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Black Trading Circle (black at time of initiation of full circle)

Lord Sniffle

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I'm looking to set up a black trade circle for the following bonuses:

Asphalt, Automobiles, Construction, Fine Jewelry, Microchips, Radiation Cleanup, Scholars, and Steel.

Yes, that is 8 improvements!

I have the resources Lead and Lumber and require the resources of Aluminum, Coal, Gems, Gold, Iron, Marble, Oil, Rubber, Silver, and URANIUM

The following resources are needed:

Aluminum: Bearcrawl

Coal: Incitatus

Gems: Petrovich4

Gold: Petrovich4

Iron: Squeak (Mogar)

Lead: Lord Sniffle

Lumber: Lord Sniffle


Oil: Squeak (Mogar)

Rubber: Incitatus


Uranium: Bearcrawl

Please post here if you would like to participate.

I know I am not black team, but once all the resources are found, everyone must be black team before the circle can begin.

Edited by Lord Sniffle
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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, all we need are Iron and Silver.

Now that we have come to 5 nations, I am going to begin searching for the last trade partner. As soon as I send out a few proposals to potential nations with the resources we need, you all should be getting a message in your mailboxes starting the trade ring.

Stay tuned, because now it gets exciting!

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