the airport, he was whisked to the accommodations set forth by Vaule for a brief respite before attending the press conference.


TBC Reporter

TBC, Mallory Balki. What is the reasoning behind your possible moves to halt Vaule's Nuclear Program? Is it directly related to the nuclear war that has occurred across Eurasia proper?

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TBC Reporter

TBC, Mallory Balki. What is the reasoning behind your possible moves to halt Vaule's Nuclear Program? Is it directly related to the nuclear war that has occurred across Eurasia proper?

"While I must admit that the nuclear war in Eurasia did influence our decision, the decision was taken to suspend our nuclear weapons program based on advice from the military. We feel that the weapons we already possess prove an effective enough deterrent, therefore we have no need to create more weapons at this time. The decision to halt the weapons program in no way affects our civilian nuclear program."-President Rokossovsky

DUNES Reporter

DUNES, Gregory Malleck

"What, if any, are the rest of current administration's plans concerning the Outer Mongolian Region?

"Our intentions regarding the province of Outer Mongolia, specifically the Outer Mongolian-Buryat Region are simple and straightforward. We intend to maintain stability, law and order in the region. If it is necessary to prolong the state of emergency in the region to maintain that stability then that is what we will do. We will not allow the nation to be held to ransom by thieves and terrorists."-President Rokossovsky

Moderator: "the DUNES and TBC reporters may ask follow up questions if they wish to do so."

Edited by Imperator Azenquor
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TBC reporter

We have no further questions.


The black sedan and security vehicle arrived promptly about 15 minutes before the state dinner the President Rokossovsky was hosting. Out came General Jaio Makvel and two of his aides into the reception hall.

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-Vaulian Honor Guard

General Makvel is met by a Vaulian honor guard at the steps of the Presidential palace. A man in a military uniform walks down the steps and meets the General with a crisp salute:

“Welcome to Vaule, General. I am Lt. Col. Vladimir Kharkov, Foreign Minister of Vaule.”-Lt. Col Kharkov

As the two men, and the general's aides, walked into the building and into a conference room, Col. Kharkov continued:

“The state dinner is set to begin in 10 minutes, but President Rokossovsky has requested a private meeting with you beforehand.”-Lt. Col. Kharkov


-Lt. Col. Kharkov

Two members of the Vaule Diplomatic Corps enter the room.

“General… if at any time you need anything to make your stay more comfortable, please do not hesitate to let us know.”-Corps member #1

***Discussions occur, and the Kharkov accords are signed***

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"Our intentions regarding the province of Outer Mongolia, specifically the Outer Mongolian-Buryat Region are simple and straightforward. We intend to maintain stability, law and order in the region. If it is necessary to prolong the state of emergency in the region to maintain that stability then that is what we will do. We will not allow the nation to be held to ransom by thieves and terrorists."-President Rokossovsky

Moderator: "the DUNES and TBC reporters may ask follow up questions if they wish to do so."

We have no further questions at this time.

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