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Is it worth sacrificing fish for this setup?

Qin Shi Huang

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I have a horrible starting resource in oil and spice but I am wondering if this setup is worth sacrificing fish for?


Or should I go with this?


Or perhaps does anyone with experience have a better setup to recommend?

Thank you

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What it comes down to, is are you going to be buying a lot of infrastructure in the next little while. If so, I would go with the first one (no fish) as it has a large infrastructure reduction cost compared to the other set. Set #2 is pretty good in that it gives you relatively large population and income boosts, but just lacks the infrastructure cost reduction.

Personally, I would go with the [aluminum][cattle][coal][fish][iron][lumber][marble][oil][rubber][spices][water]


This gives you the bonus resources Steel, Automobiles, Beer, Construction, and Asphalt.

Basically your spices replaces the usual gems/uranium in that set.

Edited by Drai
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I recommend following Drai's suggestion. I found myself in a situation similar to yours (I got Marble and Furs), and the best solution was to go for the 5 bonus resources set, as it provides me with sufficient happiness and population boost (not that outstanding, though) with a nice infrastructure cost reduction.

Although I'd suggest swapping out Cattle in favor of Uranium once your nation is much larger and you plan to acquire nuclear weapons.

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Is it worth sacrificing fish

No, it is not.

If I were you, and you are serious about playing this game (I'm guessing from your apparent donation sales you are) I'd restart and try to get two better resources. You'll be happy in the long run, trust me.

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fish and wine are good mate 8% population boost and 3 happiness which is about ÂŁ6.00 before modifiers and you could get into some decent trade circles like a 3 br but uranium is over-rated unless you are building nukes so you are better getting wine

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Is fish and wine worth restarting for? Or should I keep that?

Alden's referring to rerolling your nation - start from scratch and hope you don't end up with a worse resource combination. Compared to oil/spices, the odds may be in your favor.

Looking at your first post, the first combination is better for you than the second. At some point you will want to buy and maintain infrastructure.

Edit: If you'd rather tech trade than tech raid for a while, then Construction/Beer/Microchips would work a bit better and maybe bring in some more daily income: [Aluminum][Fish][Gems][Gold][iron][Lead][Lumber][Marble][Oil][Spices][Water][Wheat] Also, you might make more money for now with stadiums than banks or schools.

Edited by Hob Dobson
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Alden's referring to rerolling your nation - start from scratch and hope you don't end up with a worse resource combination. Compared to oil/spices, the odds may be in your favor.

Looking at your first post, the first combination is better for you than the second. At some point you will want to buy and maintain infrastructure.

Edit: If you'd rather tech trade than tech raid for a while, then Construction/Beer/Microchips would work a bit better and maybe bring in some more daily income: [Aluminum][Fish][Gems][Gold][iron][Lead][Lumber][Marble][Oil][Spices][Water][Wheat] Also, you might make more money for now with stadiums than banks or schools.

Oh, I was wondering if I rerolled and got fish and wine, is that a good combination or if I should be aiming for something better?

Thanks for the advices guys.

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I recommend following Drai's suggestion. I found myself in a situation similar to yours (I got Marble and Furs), and the best solution was to go for the 5 bonus resources set, as it provides me with sufficient happiness and population boost (not that outstanding, though) with a nice infrastructure cost reduction.

Although I'd suggest swapping out Cattle in favor of Uranium once your nation is much larger and you plan to acquire nuclear weapons.

Oh yeah, I forgot cattle wasn't necessary. You might even want gems over cattle for the first few weeks of your nation. But I guess cattle lets you get improvements faster. I would probably just go with what I suggested, and then like V The King says, substitute Uranium in there later.

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Oh, I was wondering if I rerolled and got fish and wine, is that a good combination or if I should be aiming for something better?

Thanks for the advices guys.

Fish and Wine is a decent set in that it fits into certain trade sets -- the Affluent population income set. Also, Wine is not a bad "filler" resource in the 3 Bonus Set (you have the resources to make Fast Food, Beer, and Construction, along with two filler resources - one should always be fish and the other normally is Gems/Uranium or Silver/Gems). That set is at least useable as it can fit into common trade circles.

Whereas oil/spices really doesn't fit into any "popular" set as both are rather specific resources for two different set. That combination is not good at all in finding trade circles :-\

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