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Surrender terms for NAAW


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Surrender terms for NAAW are as follows:

Peace ALL OFFENSIVE ATTACKS, and remain in a state of neutrality for 7 days following last offensive attack. Current attacks will will be allowed expire. Any offensive attacks made by any nation bearing the NAAW banner will be open to attack. EDITED PER MI'S REQUEST

Somehow the war got off topic, as boredom remains undefeated and rampant in the cyberverse. People treat their nations like a tamagotchi. They feed it, pet it and it gives them nothing in return except for bragging rights. "Look at me", they say "I'm ranked 68th overall." This means nothing in the scheme of things, as whatever you accomplish this round will be destroyed at reset. Instead I urge the members of planet Steve to fight this boredom, seek it out and destroy it wherever it may seek out safe haven. Fight tyrants, be a tyrant, it matters not, as this is the only way to to kick boredom square in the nads.

Edited by shortstar
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Surrender terms for NAAW are as follows:

Disband and return to your former alliances.

As we have never had ANY problems from NAAC any nation switching to that AA will be offered white peace. Any nation remaining in NAAW will be considered hostile.

Being admitted by the former leader of the NAAW, WAPA considers all remaining nations using the NAAW AA to be ghosting. We find this to be a risk to our own alliance, as well as any other alliance that the ghosts might try and attack.

NAAW nations will have no peace offered to them as they have made it clear they wish to continue this conflict.

WAPA will not surrender to any terms you have, and the chest beating will not help you. It entertains me that you think so highly of your fighting ability.

Somehow the war got off topic, as boredom remains undefeated and rampant in the cyberverse. People treat their nations like a tamagotchi. They feed it, pet it and it gives them nothing in return except for bragging rights. "Look at me", they say "I'm ranked 68th overall." This means nothing in the scheme of things, as whatever you accomplish this round will be destroyed at reset. Instead I urge the members of planet Steve to fight this boredom, seek it out and destroy it wherever it may seek out safe haven. Fight tyrants, be a tyrant, it matters not, as this is the only way to to kick boredom square in the nads.

Im sorry we will not disband, you can fight us the rest of the round if youd like.

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WAPA will not surrender to any terms you have, and the chest beating will not help you. It entertains me that you think so highly of your fighting ability.

This line in particular entertains me. As Im guessing you guys were more than willing to hit us while we were crippled for destroying you last round, twice. :)

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LOL WAPA went to hell after cyan left as you can all see.

Forcing disbandment is something that none of us have done before and frankly your letting your "power" go to your head. No one is going to listen to you and I DO believe BG promising me that WAPA was going to back down along with TPF. "AS of this post time TPF will be with drawing from the war and sending word to WAPA to stand down as well." - BG

Btw, you should have asked me what I meant in that quote before acting stupid. I didn't actually mean they were ghosting. It was a bad choice of words. I just meant there were a lot of nations that I wasn't in total control of or didn't know very well, however, there are many that check our boards still and listen to our commands.

Edited by FreedomvilleAT
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Of course they will be back. That's the part thats best about all of TE. Nothing matters. Not what I say or type or anyone else. Bravado, chest thumping, random raids, who won, who lost. It all starts anew in 4 weeks. Come back and have more fun.

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Forcing disbandment is something that none of us have done before and frankly your letting your "power" go to your head. No one is going to listen to you and I DO believe BG promising me that WAPA was going to back down along with TPF. "AS of this post time TPF will be with drawing from the war and sending word to WAPA to stand down as well." - BG

I don't think Burning Glory has power over another alliance sovereign alliance. So I don't get what your trying to make with that comment. I'd really appreciate it if you please explain the meaning behind it.

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LOL WAPA went to hell after cyan left as you can all see.

