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Message Error


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Ok, so the problem is that I was sent a message by our Financial Mistress and on the message which was to send money to a nation:

When she sent that message, the name Joh$%&*59 didn't come but later then on IRC she responded back with johns259 as his name... I think that was a small glitch. I know the only time it shows symbols is when you type in vulgar words, but I don't see johns as a vulgar.

Dictorial Appendage - send money to Chasebase

Marine - send money to Lylia Kinkaydia Rose

Vyper - send money to Joh$%&*59

Chasebase - send tech to Marine and Vyper

Lylia Kinkaydia Rose - send tech to Dictorial Appendage and Vyper

Joh$%&*59 - send tech to Dictorial Appendage and Marine

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hmm... i think it's a browser glitch... i just noticed when the whole web site i was in went completely digital on me. i had to go use IE instead of FF... i guess this means question answered...

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