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Question about usernames in CN:TE

Lord Xnut

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This was something admin said in this thread; http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=37626

If you attempt to register with a banned user name in CN standard the ban will carry over in CN:TE.

Does this mean that it's possible to accedentaly get banned if you type in a generic user name that somehow have been banned on CN standard in the past?

I don't know how many have been banned or what kind of usernames they used, so I'm guessing that the chance of this happening is pretty small, but still. When you browse around on different forum on the web you can all the time see different users with the exact same username. Is there some kind of list of banned usernames somewhere?

Or is it tied up to the IP so both the you only get banned if the same username from the same IP tries to register on CN:TE

On a related note, is there any kind of protection against username stealing in place in CN:TE?

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This was something admin said in this thread; http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=37626

Does this mean that it's possible to accedentaly get banned if you type in a generic user name that somehow have been banned on CN standard in the past?

No. As far as you're concerned, just understand that if you're banned in CN, you're banned in TE as well.

On a related note, is there any kind of protection against username stealing in place in CN:TE?

Yes. Don't use anybody else's name.

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