Forcing disbandment is something that none of us have done before and frankly your letting your "power" go to your head. No one is going to listen to you and I DO believe BG promising me that WAPA was going to back down along with TPF. "AS of this post time TPF will be with drawing from the war and sending word to WAPA to stand down as well." - BG

Btw, you should have asked me what I meant in that quote before acting stupid. I didn't actually mean they were ghosting. It was a bad choice of words. I just meant there were a lot of nations that I wasn't in total control of or didn't know very well, however, there are many that check our boards still and listen to our commands.

The quit flaming and fight. You have numerical advantage, and are being attacked by an alliance with 1/3rd the troops and instead of fighting you are crying and two stepping around what was supposed a sincere post (referring to your apology you made). It makes me wonder how much of your post was sincere.

Your post is one made from a weak position. Answer this, if WAPA has went to hell, why arent you mounting your counter-attack? Surely, you dont need to call up another alliance to help with lil ole us?

What bothers you most, the fact that you have a tiny alliance attacking you, or the fact that you cant beat em off by yourself?

You have the right not to disband, and we have the right to keep on attacking.

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Ummm NO! Keep attacking. Wait your guys already did. Real classy WAPA. This round is over for us. Do what you want But I will remember how honorable your people are.

You bring honor into this?

Fact 1

Your alliance was going to war. You plans were discovered. You got caught with your hand in the cookie jar. We shut your hand in it.

Fact 2

The definition of classy and the definition of war do not work well together.

Fact 3

I dont remember us whining about being beaten last round?

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If you truly believe this you are not a very bright person. Your alliance has double the AVG nation strength as we do, TPF also hit with you so its not like you were alone, we just got done getting beat down so we are weak and repairing from that as well.. I could go on and on on how this wast a "lil ole me" alliance attacking us.

What bothers you most, that we consistently beat you down before ? or that you have to wait till we are in a wheel chair to punch us back ?

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If you truly believe this you are not a very bright person. Your alliance has double the AVG nation strength as we do, TPF also hit with you so its not like you were alone, we just got done getting beat down so we are weak and repairing from that as well.. I could go on and on on how this wast a "lil ole me" alliance attacking us.

What bothers you most, that we consistently beat you down before ? or that you have to wait till we are in a wheel chair to punch us back ?

I am not bothered at all, nor do i think my post state i am bothered.

People always bring last round into current topics. That's pretty sad.

Just fight, quit complaining.

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The quit flaming and fight. You have numerical advantage, and are being attacked by an alliance with 1/3rd the troops and instead of fighting you are crying and two stepping around what was supposed a sincere post (referring to your apology you made). It makes me wonder how much of your post was sincere.

Your post is one made from a weak position. Answer this, if WAPA has went to hell, why arent you mounting your counter-attack? Surely, you dont need to call up another alliance to help with lil ole us?

What bothers you most, the fact that you have a tiny alliance attacking you, or the fact that you cant beat em off by yourself?

You have the right not to disband, and we have the right to keep on attacking.

I'm not doing anything, I'm not even leader. So it's not "me" kthanx.

Also, BG said he could stop WAPA's attack, thats why I said it.

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I'm not doing anything, I'm not even leader. So it's not "me" kthanx.

Also, BG said he could stop WAPA's attack, thats why I said it.

Indeed, it just seemed to me like you were trying to sling some mud over his way. In which case I don't really like...considering you just apologized to him and TPF. And hence wanted to figure if that was your purpose or not.

That said, I still don't understand why you said it. BG can't control another sovereign alliance to step-down. Nobody can do that, we can all influence alliances to a reasonable degree but it's ultimately that sovereign alliances choice. So it does not make sense to place all your egg's in one basket in hopes of ending the war or make that comment. And seems like you were just trying to sling mud his way...

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I am not whining about anything. I am only commenting about what your guys did to me. Spin all you like. Chief and Andymac64 took a cheap shot at me. I will remember it.

I have fought others. LE beat me up bad last war but acted with respect and honor. I ended up liking and respecting them. Your alliance not so much. Stop whining about what I observed and and maybe next time impress upon your alliance that if you act with respect you will be respected, If your people continue to act like they did they tarnish the name of WAPA.

