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Imperial Statement from the Empire of the Netherlands

Mergerberger II

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So we make it perfectly clear, as our previous statement was made by a junior staffer who considered a humourous response best suited to a quite humourous affair, in lieu of an official statement by the Foreign Press Secretery, we have prepared the following statement:

The Tahoe Republic is commited to anti-colonial efforts in North and South America. As stated in the O'Deaghaidh Doctrine, any and all promgulmation of colonialism in the Americas will be met with diplomatic pressure and, if needed, military force. In roundtable discussions with our allies, particularly in the Dutch Empire, Tahoe has concluded that Andonia is not currently a threat to the Tahoe Republic, although the Dutch Intelligence services feel that Andonia is a threat to their national security (a view corroborated by many in the Tahoe Military Intelligence) and that Andonia is a current destabilizing influence on the region. We have been assured that any military action is not a colonial effort and shall be short lived, only lasting until the mission is complete. The O'Deaghaidh Doctrine protects America from colonies, it does not prohibit non-Americans from dealing with national security issues originating in the American continents.

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So we make it perfectly clear, as our previous statement was made by a junior staffer who considered a humourous response best suited to a quite humourous affair, in lieu of an official statement by the Foreign Press Secretery, we have prepared the following statement:

The Tahoe Republic is commited to anti-colonial efforts in North and South America. As stated in the O'Deaghaidh Doctrine, any and all promgulmation of colonialism in the Americas will be met with diplomatic pressure and, if needed, military force. In roundtable discussions with our allies, particularly in the Dutch Empire, Tahoe has concluded that Andonia is not currently a threat to the Tahoe Republic, although the Dutch Intelligence services feel that Andonia is a threat to their national security (a view corroborated by many in the Tahoe Military Intelligence) and that Andonia is a current destabilizing influence on the region. We have been assured that any military action is not a colonial effort and shall be short lived, only lasting until the mission is complete. The O'Deaghaidh Doctrine protects America from colonies, it does not prohibit non-Americans from dealing with national security issues originating in the American continents.

We thank the Tahoe Republic for their support in this matter.

At your request I modify my statements against the Dutch, they are not uncouth thuggish murderers but rather inhuman genocidal murderers.

The killing of refugees is deplorable, but an attack against civilians in a neutral port is unforgivable.

Hansea was recovering from nuclear devastation, but the Dutch just had to launch an offensive to massacre Andonian refugees. How many Hanseans died in the crossfire? Even one would have been one too many.

How many Hanseans didn’t get essential aid? A major port closing for days in a situation where every minute is the difference between life and death is unacceptable.

Lady Tintagyl is too forgiving, too innocent to hold a vendetta, a paradigm of humanity; which is why I will never forgive them, ever. I don’t care if Sarah has forgive them - I wouldn’t care if they were personally absolved by her holiness Pope Hope and all the nations in Heaven and Earth.

Now the Dutch chase down what few Andonians remain to satisfy their own bloodlust. This is not war, it’s murder.


From the office of Generalissimo, Generalissimo of Procinctia

Good God, give it a rest already.

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Good God, give it a rest already.
Give it a rest?

Unfortunately it doesn’t work like that, one does not get to walk away from Genocide and murder like afternoon tea.

Where ever you go, whatever the international forum or format, we will be there to loudly and obstinately remind you of the blood on your hands.


From the office of Generalissimo, Generalissimo of Procinctia

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Our justification for this conflict is as follows:


We attempted several times to 1) admit that mistakes were made during the operation, 2) express our feelings of empathy with the Andonians, and 3) correct their perception of what a Genocide is. They ignored each attempt and continued to insult us with methods used to teach two year olds not to do things they are not supposed to, such as repeating it.


Here we can see more subtle insults to the Republic. They continually whine and carry on about their attack and their farse of a genocide, yet they continue to lack production of any sort of evidence of any actions taking place. Our civilian loss estimates tally 2,000, while theirs tally 15,000. They are spreading lies to the world, that is undeniable.


And the earliest example of blatant outright hatred, which we combated with acceptance, while they only attempted to draw us out even more.


Here they announced that they are naming their new capital ship 'Dutch-Bane', and only reconsider this name once their allies put pressure upon them. This is a poor attempt to conceal their hatred of the old Republic and of the current Empire.


And here they state that they will 'Never live on Dutch lands', after we offer them some of our homeland for their own personal use as they see fit. They insulted us with this, declaring that, somehow, our lands were unfit for their people, that somehow they were better than us.

Evidence of the Andonian Arms Trade:

Dutch computer systems intercepted and subsequently decoded a message sent by the Andonian government to an unknown recipient. Although it was encrypted, the system was easily cracked by Dutch computers (OOC: I have 90% odds on him).


Evidence of spying on Dutch classified happenings:


There is no way that he could have known what had been going on in the Netherlands at that particular time unless he had someone working on the inside. We also feel, once again, that this is an insult to our people and our nation, his statement was rather ethnocentric in that it not only stereotyped all Dutchmen as genocidal maniacs, but it also stated that his newspaper was the only reliable newspaper in existence.

We will say nothing more on the matter.

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Evidence of the Andonian Arms Trade:

Dutch computer systems intercepted and subsequently decoded a message sent by the Andonian government to an unknown recipient. Although it was encrypted, the system was easily cracked by Dutch computers (OOC: I have 90% odds on him).


International Arms trade? It’s called capitalism, GIAS shouldn’t have been banning firearms, the market should sort things like that out.

I have evidence J Andres and Procinctia publicly conducted large-scale weapons trades at the Inner_Heaven International Arms Bazaar, an event hosted by the Transvaal separatist and confessed mercenary arms dealer Large_Leader. Several states and world leaders were personally acquainted with Don Brando, a Sicilian whose enterprise was dubious at best. Compared to that sort of thing Andonia was a bit player.

Even accepting the warrant of illegal arms trading, the affairs of the Far East are not of your concern, even if they were it is not enough to eradicate an entire population


From the office of Generalissimo, Generalissimo of Procinctia

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Men and women who are infuriated or in grief say many things. As for arms trade? Not worth killing a people for.
Just to inform everyone that the Andonian people are almost all gone except for a few remaianing eladers who msut be hunted down and elimanted.
Genocide is the eradication of a national (or ethnic) group, the Dutch eradicated the Andonians, the Dutch thus committed genocide.

Simple logic really.


From the office of Generalissimo, Generalissimo of Procinctia

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Genocide is the eradication of a national (or ethnic) group, the Dutch eradicated the Andonians, the Dutch thus committed genocide.

Simple logic really.

That is what I was trying to explain to him earlier
The Dutch Empire’s current leadership seem unable to comprehend the depth of their actions.

The Dutch have committed, intentionally or not, ethnic cleasing.

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