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Some big big big important questions


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I have some big big questions, hope you guys can help me out.

Thank you in advance

1. Is it normal for infrastructure to be so expensive,

or did i do something wrong?

Here are two current situations: before buying 60 infra and after buying

my infrastructure level: 560 / 620

my Infrastructure cost per level: 11,100 / 12,245

2.How can i cut down big time my infrastructure cost per level,

for being able to buy more infrastructure?

3.What are the MOST important improvements to buy, as a 2-days old nation as i am?

4.Trades last 10 days, or they last forever until one cancels?

5.The bonus resources exist only as long as all trades are active?

6.Can the resources be stocked and kept somehow, even if the trades are no longer active?

Thank you

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2. the aluminium resource i can get it only through a trade, right?

what do you think about this combination for a Black Trade guild?



Furs- Joland http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=273844








Water- Joland http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=273844



Your suggestions are welcomed


Asphalt, Automobiles, Beer, Construction, Microchips, Radiation Cleanup, Scholars, Steel


Soldier effeciency: +28

Soldier purchase: -$6

Soldier upkeep: -0.5

Infrastructure purchase cost: -42%

Infrastructure upkeep cost: -23%

Population happiness: +9

Tank upkeep: -18%

Tank purchase: -8%

Aircraft purchase: -12%

Aircraft upkeep: -25%

Naval vessel upkeep: -30%

(Frigate, Destroyer, Submarine and Aircraft Carrier purchase cost: -30%)

Frigate, Destroyer, Submarine and Aircraft Carrier purchase cost: -10%

land: +35

land purchase: -10

land value tripled when selling

Citizen income: +3%

Citizen income: +$3

Citizen count: +8%

Technology cost: -13%

Environment: +2

Cruise Missiles upkeep and purchase: -10%

Nuclear Missile upkeep and purchase: -10%

Environment penalty for owning nuclear weapons by 50%

Aircraft limit raised by 10.

Nuclear anarchy effects reduced by 1 day.

Global radiation reduced by 50%

Increases number of citizens per mile before population unhappiness by 50

I have FURS and WATER. Where can i find the best combination for a trade guild to start having these resources, practically needing LOWER COST for building infrastructure and technology.

Thank you

Edited by Joland
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To elaborate a bit:

1. Costs go up the more you buy. The big increases are at the infra jump points, so make sure that you read up on those before you hit 1k infra.

2. Marble, lumber, iron and aluminium will all reduce the cost of infra, as will building factories.

3. The harbour is the most important, which you have. You don't need the school or police HQ yet, after the harbour and foreign ministry it's generally accepted that the next improvements should be 5 factories, 5 banks and 5 stadiums (although the order varies).

You have the rest.

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thanks, i really appreciate it.

factories - yes it is quite obvious for me now

but stadium only increase happiness... so why are they important?

can my citizens be more than "your citizens are in love with you" which is the current situation?


Edited by Joland
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Look at the smiley for your Happiness level. Now hit control A.

Happiness has an actual number attached to it. Every point of happiness converts into a little under $2 of citizen income before adding other modifiers. In other words, Happiness = Money.

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Look at the smiley for your Happiness level. Now hit control A.

Happiness has an actual number attached to it. Every point of happiness converts into a little under $2 of citizen income before adding other modifiers. In other words, Happiness = Money.


While the smiley icon may not change past it's current one the numeric value of happiness (alternatively highlight the area to the right of the icon with the cursor) will go much higher. Happiness is very important.

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Five factories are your best bet after a harbor.

After a while your nation gets bogged down because your infra bill is too high. Thats when it's a good time to buy labor camps because you earn more money than you lose from 1 happiness.

Edited by Oktavia
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Five factories are your best bet after a harbor.

After a while your nation gets bogged down because your infra bill is too high. Thats when it's a good time to buy labor camps because you earn more money than you lose from 1 happiness.

If you ever let that -1 Happiness from Labor Camps affect you, you're using them wrong.

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Seems to me like this is the 800 pound gorilla in the room:

The trade set you considered setting up could be much better... if you re-rolled. As a formerly afflicted, I can attest that having the natural resource of Furs is a blight upon your nation that it is better to delete your nation and try again than to simply endure.

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  • 1 year later...

I haven't paid bills and collected taxes for the last 10 days, because I still don't have enough money to pay all the bills :(

Is there any risk in this?

Also, I cannot decomission my aircraft if I don't first pay the bills? The bills would be lower if I could only decomission a
part of my aircraft forces.

What should I do? Thanks

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Your aid slots show that you've been receiving money. You should be able to pay bills with that. You're in Sparta. You should be talking to your alliance - they should be able to help with aid in your situation.

I wouldn't decom your aircraft. Upkeep is only 200 a day per plane, so it's not going to have a big effect, and it'll cost you a lot more to replace them later. (Plus, you look like you have a fair amount of tech, which probably means decent planes, and you are selling tech, which makes me think you'll soon be down to low tech levels and unable to buy good planes.)

I think you'll have to collect taxes to get out of peace mode, and if you can pay your bills first and buy soldiers to a decent level, you'll get a better collection. It'll still not be as good as normal, because you've been in peace mode.

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Ah. My mistake. You aren't in Sparta, you are in a protectorate. Even so, Sparta may be willing to help.

You show 2 barracks, which I doubt you need, and a bunch of navy improvements, that at your size aren't really helpful. Missile defenses and Sattelites aren't helping your income. Getting rid of improvements that do nothing to help your income will lower your bills.

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