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Formation of The Most Serene Republic of Duplessis

New Frontier

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Alexandre de Bergeron sat in his chambers, half listening to the radio as it crackled and hissed, occasionally giving a tidbit of information on the ongoing election. Between the static, Bergeron caught moments of clarity. Rimouski County has gone to Bergeron... Bouvier County has gone to Bergeron... Monte Robespierre County has gone to Lemieux....

Bergeron sighed. The last years had cost him many friends, and even more political allies. As he had pushed for the formation of a united Republic for the people of Duplessis, he had made more enemies than he thought possible. Representatives from the various Duplessi towns and villages and seemed almost unanimous in their opposition of a single, centralized government. However, as his movement began to pick up steam among the population of the Duplessi Region (RL: Montreal and part of the Quebec mainland), their politicians had slowly fallen in line. Now, after nearly four years of factious debate in the Council of Mayors, Bergeron found himself a leading contender for being the first President of the Most Serene Republic.

At only 36, Bergeron was easily the youngest of the candidates. Claude Lemieux, a corrupt yet popular politician from the North, was already in his mid-sixties, and that fiery populist, Guy Lefleur, practically had one foot in the grave.

Bombardier County has gone to Lefleur...

Impatient, Bergeron stood up and began to pace. A lifelong bachelor, Bergeron's greatest weakness was the lack of a proper support system. Ever since being born into one of Duplessis' wealthiest and most politically entrenched families, Alexandre had struggled. Raised almost solely by his Mother, Bergeron had never been able to truly connect with people, despite being one of the most charismatic and intelligent people Duplessis had ever produced.

The election is over! Bergeron has won! With twelve counties reporting a victory for Alexandre Bergeron, he has already secured a majority of seats! The final tally...

Bergeron knew he should be elated. This was the culmination of his life's work. And yet, he felt nothing but anxiety.

In the streets, the people cheered. Soldiers of the Grand Army of the Republic walked through the streets, holding high the new flag of Duplessis. All eyes were on the balcony of Bergeron Manor, where the newly elected President was expected to make his first speech as leader of the now united Duplessi people.

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Alexandre de Bergeron sat in his chambers, half listening to the radio as it crackled and hissed, occasionally giving a tidbit of information on the ongoing election. Between the static, Bergeron caught moments of clarity. Rimouski County has gone to Bergeron... Bouvier County has gone to Bergeron... Monte Robespierre County has gone to Lemieux....

Bergeron sighed. The last years had cost him many friends, and even more political allies. As he had pushed for the formation of a united Republic for the people of Duplessis, he had made more enemies than he thought possible. Representatives from the various Duplessi towns and villages and seemed almost unanimous in their opposition of a single, centralized government. However, as his movement began to pick up steam among the population of the Duplessi Region (RL: Montreal and part of the Quebec mainland), their politicians had slowly fallen in line. Now, after nearly four years of factious debate in the Council of Mayors, Bergeron found himself a leading contender for being the first President of the Most Serene Republic.

At only 36, Bergeron was easily the youngest of the candidates. Claude Lemieux, a corrupt yet popular politician from the North, was already in his mid-sixties, and that fiery populist, Guy Lefleur, practically had one foot in the grave.

Bombardier County has gone to Lefleur...

Impatient, Bergeron stood up and began to pace. A lifelong bachelor, Bergeron's greatest weakness was the lack of a proper support system. Ever since being born into one of Duplessis' wealthiest and most politically entrenched families, Alexandre had struggled. Raised almost solely by his Mother, Bergeron had never been able to truly connect with people, despite being one of the most charismatic and intelligent people Duplessis had ever produced.

The election is over! Bergeron has won! With twelve counties reporting a victory for Alexandre Bergeron, he has already secured a majority of seats! The final tally...

Bergeron knew he should be elated. This was the culmination of his life's work. And yet, he felt nothing but anxiety.

In the streets, the people cheered. Soldiers of the Grand Army of the Republic walked through the streets, holding high the new flag of Duplessis. All eyes were on the balcony of Bergeron Manor, where the newly elected President was expected to make his first speech as leader of the now united Duplessi people.

The Dragon Empire had picked up the radio static and had been listening into the election. Linguists, once again, had been working overtime to figure out the language. Fortunately, they had heard something like this language before out of the Rebel Virginians to their east. Once it was determined that there was an election in the process of being one, the Storm dragons sent this reply although it was gruff and punctuated by hisses and growls... "Congratulations to the new leader of Duplessis. We recognize your sovereignty and that of your people. Please define your domain."

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Having addressed his people, the newly chosen President of Duplessis took a seat at his office desk and began to pen an open letter to the outside world.

To All it May Concern,

Recently, the people of Duplessis have taken it upon themselves to unite under one centralized government in the form of the Most Serene Republic of Duplessis. In doing so, they have chosen myself, Alexandre de Bergeron, as the first President of the Republic.

In the past weeks we have mobilized the Grand Amry of the Republic to secure our borders, which include the city of Montreal and the outlying areas (OOC: See here). Any attempt to infringe, invade or otherwise compromise our sovereignty shall be dealt with swiftly.


Alexandre de Bergeron


The Most Serene Republic of Duplessis

Edited by New Frontier
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