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Aurora Borealis


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The Code of Caine

Rule #1: An attack on Aurora Borealis or its sovereignty will be met with force deemed necessary to quell the threat, maintaining its right to use first strike nuclear weapons.

Rule #2: What the Black Knives says, goes. It comes out of their mouths, it's law within the alliance. Break a law, a member gets warned. Break another, the member is ejected.

Rule #3: An attack on our friends is an attack on the alliance. See Rule #1.


Aurora Borealis is a tight-knit blue team alliance with nearly a year and a half of history. Its government consists of a core of veteran members of the cyberverse-- nearly all with 3 years experience. This alliance prides itself on its community, and has long strived to ensure that its members can fully manage their nations according to their individual principles. We aim to educate new players and are happy to assist those who show an interest in the game and in our community. As an alliance, we strive for loyalty toward our allies and the utmost respect for our individual members. We allow utter freedom of speech both within the confines of our alliance communication systems and with the world at large. We allow for rigorous debate, discussion, and action among our member states. In order to ensure that each member is capable of determining for themselves their opinion, the alliance is regularly updated on overt and not-so apparent happenings on the geopolitical landscape. We aim to maintain a few close allies and friends; as our Code clearly states, we aim to uphold the words and documents to which we sign. Most importantly, we work for the advancement and enhancement of our membership-- politically, economically, and militarily.

While the alliance is administrated by a permanent triumvirate, all government positions and advisory posts are merit based. We actively seek out the opinion of our membership and rule with their interest at heart. At the same time, in order to achieve military preparedness and economic viability, we will engage in mandatory programs for growth and development (unless of course alliance-opinion is rigidly opposed.) The membership is always consulted on matters of dire importance.

If you are interested in applying for membership in Aurora Borealis (or you just want to drop-in and say hello), you can contact us

on our forums: http://aborealis.net/forum/index.php?board=1.0

or on IRC: #aborealis

Current Government:

The Black Knives

(The Triumvirate)

Kosall - Nitroburn

The River Goddess - The Evilest Eye

Blade of Tyshalle - Dan123123

The Executors

(Council of Executors)

Executor of War

Executor - Dralin

Executor of Finance

Executor - Sarkin

Executor of Internal Affairs

Executor - Aerottat

Executor of Recruitment

Executor - TheFox

Executor of Foreign Affairs

Executor - Jutopia

Edited by Dan123123
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Aurora Borealis offers many opportunities for its member nations to enjoy the CN experience. We offer some of the greatest active members with much experience. Rise to power and become a military juggernaut, join the diplomatic efforts in order to avoid wars, or become an economical power for the alliance and share your banking secrets!

Aurora Borealis is here for our members. We help our membership grow. We give advice, help with trades, and Aid. Does your present alliance pay it's members 3 million for 50 tech, We do.

So come check us out.

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We are only looking for members who are going to be active on the forums and who want to grow FAST.

-For those just starting out in CN, All of our newly recruited active members have received well over 10 Million dollars each

-Our goal is to keep a high average Nation Strength while we grow

-We have a very close knit active membership

Furthermore, you will be joining an alliance with a strong sense of community and loyalty. If you are interested here is the link to our forums: http://z4.invisionfree.com/SpiritDance/

Register with your nation ruler name. Sign back in right after and fill out an application. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

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