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Announcement from teh Global Defence Initiative.

Good morning CN. Particularly Wolverine in fact. Right now, we're pissed off. Curbstomping my nation is fun eh?

Therefore, we happily send any current attackers a "Declaration That We're Pissed Off", and we ensure them that in my absence of ability, I'll be more than happy to have our peeps send the love back. :)

Any nations that wish for peace, send it and PM me.

Please note that this isn't a DoW against Wolverine, just against the idiots who think it's cool to try and roll meh as the leader of GDI. Don't take it as such. ^_^

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Dude, you attacked that dude Lord British. Now his friends show loyalty and come to his defense and you find it uncool? Go look into a mirror if you think your any cooler than them. You have no right complaining, you got what you deserve. Live with it and move on.

Edited by Deadier
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If you say so. Actually, for our opinions, yeah. :P

Ok so am I cool?

Dude, you attacked that dude Lord British. Now his friends show loyalty and come to his defense and you find it uncool? Go look into a mirror if you think your any cooler than them. You have no right complaining, you got what you deserve. Live with it and move on.

Didn't Murder Inc just get rolled for doing the same thing?

Golly Geez I think they've learned their lesson :P

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I don't think I complained about it. I knew about these policies even before I joined MI. It was without doubt that one day people would fight back. It's the fun of being at war that makes TE useful and fun. I don't complain or become piss off like this guy did.

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GDI eh? You guys went on a nuke rampage at the end of last round. Lol I guess, but those crazy

Wolverines picking KFC off the grill of whats left of your alliance will have some company soon.

Keep the protected by Murder Inc. medallion shiny, it helps. :awesome:

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To: Lord British From: RyanGDI Date: 12/13/2008 12:14:52 AM

Subject: The Canuck Accords...

Message: No hard feelings, and no DoWing on any Judgement alliances. Just protecting a fellow Canuck.

Offer peace on your end with Caroline Wozniacki and you'll get peace in return. Simple.


Ryan (Supreme Commander of the Global Defence Initiative)

You attacked a Wolverine, and demanded he cease attacks on a Murder Inc. target, with whom we are at war. You have chosen your side. Did you really expect we would not recprocate in kind? You were told you would be given peace when Lord Brittania recieved peace. A simple matter, really. Not deserving of a single post, let alone it's own thread.

Therefore, we happily send any current attackers a "Declaration That We're Pissed Off", and we ensure them that in my absence of ability, I'll be more than happy to have our peeps send the love back.

Yes, please. Send the love back. All 8 of you. You will be recieving the official Wolverine response soon.

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I don't think I complained about it. I knew about these policies even before I joined MI. It was without doubt that one day people would fight back. It's the fun of being at war that makes TE useful and fun. I don't complain or become piss off like this guy did.

I'm not overly pissed...I intended it to be more like poking a sleeping bear that wakes up to take a fish or two whenever. :P

TE's TE. You can always re-roll if you need to. Besides, it's about time someone hits me for once. :awesome:

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I'm not overly pissed...I intended it to be more like poking a sleeping bear that wakes up to take a fish or two whenever. :P

TE's TE. You can always re-roll if you need to. Besides, it's about time someone hits me for once. :awesome:

That's the spirit! :P

Though I doubt you guys will survive against Wolverines...

Good Luck!

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Mm..I'm sure you know how many people would love to hit you in regCN if you weren't protected...right?

But, in the spirit of TE, have fun.

Thank you! And yes, I'm aware that I have my own fan club. :blush:

Anyways, won a good majority of my attacks (suprisingly) for today. Hope to keep it up in future. :P

IC: So far, I'm also winning very well on the defensive end. Guess it's because these (Wolverines ironically):


Are stolen from GDI and are worse off than these:



OOC: Come on Wolverines. You've gotta do better than this to take me out. I'm not even using a single GC and I'm still winning a majority of attacks (both offense and defense). xD

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OOC: Come on Wolverines. You've gotta do better than this to take me out. I'm not even using a single GC and I'm still winning a majority of attacks (both offense and defense). xD

Damn kid. Your in anarchy, and you have more tech then infrastructure. You consider that not being taken out?

All I can say is... go wolverines.

As someone said before. Your lucky your protected on CN:S... Some people don't seem to like the way you do things.

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What does CN:S have anything to do in this thread people?

Either way Ryan, some of these wolverins seem to think highly of themselves. Best example being that Commander Benji...

Side note: Benji, just because your in anarchy doesn't mean you lose the war. I was put in anarchy and I still survived to come out of anarchy. Right now I'm kicking the butt of the people who DoW on me.

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What does CN:S have anything to do in this thread people?

Either way Ryan, some of these wolverins seem to think highly of themselves. Best example being that Commander Benji...

Side note: Benji, just because your in anarchy doesn't mean you lose the war. I was put in anarchy and I still survived to come out of anarchy. Right now I'm kicking the butt of the people who DoW on me.

Yeah, these guys seem to be rather full of themselves, sadly enough. <_< Regardless through, we aren't going down without a fight (and we're putting up a good one). And thanks for fixing Benji's false belief for me. Anarchy actually has the benefit of how you can deploy all troops/tanks without it having any effect on your nation. So really, when dealing with multiple wars, being able to do that helps. ^_^

And just to clarify, there's no hostilities between me and Beazy (considering that we had a nice convo at #cnte yesterday). Figured I'd let people know if they try to start an lolrebellion or w/e. B)

PS: About the thing called CN:S (IC ;) ), I'll just say I've got a fan club. :awesome:

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And just to clarify, there's no hostilities between me and Beazy (considering that we had a nice convo at #cnte yesterday). Figured I'd let people know if they try to start an lolrebellion or w/e. B)

PS: About the thing called CN:S (IC ;) ), I'll just say I've got a fan club. :awesome:

But, Lolrebellion is teh win.

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Yeah, these guys seem to be rather full of themselves, sadly enough. <_< Regardless through, we aren't going down without a fight (and we're putting up a good one). And thanks for fixing Benji's false belief for me. Anarchy actually has the benefit of how you can deploy all troops/tanks without it having any effect on your nation. So really, when dealing with multiple wars, being able to do that helps. ^_^

And just to clarify, there's no hostilities between me and Beazy (considering that we had a nice convo at #cnte yesterday). Figured I'd let people know if they try to start an lolrebellion or w/e. B)

PS: About the thing called CN:S (IC ;) ), I'll just say I've got a fan club. :awesome:

Go ahead GDI, I'm sure you can bring a few of these Wolverines down on your way! :)

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Go ahead GDI, I'm sure you can bring a few of these Wolverines down on your way! :)

Oh heck, we already are. Counter-forces are already being deployed. We're pwning these guys now, BAA style*...

Ok, maybe not, but yeah...we'll roll some guys, and stuff. B)

*=BAA was the "Baltic Anex Allience" in CN:S that tried to roll IRON and TOOL with "pork chop pig grease" or something like that. I don't think anyone ever fully deciphered their DoWs and thread posts. ^_^

Besides, losing some infra is just awesome. My current population density is 1.81 per mile. :P

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