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Dispatch from the Grand Army of Europe


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The Grand Army of Europe has by unanimous consent admitted the People's Democratic Republic of Sicily into its ranks. As such any further aggression against the country will be taken as a hostile act on the Grand Army of Europe.

Signed for the Security Council

Commandant Han Feizi, Imperial Marshall of UFE Forces Europe and Commandant of the Grand Army of Europe

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The population rise up againt their ruler and forcefully take their independance. Some would class them as a free people, as yourselves do whilst others like ourselves see them as terrorists that need to be squashed. Its all a fact of opinion.

Estovakia would do well to stop now.

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The population rise up againt their ruler and forcefully take their independance. Some would class them as a free people, as yourselves do whilst others like ourselves see them as terrorists that need to be squashed. Its all a fact of opinion.

Your own Russian allies have called the regime which they rose up against a danger to regional stability.

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Your own Russian allies have called the regime which they rose up against a danger to regional stability.

Maybe so but that is their opinion where as mine is different and so I shall say what I feel and they shall say what they feel. For example I don't see Gebiv as havebeen a danger to regional stability as other than supporting their allies they did nothing wrong.

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Estovakia would do well to stop now.

The Republic of Rebel Virginia takes no issue with Estovokia voicing their opinion, however, if any harm comes to the citizens of Sicily, or if any of them are killed as Estovkia promised, we will make sure that there is hell to pay for. Other than that, we congratulate the fledgling nation of Sicily on finding themselves in honorable company.

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Due to the fact that we are clearly not prepared to face such powerful opposition we retract our threat of death to the Sicilian people however, we will be watching them closely.

"We will not kill unarmed civilians because the world will not tolerate it. If the world did allow us to kill unarmed civilians, you'd know we'd go to town on them."

Bravo good sir. We could only ever dream of having your resolve and moral congruity

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