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Admin has stated that he will not change the amount of days till deletion occurs


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ideally improvementswitching and backcollecting is simply taken out of the game by "saving" the daily collection amount for each day, so that "sitting out" lost trades, anarchy or events is not possible any more. seriously, people are only taking all the benefits, but rarely suffer any penalties that are in the game. Its clear exploitation, but since someone found out that it is possible and lucrative, they call it "strategy". the game lacks real different development strategies and flexible decisions which has to be adapted to different situations.

We have to take what we are given and use it to the best of our ability. As far as I'm concerned it's not exploitation. It's just the way the game works.

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We have to take what we are given and use it to the best of our ability. As far as I'm concerned it's not exploitation. It's just the way the game works.

Well the definition of an exploit is to use systems in a way they were never intented to use.

I really doubt that the ability to raze improvements was implemented to work around the -1 happiness penalty from laborcamps, or that the -1 happiness penalty was implemented "to give people an option to raze them for profit".

Same for sitting out anarchy or bad events, DEFCON or ThreatLevel penalties.

All these penalties are there TO HURT. People should PAY for the benefits they get. But people don't. They work around all these penalties with some clicks. And then they claim "please! Dont take it away! Its our STRATEGY!". It is no strategy. It was simply overlooked when the game was created and that makes it an exploit by definition.

Not even to think about the costs of traffic, bandwith and serverload that is caused by (ten)thousands of improvements razed and rebuilt ... its insane that the admin has not already disabled it, even while he said a year ago that he wants to have it out of the game (and then increased the price for Factories and LCs x3).

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I'm with DAC(Syzygy). We shouldn't be doing labor camp cycles or things like that. If improvements had a 30-day effect on a nation after being built, then war would have a much heavier cost. As it is, we build labor camps and guerrilla camps to fight a war and then junk 'em all when it's time to collect taxes. 5 minutes later, they're back and the war is on! No deprivation or anything like that.

Blockades work right. That penalty stacks up and remains UNTIL the next collect. If the camps' penalties remained until the next collect, folks would collect every day.


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Blockades work right. That penalty stacks up and remains UNTIL the next collect. If the camps' penalties remained until the next collect, folks would collect every day.


Actually, I imagine that people would continue to backcollect, it would just be less worthwhile. People would still prefer to pay the lower bills for 19 days before they buy a bunch of infra, and collect at the new rate. With your proposal, they would simply be collecting with -5 happiness from the LC's as well.

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Actually, I imagine that people would continue to backcollect, it would just be less worthwhile. People would still prefer to pay the lower bills for 19 days before they buy a bunch of infra, and collect at the new rate. With your proposal, they would simply be collecting with -5 happiness from the LC's as well.

That would be fine. They would finally pay the -5 happiness for the -50% infra upkeep they get. -5 happiness takes away several billions cash from the upper ranks each day and does in no way hurt new players who do not need LCs.

Good step to stop the cash inflation :)

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