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Join the Republican Organization for Liberty!!!

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**Original Post by Nintenderek**

Remember this moment my friend. You are about to read what might, and should become a historic occasion. Republican Organization For Liberty is our name and lots of ROFLs is our game. Here's our flag.

Before anyone asks, not we are NOT gay although we do allow gay rights. The Yellow at the top represents our past, the gray in the background represents our future since the future is always unknown. The rainbow represents our team color. We are a multicolor alliance with the beliefs of Peace and Liberty as our main fundamentals. We will defend ourselves as necessary, but we will always but diplomacy ahead of war. We will sign treatys with almost any alliance. We just want to exist peacefully on Planet Bob with all of our CN friends and family, because CN is in my opinion, one of the best online communities out there. Now for the important stuff. Our charter.

Republican Organization For Liberty

The people of the Republic Organization For Liberty recognize that peace and democracy are 2 vital elements of what may make an alliance great and on this day hereby declare ourselves as an alliance open to all regardless of team color. This charter is our rules and doctrine and will be followed at all times.

Article I.

1. Admission

Nations wishing to join the Republican Organization for Liberty must fill out an application to the Republican Organization for Liberty including the following:

Leader Name:

Nation Name:

Nation Strength:

Past Alliances:

How do you plan to help ROFL?:

How do you expect ROFL to help you?:

They must also agree to the ROFL oath

I ___________ of the nation ________ hereby swear my allegiance to ROFL, to protect the alliance and protect the charter. I have read through the charter of ROFL and would give my nation to help protect it.

The government of Republican Organization For Liberty may change this form to fill the changing needs of the application process.

2. Expulsion

A member nation may be expelled from the Republican Organization for Liberty at any time at the discretion of the President, Vice President,. The Senate may override the expulsion of a member by a 4/5 majority vote. Reasons for expulsion may include but are not limited to espionage, rogue attacks, membership in multiple alliances, the unauthorized use of nuclear weapons, and in subornation to a superior officer.

Article II.

Government Structure

1. General Membership

The General Membership of ROFL is composed of the signatory nations of this charter. They solely have the responsibility to elect nations to positions in the government and to help protect each other when needed. They are expected to check into alliance forums at least once a week, but are not required to.

2. President

The elected leader of ROFL, this person serves a two month term, and can be elected an unlimited amount of terms. He or she has the final say in all things in the alliance. In the event of a tie in voting in the Senate, the President may place a tie breaking vote. The President can be removed by a poll with at least 2/3s of the people voting having no confidence in him or her. The president has final say in all matters.

3. Vice President

The Vice President is appointed by the President to be his running mate. If one is running in the election as Vice President, they may not run for President. In the event the President is unavailable during an emergency, the Vice President takes on his or her responsibilities until such a time as it is either no longer needed by circumstance, or the absent President returns. If he or she feels the president is unfit for duty, they may temporarily relieve him or her. If the president resigns, then the Vice President assumes the command of president and must appoint a member of the government as their Vice President until the next election cycle.

4. Senate

The Senate will consist of 5 members. They serve one month terms and have the powers of the President and Vice President, but must vote to do anything. To be eligible for a seat on the Senate, members must have been in ROFL for at least 1 month and have been nominated and seconded by the general membership. Only a unanimous vote by the Senate may disband the charter.

A. Veto

The Senate has the power of Veto, however, they must consult the President (Or the Vice President as per Article III:1:B). The power to veto something is very powerful. To issue a veto, a 4/5 vote is required. A veto may be overruled by a simple majority popular vote started by the President or Vice President.

5. Leaders

Leaders are appointed by the President or Vice President, or a vote by the Senate. Leaders serve at the pleasure of the President and may remain in their position as long as the President chooses to retain them. A leader may be removed forcibly from office by a 75% no confidence vote among the general membership initiated by a Senate member. Leaders do not hold a vote in the Senate. All Leaders have the right to appoint Deputies to aid in the execution of their duties. Deputies need not be approved by the general membership, but may be removed from office by the President, Vice President or Senate.

A. Leader of War and Defense

The Leader of War and Defense is the head of the Global Organization for ROFL military and war council. He or she organizes the military, military responses, and offensive strikes as well as overseeing participation in offensive wars.

a. War Council - the war council is appointed by the Leader of War and Defense. There are 5 members of the War Council, including the LoWD. They help the LoWD deal with defense and have the powers of the Senate during times of major war.

B. Leader of Internal Affairs

The Leader of Internal Affairs is responsible duties include in masking of new members on the forum, providing oversight for correct election procedures, updating a list of all members of ROFL, and keeping generally keeping the GM happy.

