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tech question


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I have read all the diff things reguarding tech and I am still a little confused.

I have aquired a lot of tech via d deals. I am starting to wonder if I have too much. My thinking is the amount of tech I have has made my NS higher and put me in the NS range of Nations that are much larger than mine and because of that their Military is much more powerful than mine.

I have noticed a lot of Nations with NS of 50k plus with less than 2k tech. That is what really got me thinking if tech levels over 1k is worth any thing....

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After admin made tech important in wars you can't have enough tech, through tech-deals you will probably never procure more tech than 200 per 10 days. And i could show you a battle report of Dac_szygy who did (with 10,000 tech) 500 infra damage with 1 nuke.

The people you probably looked at with high NS and low tech are probably players who aren't up to date with the latest strategies.

Before the change having more than 2000 tech was of no particular need other than boosting your stats.

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Thanks. I was thinking that but the game is very vague about tech. It says you can equip your soldiers better but it does not give specifics. And when tech is required, it is very small amounts.

I appreciate it..I will keep hording all I can

Simply More Infra = More Soldiers

More Tech = More damage

If the game is balanced as we hope it is then is fou are face doff against a nation with more infra but equivalent NS due to your tech advantage, then in an equal war your relative NS should not have changed that much (even if the total is smaller) due to him having better odds of winning, but you doing more damage when you win

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If the game is balanced as we hope it is then is fou are face doff against a nation with more infra but equivalent NS due to your tech advantage, then in an equal war your relative NS should not have changed that much (even if the total is smaller) due to him having better odds of winning, but you doing more damage when you win

Except it's not that way.

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