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Goodbye round 3, hello round 4!


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On behalf of the Roman Empire, I'd like to thank everyone for a great round! We've had a lot of fun, especially in these last few days during the King of the Hill war. Our alliance had some rough times, but we bounced back and finished off stronger then we expected. We'll be changing some of our alliance structure in Round 4, hopefully it'll make us better.

We'd like to thank our allies, Mostly Harmful, Global Democratic Alliance, GREAT, and United White. :wub: . Without you guys we'd never have gotten as far as we did. We won't be carrying over our treaties, but you know where to find us!

Special thanks to the Rebels for making the end of Round 3 a nice nuke fest and brawl!

We look forward to seeing you all in Round 4! Good luck, and thanks again!


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You guys were great and it was fun! GL to you guys in the next round, hopefully we find ourselves on the same side ;)

Maybe we will, we'll be branching out to find new friends this round. Not to say we won't keep our old ones, but it's a new round. We may even make friends with MI :o ! And good luck to you guys too! You were great opponents!

Edited by ceasar43
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