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[CNRP] A Message from the Provisional Zambian Authority


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PZA Headquarters, Lusakya, Zambia

As Zambia stands less than one day away from it's peaceful secession from the Federal Republic of Transvaal, the Chairman of the PZA, Doyen Agobe, issued the following statement.

"Citizens of the territory of Zambia, South Angola, Transvaal, and our faraway brothers in Neo Franzharia.

The soon-to-be-established United Commonwealth of Zambia, Angola, and Franzharia (Shortly named 'Zambia')has been working very hard to bring a stable and independant state to the peoples of Zambia and Angola. By that same token we offer asylum, freedom, and refuge to our brothers in Scandinavia who wish to flee the Socialist oppression building there.

Our hearts, lands, and homes are open to you.

Now, as to the Government that the Commonwealth will employ.

The Commonwealth will be comprised of a union of the three Republics soon to be under our charge. Each territory will be headed by a Viceroy. The three Viceroys will form a council that will act as the 'Head of State' for the country and will serve concurrent life terms.

The Commonwealth as a whole will democratically elect a Prime Minister who will serve as Head of Government and Chief of Domestic Affairs, with each Territory electing a Duceroy to serve as governor.

The Commonwealth as a whole will also democratically elect a 100 seat unicameral Parliament, with each Territory electing it's own individual 25 seat Regional Parliaments.

The highest Criminal/Civil Court is the National Appellate, with the Court of the Commonwealth serving to judge and weigh the legality and consitituionality of laegislation passed by the Parliaments.

Any further questions will now be taken."

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Transvaler Krygsmagte troops deployed in Northern Rhodesia / Zambia are commencing their departure southwards. Field Marshal Paul Cruywagen, who had been maintaining his Northern HQ in Lusaka, will remain on hand for the formal independence ceremony tonight before returning to Transvaal.

According to eyewitness reports, there are festivities and dancing in the villages and in the towns as the Krygsmagte left. Although no violence has been reported, some Transvaler flags have been torn down and burnt by roving bands of civilians celebrating the end of Boer Rule over their country.

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Transvaler Krygsmagte troops deployed in Northern Rhodesia / Zambia are commencing their departure southwards. Field Marshal Paul Cruywagen, who had been maintaining his Northern HQ in Lusaka, will remain on hand for the formal independence ceremony tonight before returning to Transvaal.

According to eyewitness reports, there are festivities and dancing in the villages and in the towns as the Krygsmagte left. Although no violence has been reported, some Transvaler flags have been torn down and burnt by roving bands of civilians celebrating the end of Boer Rule over their country.

Lusakya, Zambia

Thankfully, the Red-and-White garbed officers of the Provisional Police Forces were on hand to keep things from getting far too out of control. The number of arrests in the Capital currently sits at 12, 6 for Public Drunkenness, 3 for Insubordination, 2 for Defiling a National Symbol (We're still technically Transvaal afterall), and 1 for Public Nakedness.


Chairman Agobe also issued another statement regarding Franzharia's treaty positions.

"As Franzharia is no longer a Nation-State, but a Republic of the New Commonwealth, the PZA is acting on it's behalf to activate withdrawal clauses in all treaties and/or agreements Franzharia was previously involved in as well as recalling and shutting down all foreign missions and Embassies. These changes become effective 12:01am 2/26.

Upon the proper independence of Zambia and exipration of the treaties via their respective withdrawal clauses, we will begin filling new missions as well as negotiating new treaties."

Edited by Ranather
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Namibian Governor Edmund Thomasson, an ethnic Franzharian himself, will also be making his way to Lusaka to be on hand to witness the Zambian independence ceremony.

"This is more of a private visit for nostalgic sake..." said the Governor as he was boarding his flight in Windhoek.

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Any further questions will now be taken."

"Would Zambia be interested into signing a treaty with Byzantium, someday? With that, the Provisional Government welcomes the Provisional Zambian Authority to the world with the warmest greetings."

- Supreme Commander, William Hans

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"There is a great warmth in my heart in looking at the process of Zambian independence, I wish my Franzharian brothers and sisters a greeting from here in Australia and hope that your future in Africa will be ever brighter than the conflict that we encountered in Europe. In addition, to the new government of Zambia. The Hansa has had unbreakable ties to many people comprising your ethnicity, I hope that the Hansa and Zambia in the future will build an even closer friendship even if we do not share borders or even continents. I do believe that in our minds we share the same goals."

-Prime Minister Sarah Tintagyl-Solidor of the Hanseatic Republic

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Namibian Governor Edmund Thomasson, an ethnic Franzharian himself, will also be making his way to Lusaka to be on hand to witness the Zambian independence ceremony.

"This is more of a private visit for nostalgic sake..." said the Governor as he was boarding his flight in Windhoek.

"He was a welcome and honoured guest."

"Would Zambia be interested into signing a treaty with Byzantium, someday? With that, the Provisional Government welcomes the Provisional Zambian Authority to the world with the warmest greetings."

- Supreme Commander, William Hans

"Perhaps once our affairs of state are in order we will consider it."

"There is a great warmth in my heart in looking at the process of Zambian independence, I wish my Franzharian brothers and sisters a greeting from here in Australia and hope that your future in Africa will be ever brighter than the conflict that we encountered in Europe. In addition, to the new government of Zambia. The Hansa has had unbreakable ties to many people comprising your ethnicity, I hope that the Hansa and Zambia in the future will build an even closer friendship even if we do not share borders or even continents. I do believe that in our minds we share the same goals."

-Prime Minister Sarah Tintagyl-Solidor of the Hanseatic Republic

"We appreciate your well-wishes and as soon as time permits, we would be honoured if your Ladyship would grace us with a visit."

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"We appreciate your well-wishes and as soon as time permits, we would be honoured if your Ladyship would grace us with a visit."

"At present I am in Saboria handling diplomatic affairs, however, I will make it a personal goal to arrive Zambia as soon as possible to personally congratulate you on independence Chairman Agobe."

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Once your independence is truly established, what will your foreign policy be? Especially concerning treaties?

"At this time we will choose to remain neutral and isolationist until we have proper time to survey the current global political landscape."

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"At this time we will choose to remain neutral and isolationist until we have proper time to survey the current global political landscape."

The Federal Republic of Transvaal applaudes this wise and prudent decision of the Zambians to not become entangled in the factionalism of the world. Neutrality is the best and most prosperous course of political action for Southern Africa.

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