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The Politics of Trade Circles


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Well, this question is coming from someone who tends to avoid the political side of things, so it may sound a bit dumb, but how political is trade circle creation? I've got a new tool I'd like to announce which will help people with finding trade circles, but I don't want my attempted good deed to get me ZI'd because two members of warring alliances are placed in the same circle (which of course, they're free to not accept). So, am I likely to see my nation destroyed by releasing this thing?

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Up until this war trades have been seen as a rather sacred entity that is "more important" than wars.

Personally, my trade circle had members cancel on me as I was the enemy during this war and from now on I am going to do my best to only have trades with people in my alliance or allied to us.

Most people don't care about what alliance you trade with though. You won't be destroyed for it for certain (with the exception of potentially going on Yellow and setting up a trade circle with FAN).

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Thanks for the reply :)

I've now gone in and done some editing (this is an automated tool), and the alliance affiliation of all involved nations should now be displayed when a trade circle is found (assuming the nations weren't lying about their AA).

Assuming there's no horror stories, or people posting telling me that I could very well get destroyed for this, I'll probably announce it officially tomorrow (along with a link, of course).

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Generally, people will trade with anyone on their trading sphere, regardless of AA. There are a few exceptions and sanctions have been playing a larger role of late, but there is no reason to think anyone would declare war over trading partners.

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