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Chronicles of a Deposed Leader II

Razgriz 2K9

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"People of Yuktobania,I am Imran Zakhev, leader of the Yuktobanian Liberalist Party. We are shocked and saddened from the terror attack that has occured yesterday. Police has confirmed that Prime Miniser Seryozha Nikanor is missing and believed to be dead. The police has also confirmed that his deputy, Georgy Asrakov, and the majoity of members in Congress were reported dead when terror group, "The Falcons of Dawn" attacked the Parliament Complex and the Presidential Building. We shall not forget their memory, and what they have done for the people of Yuktobania. Early this morning, the people of Congress has named me as the new Prime Minister of Yuktobania. I vow to continue what our past has started, and achieve prosperity for our Motherland!!!"

Seryozha was watching the situation on TV from a secret location near ground zero in Darina, Yuktobania. He saw all of the bloodshed. He witnessed several Congressmen, as well as his closest friend, Deputy PM Asrakov confirmed dead in front of his eyes. Yet all of the Ultranationalists and the Communist lived, so he would know that it was an inside job.

One of his aides came to his study and said, "Sir, it is not safe here, you must leave the country now."

Nikanor responded, "Perhaps you are right, but who would allow me out of the country?"

"I hope you do find somewhere to lay low, once Zakhev finds this place, he would make sure you are dead."

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OOC: Transvaal may not be such a good idea, the Ultranationalist control the airways. Cainette seems more likely, since he will be travelling by boat. I might decide to pop up in Mykep's backyard. I'm gonna go ask him.

OOC: Yeah, the only problem would be how to get there, I suppose...though you copuld always come in by that boat...

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Nikanor went to collect his pistol. He kept his M1911 pistol from his days as a Yuktobanian officer. He then told his aide that he will leave for the Northern Empire. Fortunatly, his serect home was located near a harbor, which had at least a boat. While entering he saw a figure coming on to the deck.

"Kamarov, it's time to set sail, we are heading westward, away from Yuktobania for a while. Tell Nikolai to get all the guns ready too, I do not know what to expect."

Kamarov, a seargent of the Yuke Army, yet loyal to the ex-PM, responded by saying, "Yes, sir"

The ship was released from it's moors and and began to come out of Yuktobania using the cover of darkness.

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Over the next few hours, the vessel travelled through the Northern Arctic waters, the lack of a significant naval presence made it all the easier.

A next day, they were within range of the Northern Empire coastline.

"Kamarov, Nikolai," Nikanor said, "We're here, from here we shall watch Zakhev's movements" Knowing him, it will be a matter of time before they decide to invade a neighboring state.

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