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[CNRPS]A relatively advanced tribe of storm dragons expands from their city-state.

Maelstrom Vortex

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A source of radio emissions was detected far to the north of TWTNW's zone of influence. Though extremely distorted and barely detectable, valiant efforts from the Dusk Technological Operators have managed to obtain a sample of what sounded like Grunts, Hissing, and Clicking noises coming from some sort of source in the Eastern part of North America.

Sentient Species occupying the same world as the Nobodies was nothing surprising, or even of note. Oftentimes, the strategic position of The Dark City on a narrow isthmus between the two Continents forced travelers to pass through. The transmission was received without much fanfare and filed away for translation.

In the meantime, the only word isolated was repeated on a broad-spectrum announcement.

"Hello. Hello. Hello..."

The Dragons picked up on another more local signal. They were very disturbed to hear their own words repeated back to them in a loop that sounded like a hollow echo. They would investigate this later. Their immediate concern was in their own back yard and the ones with whom they were actually holding somewhat of a conversation so many miles away.

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Several merchants from Mounlantia arrive in the Storm Dragon Empire. Doubling as pathfinders and explorers, they spread their goods and services throughout the land. Coincidentially they also new the majority of languages in the land; and taught their own to who would listen (their language is here)

The party was largely made up of Artures, 13 of them, but also 3 Volanus (volatilis + tabernus = latin) came along as well. They had 1 Steam tank and 3 Paxgnus's, with the Pax's partially filled with goods from many encountered nations.

OOC: Anyone else in north america/south america can RP the arrival of some of these; just PM me about it.

The Storm Dragons found these races very curious.. their steam tank, even more a marvel. They would ask for more information about how the steam equipment worked.. given the abundance of coal in their area, the alternate technology to petrol or bio fuels may actually be incredibly useful. They even offered to purchase many of the designs the merchants may have brought with them.

The Emperor sent a diplomat to their leader via Rocket-Suit (The Dragon alternative to Jet aircraft was to build jets around their bodies aka, Rocket Suits, to simply propel and support their natural anatomy). The diplomat arrived at the location indicated by the Merchants as the domain of the Mounlantian Capitol City. He sought the diplomatic offices.. once found, he delivered a proposal, "The Emperor hereby proposes a trade. You manufacture steam tanks for us. We will give you coal to fuel your tanks! We only ask you scale them up faintly to fit us."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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The Storm Dragons found these races very curious.. their steam tank, even more a marvel. They would ask for more information about how the steam equipment worked.. given the abundance of coal in their area, the alternate technology to petrol or bio fuels may actually be incredibly useful. They even offered to purchase many of the designs the merchants may have brought with them.

The Emperor sent a diplomat to their leader via Rocket-Suit (The Dragon alternative to Jet aircraft was to build jets around their bodies aka, Rocket Suits, to simply propel and support their natural anatomy). The diplomat arrived at the location indicated by the Merchants as the domain of the Mounlantian Capitol City. He sought the diplomatic offices.. once found, he delivered a proposal, "The Emperor hereby proposes a trade. You manufacture steam tanks for us. We will give you coal to fuel your tanks! We only ask you scale them up faintly to fit us."

The Merchants would of seold the design, but it would need fixing for a Dragon.


The people in Mounlantia were startled at this....winged thing coming from the sky. It did not attack, so they left it alone. A traveling merchant was found and brought forward to talk with the Dragon. Once they found out about the deal, they accepted and started designing a new tank for their new allies.

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A Artures shouts and rounds out of his workshop. Nearby Artures come forward, look at the sheet, then shout as well. They managed to remake the Steam-tank for the Storm Dragons, which means more coal which means less rationing their limited supply! They could start trading with the Dragons! The day was then called a holiday. Although the tank went slower & more costly, it was bigger and more defended.


OOC: Lol! When I put that black thing in there the metal around it went blackish; like as if the Spore engine new that it was coal! /freaks out

(is it possible to attach things?)

Edited by JerreyRough
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The Storm Dragons were introduced to the design. They approved.. and made their own modifications. THey added an armored top cover through which the stack went through.. and added a rear viewing slit for the gunners. "Magnificent work. We're going to need a few thousand of these.. how many do you think you can produce a month?"

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The Storm Dragons were introduced to the design. They approved.. and made their own modifications. THey added an armored top cover through which the stack went through.. and added a rear viewing slit for the gunners. "Magnificent work. We're going to need a few thousand of these.. how many do you think you can produce a month?"

"Well, we've never tried to mass-produce them like that. Most of ours have been made at home. However, we have some factory's not in use and we think about 800 Steam Dragons per month." The Artures sees the Dragon's new designs, perfected them abit more, then gave it back. "We had the open-topped design so then a Dragon, or another, could easily get in again if the crew is killed, but we see that the top will protect the crew more." The Artures ponders.