C. Leader of External Affairs

The Leader of Foreign Affairs handles foreign affairs with other alliances and unaffiliated nations. He or she appoints ambassadors and diplomats to foreign alliances. The Minister of Foreign Affairs also may negotiate treaties on behalf of the Premier.

D. Leader of Finance

The Leader of Finance handles all financial and trade matters. He or she reviews all aid requests and oversees tech deals and donation deals.

E. Leader of Recruitment

The Leader of Recruitment's job is to recruit new nations to ROFL, and to mass message the members of ROFL when necessary. The leader must have a team of 5 or more people at all times to help with this. That 5 does not include the Leader of Recruitment.

F. Leader of Education

The Leader of Education's job is to run the academy and keep members of ROFL well educated. This includes all aspects of the game and includes current events. The Leader of Education must post a topic about all major current events, involving ROFL, or not involving ROFL, in their respective area.

Article IV.


1. War

A. Wars of Aggression

Tech raiding is allowed in ROFL, but nations may only tech raid nations that are 4 days inactive or more, and are unaligned. ROFL is not expected to protect members of the alliance whom are damaged because of tech raiding in any way.

B. Wars of Defense

Should a member nation of the ROFL come under attack the attacking nation will be requested to pay reps equal to the amount lost in attacks, plus one day of taxes. Should they refuse to pay such amount they will be ZIed.

2. Espionage

A. International Espionage - Espionage is a cardinal offense in the eyes of ROFL. Any nation found to be partaking in espionage while a member of the ROFL will be expelled and ZIed; no questions asked. This includes spying on ROFL and spying for ROFL.

B. In-game Offensive Espionage - ROFL will not use spies against any aligned nation, unless already at war with that nation. Any ROFL nation found to be using spies without an approved Declaration of War will face punishment up to, and including expulsion, and possible military retaliation.

C. In-game Defensive Espionage - Any use of spies against a ROFL nation shall be considered an act of war, and the nation sending the spies shall be subject to the same treatment as any other attacker. Diplomacy may be attempted, but self defense will come first

D. In-game Espionage again - If a ROFL member performs espionage on an unaligned nation they cannot expect support or aid from the alliance.

3. Nuclear Weapons

The possession of nuclear weapons being necessary to the continuation of stability and peace, the right to possess nuclear weapons is encouraged by ROFL. The launch of nuclear weapons must first be authorized by the President, Vice President or a vote by the senate. Otherwise if a nuclear weapon is launched, then the launcher will be expelled from ROFL with the possibility of being ZIed or Perma ZIed.

Article V.

Punishment of violation of this charter

1. Judiciary system

If a member of ROFL is found violating this charter, their punishment will be fit to this charter but they have the right to represent in court if they wish. If so the Senate acts as the jury, and the president acts as judge and vice president is the prosecutor. They may choose to have a member of government represent them, or may self represent. All members are innocent until proven guilty. They must prove themselves innocent with evidence and the prosecutor must try to prove them guilty with evidence. If there is no evidence then said member is innocent. The judge must retain order in the court and must give the verdict. The jury must come to that verdict.

Article VI.

Ratification and Amendments to the Charter

This charter for the Republican Organization for Liberty must be ratified by a two-thirds vote of the general membership. Amendments to the Charter may be proposed by any member of ROFL and require either a 6/8 majority council vote to pass or a two-thirds vote of the general membership. In the event the President or Vice President vetoes a proposed amendment, it may be passed by a 75% majority vote of the member nations.

We've even elected our first government.


Vice President: The Chosen One


Jedi Master Yoda

Alan a wedge

The Chosen One




Leader of Defense: Schloss

Leader of Internal Affairs: Grobend123

Leader of Finance: TBA

Leader of External Affairs: American Clam

Leader of Recruiting: cardinals160

Leader of Education: TBA

Our forums are located at <a href="http://z3.invisionfree.com/ROFL_alliance/index.php?act=idx" target="_blank">http://z3.invisionfree.com/ROFL_alliance/index.php?act=idx</a>

Our IRC channel is #rofl on synirc. This is the link to the irc host <a href="http://cgiirc.synirc.net/cgi-bin/cgiirc/irc.cgi" target="_blank">http://cgiirc.synirc.net/cgi-bin/cgiirc/irc.cgi</a>

If you want to sign up, it isn't hard. Admission is free and we welcome all kinds. We hope to sign some treatys in the near future. If anyone has any questions or concerns, please do post.


Edited by grobend123
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Goverment Upadated

President: Nintenderek

Vice President: The Chosen One


Jedi Master Yoda

Alan a wedge





Leader of War and Defense: Schloss

Leader of Internal Affairs: Grobend123

Leader of Finance: TBA

Leader of External Affairs: American Clam

Leader of Recruiting: cardinals160

Leader of Education: TBA

Edited by The Chosen One
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