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Tournament Edition Sanction Race


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September 20th, 2008

1 IDIOT: 23.82 --> 25.28 (+1.46)

2 The Superfriends: 19.44 --> 23.28 (+3.84)

3 The Citadel: 12.33 --> 12.86 (+0.53)

4 Orange Juice: 12.26 --> 12.54 (+0.28)

5 National Alliance of Arctic Countries: 10.59 --> 10.76 (+0.17)

6 The Pacific Army: 9.86 --> 9.91 (+0.05)

7 Murder Inc.: 7.81 --> 9.69 (+1.88)

8 United White: 5.58 --> 5.85 (+0.27)

9 Viridia: 4.28 --> 4.50 (+0.22)

10 Multicolored Cross-X Alliance: 4.20 --> 4.25 (+0.05)

11 MERCS: 4.54 --> 4.22 (-0.32)

12 Duckroll: 3.97 --> 4.12 (+0.15)

Lazy Penguin Eaters: 3.64 --> 3.75 (+0.11)

Pond Pirates: 3.52 --> 3.68 (+0.16)

We Are Perth Army: 3.22 --> 3.34 (+0.12)

Crimson Empire: 3.17 --> 3.33 (+0.16)

---------- Add Line: 3.24

Warlordz: 2.61 --> 3.18 (+0.57)

Europa: 3.01 --> 3.14 (+0.13)

---------- Drop Line: 3.01

Biggest Gainer

The Superfriends: 19.44 --> 23.28 (+3.84)

Biggest Loser

MERCS: 4.54 --> 4.22 (-0.32)

Passes of the Days

Viridia Pass MERCS

Multicolored Cross-X Alliance Pass MERCS

Warlordz Pass Europa


Hasn't been done for a few days so its a big one :]

Firstly, Much of the board remains the same with IDIOT still in first, however The Superfriends posted a large gain thus bringing themselves back into contention. There is a new alliance on the list, that of Warlordz as they pass Europa to sit just below the add line.

The most notable feature of the list today is that of the fact every alliance has gained apart from MERCS who seem to have had a bad few days and posted a loss, bringing them down to 11th on the list, unlucky! We have also lost Aqua Defence Alliance off the list.

Todays Shoutout: Todays goes to Duckroll for making it to a sanction, I know they did it for the last update but they didn't get a shoutout :P

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September 21th, 2008

1 IDIOT: 25.28 --> 27.12 (+1.84)

2 The Superfriends: 23.28 --> 23.43 (+0.15)

3 The Citadel: 12.86 --> 13.12 (+0.26)

4 Orange Juice: 12.54 --> 12.36 (-0.18)

5 Murder Inc.: 9.69 --> 11.39 (+1.70)

6 National Alliance of Arctic Countries: 10.76 --> 10.91 (+0.15)

7 The Pacific Army: 9.91 --> 9.96 (+0.05)

8 United White: 5.85 --> 5.68 (-0.17)

9 Viridia: 4.50 --> 4.43 (-0.07)

10 Warlordz: 3.18 --> 4.23 (+1.05)

11 Duckroll: 4.12 --> 4.12 (+0.00)

12 Multicolored Cross-X Alliance: 4.25 --> 4.05 (-0.20)

Lazy Penguin Eaters: 3.75 --> 3.81 (+0.06)

Crimson Empire: 3.33 --> 3.54 (+0.21)

Pond Pirates: 3.68 --> 3.49 (-0.19)

MERCS: 4.22 -->3.46 (-0.76)

We Are Perth Army: 3.34 --> 3.41 (+0.07)

Blackwater N/A --> 3.19 (N/A)

Europa: 3.14 --> 3.18 (+0.04)

---------- Add Line: 3.10

---------- Drop Line: 2.95

Biggest Gainer

IDIOT: 25.28 --> 27.12 (+1.84)

Biggest Loser

MERCS: 4.22 -->3.46 (-0.76)

Passes of the Days

Murder Inc. passes National Alliance of Arctic Countries

Murder Inc. passes The Pacific Army

Warlordz passes Crimson Empire

Warlordz passes We Are Perth Army

Warlordz passes Pond Pirates

Warlordz passes Lazy Penguin Eaters

Warlordz passes Duckroll

Warlordz passes MERCS

Warlordz passes Multicolored Cross-X Alliance

Duckroll passes Multicolored Cross-X Alliance

Duckroll passes MERCS

Lazy Penguin Eaters passes MERCS

Pond Pirates passes MERCS

Crimson Empire passes MERCS

Crimson Empire passes We Are Perth Army

Crimson Empire passes Pond Pirates

Blackwater passes Europa


Today's update was an absolute nightmare and took me forever! I'm looking at you Warlordz! :P Altogether quite a few notable large gains to include my own beloved IDIOT gaining biggest gainer, obviously a result of rescuing lost nations. MERCS continued their downward slide today taking biggest loser by far, losing their sanction in the process.

Today's shout out goes to the Warlordz for their meteoric rise through the rankings and earning a comfortable #10 spot just behind Viridia.

Oh to add this before I get Murdered by Murder Inc. a special congrats to them for taking the #5 spot passing two other sanctioned alliances in the process!

Special Note: This is my first time ever doing one of these so be merciful! :)

For the record the Add Line and the Drop Line are as it appears to be whatever the person posting it wants them to be so yea... i'm making them a nice easy number.

Edited by John Rocker
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