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[OOC] I'll use this thread for writing a bit fluff/background until I consider Saboria near my current ingame-strength. Broadcasts usually are made by the leader himself while news-reports are made by, well, news-speakers.

Also, comments and whatnot are encouraged, OOC or not. [/OOC]

Religion abolished!

A report by the SNN (Saborian News Network)

Today, our illustrious leader and the Governmental Council have decided that, in order to quicken the changes in our society necessary to achieve a system similar to the Ubersteinian model, religious traditions shall no longer be practised by the people. A survey with approximately 1500 participants has shown that 96 percent of the population approve of this step, while three percent are undecided and the rest against abolishment of religion.

When asked for detailed reasons why this step has been taken, a representative of the GC answered: "While all religions are full of great and rich traditions, one must realise that clinging to such things essentially stops an individual's mental evolution and if spread among many, a group's scientific progress. Many people that I've asked 'Why did god create the world as it is?' have answered 'He had his reasons.', without giving me any kind of detail why he for example made the gravitational force as strong as it is. The attitude that these people had and have is precisely the kind of attitude that opposes all scientific progress because we should not wonder about why god created us just like this. For a rational and scientific community, abolishing religion is the first step to a better, more effective society. This is the main reason why we decided this."

Other officials have answered 'No comment' to our question.

That is all for tonight.

[OOC] The Governmental Council is without any real power. It's made to let it look like not everything was decided by Lynneth alone.

Also, new and improved: Links to my posts!

National Security Program

Military Budget

National Broadcast

National Broadcast

Space Program

Canary Islands


Ubersteinianism, Research complex

Research Complex

Research Complex

Military Buildup




War and Factories

An address

Working Reforms

Working Reforms

Scraping the Sky

Small Update

An address

News on the Skyscrapers

A horrible accident

Announcement from the Chairman

The Center Tower


War in Forstellen

Nakheel Tower

Update on the SkyCity

The SkyCity is finished!

War in Europe


Industrial Expansion

Expansion of the Navy

Mining Consortium Terminated

Carbon Nanotube Muscles

Fusion experiments

New flag!

SkyCity reintegrated



A new leader

Black Mesa expanded (WRC)

Navy decommed

Edited by Lynneth
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OOC: Actually, he didn;t abolish religion entirely...just in public areas. On private property, you're free to practice any religion you desire. At least, that's my understanding.

IC: Promised Land disaproves, but otherwise has no commment. If any of those who do not wish to give up their religion feel persecuted, they will be offered asylum in Promised Land.

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OOC: Actually, he didn;t abolish religion entirely...just in public areas. On private property, you're free to practice any religion you desire. At least, that's my understanding.

[OOC] I know, but did I ever say I'd use Ubersteinianism 1:1? :awesome:

Just like Stalin and Mao corrupted Marxism, only less noticable. [/OOC]

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OOC: Actually, he didn;t abolish religion entirely...just in public areas. On private property, you're free to practice any religion you desire. At least, that's my understanding.

IC: Promised Land disaproves, but otherwise has no commment. If any of those who do not wish to give up their religion feel persecuted, they will be offered asylum in Promised Land.

OOC: Well the laws are on no place where you ca be seen I believe and Uberstein made sure you were seen everywhere.

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OOC: Well the laws are on no place where you ca be seen I believe and Uberstein made sure you were seen everywhere.

OOC: Actually, I said pretty much the same thing elsewhere, and he explained that private property is being allowed more and more--but only owned by those who have done at least two years of government service, of course.

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[OOC] I'll use this thread for writing a bit fluff/background until I consider Saboria near my current ingame-strength. Broadcasts usually are made by the leader himself while news-reports are made by, well, news-speakers.

Also, comments and whatnot are encouraged, OOC or not. [/OOC]

Religion abolished!

A report by the SNN (Saborian News Network)

Today, our illustrious leader and the Governmental Council have decided that, in order to quicken the changes in our society necessary to achieve a system similar to the Ubersteinian model, religious traditions shall no longer be practised by the people. A survey with approximately 1500 participants has shown that 96 percent of the population approve of this step, while three percent are undecided and the rest against abolishment of religion.

When asked for detailed reasons why this step has been taken, a representative of the GC answered: "While all religions are full of great and rich traditions, one must realise that clinging to such things essentially stops an individual's mental evolution and if spread among many, a group's scientific progress. Many people that I've asked 'Why did god create the world as it is?' have answered 'He had his reasons.', without giving me any kind of detail why he for example made the gravitational force as strong as it is. The attitude that these people had and have is precisely the kind of attitude that opposes all scientific progress because we should not wonder about why god created us just like this. For a rational and scientific community, abolishing religion is the first step to a better, more effective society. This is the main reason why we decided this."

