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Non Aggression Pact between Murder Inc. and Spetsnaz

Article I:


Each Signatory will recognise the others sovereignity and will not infringe upon it.

Article II:


The signatory alliances are never to engage in war against each other as long as this pact remains alive.

Article III:


If either nation wishes to cancel this treaty they may with a 72 hour warning period.

Signed for Murder Inc.

XRCatD, Chief Executive Officer

EmperorVIcious, Minister of Foreign Affairs

Aetherius Princeps, Minister of Insanity

Signed for Spetsnaz,

AllenKalashnikov, Triumvir

Edited by XRCatD
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this is not an official Murder Inc treaty.

In the future, if it doesn't have my name on it, assume its an elaborate fake from MI's ghost government. <_<

The committee does not approve of this statement of elborrador.

This treaty was signed by MI's CEO, MoFA, and MoI. According to the charter, those are more than enough signatures.

Edited by XRCatD
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The committee does not approve of this statement of elborrador.

This treaty was signed by MI's CEO, MoFA, and MoI. According to the charter, those are more than enough signatures.

Can you guys please agree and clarify your government. Any talks towards peace will fail if we don't know that we're speaking with the actual MI gov.

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The committee does not approve of this statement of elborrador.

This treaty was signed by MI's CEO, MoFA, and MoI. According to the charter, those are more than enough signatures.

I, the guy who controls MI via Reroll Number Whatever It Is Now, have abolished the Committee and made ElB the CEO. Now can we get back to war pl0x? :jihad:


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