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Do deployed soldiers return home with the nuclear strike or do they remain deployed until forced to return home by GA/defeat alert or some other normal event (other than nukes )?

Using % of my total population again, I get nuked with the FSS while having 40% deployed/40% at home

40% deployed/20% home

0% deployed/60% home

Which of these happens? I assume that since deployed soldiers are always returned home with an anarchy that the second scenario would be the correct one (in which case the FSS isn't completely useless) but would like to confirm this.

Also, don't hijack this thread plz thx kbye :wub:

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Would probably be quicker to nuke one of the 189 nations in possession of the FSS to find out for yourself :jihad: :awesome:

I would agree with your assessment of option 2 being the most likely, but then again nuclear anarchy is not the same as normal anarchy so maybe the troops won't automatically return home. This is quite the quandary you've presented here AP, congratulations :D

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well, if you want to waste money on an experement, buy one, have a buddy declare war on you, and have him fire enough nukes to get by the SDI I assume you have.

Course, considering how much infra/land/tech damage would be incurred, it would be a very expensive experiment. (if you do it, let us know)

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Deployed forces return to defend when your nation's defenses are depleted to the point that anarchy will ensue. The primary indicator is the number of forces, not the state of anarchy. The Fallout Shelter System keeps your deployed troops deployed unless you somehow do not have enough defending forces to 'maintain order' after the nuclear strike. If you have a full complement of defending soldiers when the strike hits, then your deployed forces will remain to fight on in your glorious name. If you already were depleted to the point where half of your remaining forces are not enough to stave off anarchy from a normal battle standpoint, then your people will return to the home front.

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Deployed forces return to defend when your nation's defenses are depleted to the point that anarchy will ensue. The primary indicator is the number of forces, not the state of anarchy. The Fallout Shelter System keeps your deployed troops deployed unless you somehow do not have enough defending forces to 'maintain order' after the nuclear strike. If you have a full complement of defending soldiers when the strike hits, then your deployed forces will remain to fight on in your glorious name. If you already were depleted to the point where half of your remaining forces are not enough to stave off anarchy from a normal battle standpoint, then your people will return to the home front.

Sweet, this just confirms that the FSS actually hurts you by purchasing it.

It should probably be fixed to what I had assumed in the OP or it actually does hurt you :-\

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Sweet, this just confirms that the FSS actually hurts you by purchasing it.

It should probably be fixed to what I had assumed in the OP or it actually does hurt you :-\

As a player, I never found any reason to really have it. I'll bump it over to admin and see what he wants to do with it.

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As a player, I never found any reason to really have it. I'll bump it over to admin and see what he wants to do with it.

Reasons for it -

Airforce protection after being nuked, and maybe 1 less navy ship lost

Reasons against it -

All other wonders save the FAC are better

If deployed soldiers do not get returned it actually hurts you to have the FSS

It prevents you from getting another wonder, setting you back 30 days

What it really should do gameplay wise is -

# Fallout Shelter System - $40,000,000 - Allows 50% of your defending soldiers to survive a nuclear strike (also returns deployed soldiers home and prevents instant anarchy from the nuclear strike), reduces tank and cruise missile losses from a nuclear strike by -25%, Reduces nuclear vulnerable navy losses and aircraft losses by 50%, Reduces nuclear anarchy effects by 1 day. Requires 6,000 infrastructure, 2,000 technology.

That would make it a wonder which was actually somewhat beneficial and no longer one which actually hurts your nation.

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