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Indeed, it just seemed to me like you were trying to sling some mud over his way. In which case I don't really like...considering you just apologized to him and TPF. And hence wanted to figure if that was your purpose or not.

That said, I still don't understand why you said it. BG can't control another sovereign alliance to step-down. Nobody can do that, we can all influence alliances to a reasonable degree but it's ultimately that sovereign alliances choice. So it does not make sense to place all your egg's in one basket in hopes of ending the war or make that comment. And seems like you were just trying to sling mud his way...

How is telling WAPA that BG wanted to get them to peace out, slinging mud in his face?

You're just twisting things around in your own mind rather than seeing what's really being said.

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How is telling WAPA that BG wanted to get them to peace out, slinging mud in his face?

You're just twisting things around in your own mind rather than seeing what's really being said.

Because you said it via a public forum when it was relevant to the topic at hand. Due to TPF no longer being involved, this conflict is between WAPA & NAAW. Not TPF...so thing's like that don't need to be said.

But if you don't mean it in that manner, I apologize. As I said above, I'm only telling you what it seemed like to me.

Good day to you, I haven't spoken to you in ages besides tonight.

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I am not whining about anything. I am only commenting about what your guys did to me. Spin all you like. Chief and Andymac64 took a cheap shot at me. I will remember it.

I have fought others. LE beat me up bad last war but acted with respect and honor. I ended up liking and respecting them. Your alliance not so much. Stop whining about what I observed and and maybe next time impress upon your alliance that if you act with respect you will be respected, If your people continue to act like they did they tarnish the name of WAPA.

By attacking you? Please disclose all information for us to hear so that we will better understand your position.

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Last night we told to offer peace under the impression that the war over per BG's statement. I sent peace offers to everyone. Your guys decided to attack me again today with air attacks, CM's, ground attacks then offer peace to me. Instead of just accepting peace. Like I said cheap shots. War sucks and I took a beating. I don't mind my nation is in ruins anyway. It just speaks to their honor. Like I said before when I fought LE we had a good war then when it was over everyone offered and accepted peace. We exchanged a few pleasant PM's about a good fight and how we enjoyed it. That is how it's done. I like those guy's. What your guys did was just cheap shots. I don't like or respect them.

That is my position and it's OK if you don't agree. You may feel different about how war is done but you live with consequences.

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Last night we told to offer peace under the impression that the war over per BG's statement. I sent peace offers to everyone. Your guys decided to attack me again today with air attacks, CM's, ground attacks then offer peace to me. Instead of just accepting peace. Like I said cheap shots. War sucks and I took a beating. I don't mind my nation is in ruins anyway. It just speaks to their honor. Like I said before when I fought LE we had a good war then when it was over everyone offered and accepted peace. We exchanged a few pleasant PM's about a good fight and how we enjoyed it. That is how it's done. I like those guy's. What your guys did was just cheap shots. I don't like or respect them.

That is my position and it's OK if you don't agree. You may feel different about how war is done but you live with consequences.

I do believe my statement earlier in the topic applies to this statement. I don't think WAPA should be held accountable by this, since WAPA never said there was peace. BG did, and he is not a member of WAPA. It was foolish on you all's part to believe it was settled like that. So I don't think you all have anyone else to blame other then yourselves.

Now, don't be offended I'm not trying to take shots at NAAW or any of you. I've got plenty of friends there, considering I was former NAAC. I'm meerly stating what I feel is the truth. So if any take offense, pardon me on offending you it's not my intention and feel free to debate me on it.

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I see what you are saying about BG not speaking for WAPA. Why then after the attacks today they then offered peace within minutes of the attacks. We can spin it this way and that. The fact remains they just wanted to hit one more time before ending the war. if they attacked and not sent peace then your view would hold more sway with me.

Like I said its OK, it's war. It just speaks to their honor. I value honor and fair play, not everybody does. I judge an opponent on they way they play. My opinion only.

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