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A quick refresher on "wanna trade" PMs

Steve Buscemi

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I have iron/marble/blue. To make matters worse I picked a girlish nation name. I logged in today to find 30 unread messages and thinking I'd been attacked. Nope, worse than that, trade offers and trade PMs galore. All my trade slots were blocked with resources like lead/uranium and rubber/furs and a cattle/pigs that I already had. Now I realize that many of the boys offering me trades were like, "Hey, she's just a girl. I'm sure she'll accept my furs/lead trade! Girls are terrible at war games." False. I'm not a girl. I'm the greatest actor that ever lived.

So I figured we all needed a quick refresher on proper trade PM etiquette.

1) Make sure you read their bio first. Do they say what trades they'll accept?

2) Make sure you see if they are going for a certain build (ff/b/c, etc). Does your crap fit in with theirs?

3) Make sure your PM contains your color and what resources you have. It's really annoying to have to look at your profile only to find you have lead/furs.

4) Having one double up is questionable, offering a trade where the receiver has both is just asking to be attacked. I had a ruler do this just now. He's now in my saved nations list, wink wink.

5) Offering them TE aid for the trade is an excellent idea if you don't mind me called a filthy liar.

6) Offering them regular CN aid for a CN:TE trade is quite pathetic. Just. Don't. Do. It.

Thank you. :)

Edited by Steve Buscemi
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I have iron/marble/blue. To make matters worse I picked a girlish nation name. I logged in today to find 30 unread messages and thinking I'd been attacked. Nope, worse than that, trade offers and trade PMs galore. All my trade slots were blocked with resources like lead/uranium and rubber/furs and a cattle/pigs that I already had. Now I realize that many of the boys offering me trades were like, "Hey, she's just a girl. I'm sure she'll accept my furs/lead trade! Girls are terrible at war games." False. I'm not a girl. I'm the greatest actor that ever lived.

So I figured we all needed a quick refresher on proper trade PM etiquette.

1) Make sure you read their bio first. Do they say what trades they'll accept?

2) Make sure you see if they are going for a certain build (ff/b/c, etc). Does your crap fit in with theirs?

3) Make sure your PM contains your color and what resources you have. It's really annoying to have to look at your profile only to find you have lead/furs.

4) Having one double up is questionable, offering a trade where the receiver has both is just asking to be attacked. I had a ruler do this just now. He's now in my saved nations list, wink wink.

5) Offering them TE aid for the trade is an excellent idea if you don't mind me called a filthy liar.

6) Offering them regular CN aid for a CN:TE trade is quite pathetic. Just. Don't. Do. It.

Thank you and move along. By the way. I'm looking for lumber/fish/wheat and gems or wine. :)

1) Mass Messaging, if you actually do it individually your not to bright.

2) ^

3) ^ You don't like it no one cares

4) ^

5) Lol

6) Lol

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