OOC: If I have your email, I can send you this & you can modify. :awesome:

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Chiaku Nazuma, a radio operator in Olympia was randomly scanning various frequencies when he heard a single word spoken in a rough voice "Hello" the voice was heavy accented and sounded like a growl. But whoever it was, was clearly intelligent and had learned one of their words.

This was indeed puzzling, it lacked inflection and was so faint that it could not be from Olympia, She got in contact with her supervisor "We have encountered a unknown transmission, what shall we do?" The supervisor replied "Do we know where it is from?" Chiaku replied "It seems to be from the north east at a distance of greater than 7000 units, we have also picked up other signals in the area but we can not understand them", "Very well I will contact the ranger first contact squad, They will have a long journey ahead to investigate this, Also I want you to focus a television signal towards that direction and play that children's language program" The supervisor replied. Chiaku went into the tape library and found some of the older episodes of the "Children's Television Hour" and put them in the tape player and pointed a directional antenna to the north east and turned the signal strength dial up to full, "Lets see what they do now" She said to her supervisor and they both nodded at each other and sat around and waited for something to happen.

Rei Malici and her squad boarded a transport aircraft with float pods in the harbour and the plane flew towards the direction the unknown signals,

Several other similar planes took off as well and they would drop fuel dumps along the way and return. This was one of the longest flights that Olympia had ever accomplished and they were very excited.

Eventually they travelled across the great ocean reached the continent that the old maps had shown was there. The maps had warned of many dangers in this area and they landed the plane and continued their journey on motorcycles being careful to avoid areas marked as hazardous until they came close to the border of the area that the signal had came from. There was a small settlement here with a large wall with what looked like turrets on it. The squad then rode up to the gates to see what would happen.

The turrets would turn to face them, and the gates would open.. then the turrets would turn to a normal position. A set of guards just inside the gates waved the riders in and waited for them to get situated and to introduce themselves.

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The rangers dismounted and dusted themselves off.

The took a large box of scrolls from the back of the motorcycle and spoke to a guard.

*Clears Throat* "Greetings, we are a party from Olympia and we wish to speak with your leader, we have brought a gift of scrolls containing the stories of out people as a token of friendship, We wish to speak with your leader about trading between us" The ranger captain said in thickly accented draconic as she read from a scroll. She had recently had the scroll delivered by a messenger from the ship.

She reached into her leg pouch and produced a small bottle of wine and offered it to the guard. "Please see to it that we see him soon" she said and smiled.

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The rangers dismounted and dusted themselves off.

The took a large box of scrolls from the back of the motorcycle and spoke to a guard.

*Clears Throat* "Greetings, we are a party from Olympia and we wish to speak with your leader, we have brought a gift of scrolls containing the stories of out people as a token of friendship, We wish to speak with your leader about trading between us" The ranger captain said in thickly accented draconic as she read from a scroll. She had recently had the scroll delivered by a messenger from the ship.

She reached into her leg pouch and produced a small bottle of wine and offered it to the guard. "Please see to it that we see him soon" she said and smiled.

The Guard nodded. He took the wine carefully and made a gesture with a clawed hand that seems to indicate to follow him. They were taken back behind the walls, the turrets.. the gates closed behind them. The guard took them to, basically a guardhouse next to the wall. He picked up a phone and spoke into it, "Visitors.. cat folk. Diplomacy have a dossier on them?".... "Neo Olympians? You have an interpreter.. okay.. please hold.." He offered the phone to the ranger.

It is assumed the ranger will likely pick up, if they do, they hear this, "Greetings from the Storm Dragon Empire, we have been anticipating you may arrive. You're going to need to come to the City of Dragonisia, to the capitol, to meet our leaders. Follow the guard, he will put you on a high speed rail to here." They spoke in the cat folk's tongue.

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The Guard nodded. He took the wine carefully and made a gesture with a clawed hand that seems to indicate to follow him. They were taken back behind the walls, the turrets.. the gates closed behind them. The guard took them to, basically a guardhouse next to the wall. He picked up a phone and spoke into it, "Visitors.. cat folk. Diplomacy have a dossier on them?".... "Neo Olympians? You have an interpreter.. okay.. please hold.." He offered the phone to the ranger.

It is assumed the ranger will likely pick up, if they do, they hear this, "Greetings from the Storm Dragon Empire, we have been anticipating you may arrive. You're going to need to come to the City of Dragonisia, to the capitol, to meet our leaders. Follow the guard, he will put you on a high speed rail to here." They spoke in the cat folk's tongue.

The ranger said in accented Draconic "This is acceptable, we will take our motorbikes as well, we look forward to meeting you and trading with your people", The party of rangers then got directions to the train station and rode there.

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At the train station, they were given luxury class accommodations on the train and a car was set aside for containing their bikes. Unfortunately, what was considered luxurious to a dragon may not be so appealing to the cat-folk. The dragons typically slept on cloth covered beds shaped like nests of hay or feather down. In the case of the train, it was hay.

