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The Rebuilding of Germany.


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The war in Europe was coming to an end. All over the Reich, dozens of cities were smoldering from the hundreds of air and ICBM attacks that country had substained. However, that was only the beginning. Thousands upon thousands of German citizens lay dead and millions more were left homeless. The citizens that did live out the war in their homes suffered from lack of power and other necessities, as all available resources were directed towards the war effort. Healthcare was also hard to come by, as the massive EMP attacks had shut down over 40% of the hospitals in the Greater German Reich. That wasn't the only issue, German citizens had to also worry about the massive amounts of radiation from the war in Europe. These would be trying times.

In his underground bunker, Kaiser Scolar Visari held an emergency meeting with his top advisors and military officials. In the north, the invasion of the fatherland had been stopped dead in it tracks. In the East, the Prussians had decided to accept peace terms, and the Italians in the West had stopped all offensives, and they had showed signs of surrendering very soon. With these developments, the Kaiser decided to push his plans for the rebuilding of the Reich forward immediately. This would be a very expensive undertaking, equal to the rebuilding of the fatherland in WWII and the many wars after. However, in his mind, the German people were able to accomplish anything. Therefore, he outlined the following plan to his advisors.

Greater German Reich Rebuilding and Safety Plan

1. All major power systems damaged or destroyed by the war are to be repaired, as soon as possible. These new systems are to be

designed to handle all effects from a EMP attack.

2. Infrastructure is to be repaired.

3. Areas with a high detection of Radiation will undergo massive cleaning efforts

In order to help with these massive projects, The National Defense Reserve and Military personnel will be assigned to help. Also, citizens with a construction background will be drafted to help.

Edited by Malatose
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The war in Europe was coming to an end. All over the Reich, dozens of cities were smoldering from the hundreds of air and ICBM attacks that country had substained. However, that was only the beginning. Thousands upon thousands of German citizens lay dead and millions more were left homeless. The citizens that did live out the war in their homes suffered from lack of power and other necessities, as all available resources were directed towards the war effort. Healthcare was also hard to come by, as the massive EMP attacks had shut down over 40% of the hospitals in the Greater German Reich. That wasn't the only issue, German citizens had to also worry about the massive amounts of radiation from the war in Europe. These would be trying times.

In his underground bunker, Kaiser Scolar Visari held an emergency meeting with his top advisors and military officials. In the north, the invasion of the fatherland had been stopped dead in it tracks. In the East, the Prussians had decided to accept peace terms, and the Italians in the West had stopped all offensives, and they had showed signs of surrendering very soon. With these developments, the Kaiser decided to push his plans for the rebuilding of the Reich forward immediately. This would be a very expensive undertaking, equal to the rebuilding of the fatherland in WWII and the many wars after. However, in his mind, the German people were able to accomplish anything. Therefore, he outlined the following plan to his advisors.

Greater German Reich Rebuilding and Safety Plan

1. All major power systems damaged or destroyed by the war are to be repaired, as soon as possible. These new systems are to be

designed to handle all effects from a EMP attack.

2. Infrastructure is to be repaired.

3. Areas with a high detection of Radiation will undergo massive cleaning efforts

In order to help with these massive projects, The National Defense Reserve and Military personnel will be assigned to help. Also, citizens with a construction background will be drafted to help.

Lewis De Luit, former director of the Camberlainer Humanitarian Mission: "This time, there will be no friendly hands eager to help Germany and these new non-nords out of the ashes. It is sickening to see all the hard work of the mission result in this."

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As our damage was significantly less in the war, and mainly concentrated around the immediate downtown Beijing and Shanghai areas, our rebuilding is concentrated in a much smaller area. Therefore we are loaning 500 million francos to help Germany rebuild.

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The German rebuilding effort has been moving forward at a tremendous pace. The results were simply amazing. Over 70% of all areas suffering from power outages has had their power restored. Most of these new areas were being supplied by new power stations, which have been designed to handle all effects from a possible future EMP attack.

The Kaiser had high hopes as he read the reports of the thousands of factories being re-activated. Soon, the German Empire would begin to prosper again.

Reconstruction Status:

70% of power to blacked out areas repaired.

All new systems are EMP proof with existing systems being updated to handle EMP effects.

Construction going at a moderate to swift pace.

Millions returning to work at factories and other various consumer locations.

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The rebuilding of Germany continued. The operation was now at 90% complete. Most electronics and communication centers were now hardened against EMP, especially life saving electronics. Also, modular designs were now used for quick repair operations, incase of a massive outage.

The Military used a combination of gold-plated vacuum tubes, modular designs and hardened electronics to ensure they could remain in operation incase of a massive EMP attack.

Most of the cities damaged had been reconstructed and power in all the blacked out areas were now in full operation.

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