Other officials have answered 'No comment' to our question.

That is all for tonight.

[OOC] The Governmental Council is without any real power. It's made to let it look like not everything was decided by Lynneth alone.

President Ned the Great of Nedland applauds this move. While he personally believes that there should be freedom of religion, Ned recognises the greater evil here and supports the Saborian policy towards religion based on his belief of atheist unity, despite his disagreement.

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Plans for National Security Program revealed.

A report by the SNN

This evening, the Governmental Council and our glorious leader revealed a program in response to a terrorist attack in Labrador City some time ago, which claimed three dead and fifteen heavily wounded. A paramilitary group claiming to be remnants of the old government took responsibility for the attack, their intended aim to re-establish the old system. A governmental representative responded on this: "This group makes absolutely ridiculous claims. They want to bring the very same system back which we all brought down only a short time ago. I believe I speak for everyone that such groups should be brought down as quickly as possible."

Among others, the programs deals with the issue of security cameras and mandatory identification chips as well as security measures similar to those of the Uberstein Empire. When asked about these 'extreme measures', as some call the program, a GC official replied: "While it may seem that these measures are extreme, let me clarify one thing: The average citizen will have nothing to fear. Only those planning terrorist actions against our state will have to fear, because it's them that will truly be affected by this. Those claiming that the citizens will lose any rights because of this program are clearly misguided and did not read it properly. I cannot emphasize enough that only terrorists will actually be affected."

That is all for tonight. Have a good day.

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[OOC] Thanks for clearing that up. But no, I don't think they were WAF, only some partisans opposing the new government.

OOC: Ah. Well the reason we suspected it in the first place is they want to pretty much bring down all the governments of the world, and let (you guessed it) anarchy reign. The group you mentioned sounded similar...

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OOC: Ah. Well the reason we suspected it in the first place is they want to pretty much bring down all the governments of the world, and let (you guessed it) anarchy reign. The group you mentioned sounded similar...

[OOC] As said in the post: "They want to bring the very same system back which we all brought down only a short time ago.", which refers to the old extreme-capitalist stuff that was brought down. So they don't want anarchy, just the old system.

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Military Budget increased

A report by the SNN

Today, the Governmental Council has announced that, in response to the war in which currently approximately a dozen countries are participating, such as New Triyunica, Neo Japan and the Tahoe Republic, military spending has been increased. When asked about the details, a general has answered: "While I can of course give no details, we will possibly expand our naval forces. Currently, we have only five warships capable of fighting against, say, the navy of the Proxian Empire or New Triyunica. But that will by no means be the only pert of the military we'll strengthen with the additional money. Both our airforce and our groundforces need new equipment and this is the perfect time for it, in my opinion."

Another high-ranking officer said: "We appreciate the additional money, and I'm sure the higher-ups will make good use of it. Perhaps the new budget will allow us to get even more than a regular military, but I'm afraid I can't say much about that topic. If they're planning something, I don't know it. But we'll know soon enough, and that's fine with me."

Security program successful?

Meanwhile, the new security measure - we reported - has been implemented almost fully in the entire nation. A study has shown that crime-rates have lowered drastically by almost thirty percent of the previous rates. Some experts assume that the mere installation of the many cameras et cetera work as deterrent. Others argue that the rates will soon rise again to their previous rates. Should anything change, we will tell you about it.

That is all for today, have a nice evening.

Edited by Lynneth
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A national broadcast

The Saborian ruler stood on a podium, behind him on a wall the flag of the country.

"Ladies and Gentlemen,

Friends and Comrades.

It is my pleasure to announce that our economy, which had been damaged by the civil war, has fully recovered.

The changes that have been implemented since we freed ourselves contributed to this, but only the determination of every single working man and woman made this possible. While we are by no means at the end of the reforms, I believe I can say without exaggerating that our gross domestic product is among the fifteen highest in the world and rising, all thanks to the what 'Ubersteinianism' teaches.

As said before, many other reforms are planned as well as re-education courses, to ensure that our society not only is strong, but also stable.

Additionally to all this, I would like to announce that we are planning to build a nuclear reactor with the help of an independent scientist. This reactor will only the first of several others that will supply our nation with cheap and reliable energy.

That is all for today.

Glory to Saboria."

[OOC] Nukes. :awesome:

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