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After a time, they arrived in Dragonisia (Modern day Frankfurt, KY approximately). An interpreter who knew their language greeted them at the station, "Welcome to Dragonisia. I hope the ride was not to uncomfortable? I am Malys Rubicant. Who might you be?" The Dragoness was dressed in a ceremonial battle armor. The society was obviously very spartan-like in their nature. Her speach was kind off odd.. as her four jaws moved when she spoke to emulate the proper sounds which were still very accented. Her features were different than the males in that the females were a bit more slender.. she seemed much more wirey, dexterous in build.

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"I am misako Ido of the longspear tribe" The captain said and bowed "I am pleased to make your acquaintance"

"The journey was interesting we saw much that interested us, We can speak in your language now since our scholars have unravelled most of it" She said with a smile and spoke in the draconic language "Please take us to see your emperor so that we can give him these gifts from our leader the most esteemed Markov." She indicated to the box of scrolls that two other rangers were carrying. Her whiskers twitched the entire time she spoke draconic.

Edited by Vasili Markov
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On the way through the streets of the capitol, they would notice a line of J-2 bombers taking off from the local Military base.... A huge flight was organizing over the city, "We apologize if what you see is going to make you nervous. We just dropped to our highest defense condition. A nation known as the Dorogo has attacked us in the north with a raiding team and slaughtered an entire.. lightly defended.. settlement town for no apparent reason. The bombers you see organizing above are our retaliation flight." The motorcade sped tot he streets and finally came to a rest at the Palace. A few minutes later.. the roar of jet engines were heard as one of the J-1s slowed to a stall.. the legs unlocked.. and the Emperor landed in the courtyard. He removed his helmet. His face was covered in blood and under his arm was the head of a Dorogo warrior.

He wiped his brow. It had been a long day. He was tiring. Malys approached him, "Greetings Emperor." She bowed respectfully low to the ground, spreading her wings.

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"Greetings, Emperor. I am I am Misako Ido of the longspear tribe and I speak for the most esteemed chief Markov" She said and bowed formally "My husband the chief wants you to have these scrolls as a token of friendship, they contain the history of our people as handed down through the ages from our forefathers" She indicated to the rangers to hand over the box and they placed the box at the Emperor's feet. Then bowed formally to the Emperor then to the captain then went back to where they were standing before.

"I also have been asked to invite you to attend the great hunt as part of my husbands party, he wishes to discuss many things with you." She said.

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"The Empire.. and myself.. are honored by these gifts and this offer. I would gladly join you.. after I deal with the threat to our north. Perhaps your people would help us? The enemy is strong. They will not be easily made to surrender. Their cannibalistic behavior.. tends to make me think peace also not will come with ease. We will send back with you, a keg of our finest drink and a treaty proposal. Should you wish to accept, send your forces straight away and respond by radio. Time is precious. " His voice boomed like thunder. He was the Emperor.. purely because he was the strongest, largest, and most intelligent of their species. A true meritocracy was their society on all levels, down to physical might.


1. Signatories agree not to war with each other.

2. Signatories of this treaty agree to free trade.

3. Signatories of this treaty grant freedom of military movement through their sovereign domains so long as the intent is solely transit.

4. Signatories of this treaty agree to allow the free flow of capital financing between their respective nations in terms of private investment and ownership.

5. Signatories of this treaty agree to share intelligence of any geostrategic threats to their partners as soon as they become aware.

6. Signatories of this treaty pledge to co-operate in scientific research and development. (ooc: This allows Signatories to take advantage of a tech-sharing option if they wish and it would be beneficial. Please consult the tech-sharing formula in my signature.)

7.This treaty may be canceled anytime with a 24 hours Notice.

8. Signatories agree to support each other during times of war, defensive or aggressive although for an aggressive war, the other treaty member must be consulted at least 48 hours in advance of planned operations.

>> Treaty Class: MDAP <<

Maelstrom Vortex,

-- Emperor of the Storm Dragon Empire

*Signet Ring Stamped by Misako*

Malys, would, of course.. interpret everything for the Emperor.

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Misako handed the document to one of the rangers and asked her to radio the chief with it.

About an hour later a reply came authorising her to sign it with the signet of the tribe in her wedding ring.

She melted some wax and placed a large blob of wax and a ribbon decorated with small feathers on the document and pressed her ring into the wax She then cut herself and put a small drop of blood under the seal.

She asked to see Malys, again and she handed her the sealed treaty.

"We have read this treaty and we have approved it." She said.

"It will take us several days but we can get a detachment of ranger advance scouts here to scout for your army and locate these cannibals. We will tell you of their locations when we find them and if they are too many we will wait till your heavy troops arrive. Our heaver units will take a week to arrive since we need to send them by ship" She said and smiled.

"We hope that this is acceptable"

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We shall send Yoshi Longtail one of our oldest allies to be the ambassador to here.

Style: Modernised longhouse.

Living equipment: We shall bring our own things.

Ambassador: Yoshi Longtail of the Longtail clan. The entire Longtail clan (50 people) will come as aides to the embassy.

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