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Recruit Me


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Go ahead. I am an unalligned nation, who is no longer Andromeda, on peaceful terms. Feel free to ask Ephriam grey about it.


Pro-tip. Please check out WHAT my nation looks like before talking about things like start up aid. Obviously if you look, 3 mil in aid will do no good. I am not interested in that :)

EDIT 2: for lazy people


Edited by MichaelScott
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America's Army is looking for active and experienced members, we have 7 positions open right now 1 captain and 6 lieutenants positions with more to come once we get more people in, we offer 1.5 million in starting aid, and we love to tech raid!! stop on by, link is in my signature. :jihad:

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America's Army is looking for active and experienced members, we have 7 positions open right now 1 captain and 6 lieutenants positions with more to come once we get more people in, we offer 1.5 million in starting aid, and we love to tech raid!! stop on by, link is in my signature. :jihad:

Oh boy! 1.5 million in aid, really? That could really help my nation!

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Ya know it aint to bright to run yer mouth when yer without an alliance you dont like it? then to hell with you, you little !@#$. Best watch yer back son, i would highly reccommend getting into an alliance asap.

You know what, I'll take my chances. My back is big and broad, its hard to watch all of it. So I am going to ignore the part where your looking at.

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The NPO!

A few million in aid won't do anything for a nation your size (although we do have a thriving tech market that provides tech cheaply), nor do we bribe anyone to join by offering it up front.

You'll be joining an extremely active community of intelligent and dedicated players, with plenty of ways to become involved in a wide variety of jobs within the alliance, your opportunity to rise being limited only by your ability and dedication. You'll be joining what is not only the most powerful alliance in the game, but the best-organized, most enthusiastic, professional, and best-trained.

Admission is not automatic: you'll be subject to questions and, being an experienced player, your past will be examined. You'll have to sell yourself as much as we sell ourselves to you. But once you're in, you'll be at the top of the game.

Go to our forum listed below, register, and complete an application in accordance with the instruction thread you'll find under "Reception Desk".


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The NPO!

A few million in aid won't do anything for a nation your size (although we do have a thriving tech market that provides tech cheaply), nor do we bribe anyone to join by offering it up front.

You'll be joining an extremely active community of intelligent and dedicated players, with plenty of ways to become involved in a wide variety of jobs within the alliance, your opportunity to rise being limited only by your ability and dedication. You'll be joining what is not only the most powerful alliance in the game, but the best-organized, most enthusiastic, professional, and best-trained.

Admission is not automatic: you'll be subject to questions and, being an experienced player, your past will be examined. You'll have to sell yourself as much as we sell ourselves to you. But once you're in, you'll be at the top of the game.

Go to our forum listed below, register, and complete an application in accordance with the instruction thread you'll find under "Reception Desk".


Now THAT'S a good recruitment post. GG, Vox/NPO.

Edited by Wickistan
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Please feel free to join us at EDEN if you feel our alliance best suits you.

We'll be looking towards appointing our first batch of Ministers within the near future, and there are countless other opportunities to get involved. We have started work on our first issue of The Forbidden Fruit (the official EDEN newspaper) and are currently in the works of adding various sub-ministries (including the EDEN Spam Corps). If you're interested in learning more, please let me know.

Stats and Information

The Eranos Defense of Empirical Nations (EDEN) is a small alliance (27 members to date) on the black color sphere* that is quickly forming relations with some of the top sanctioned alliances of the game, including the Multicolored Cross-X Alliance (MCXA) and the Orange Defense Network (ODN). We are a protectorate of the MCXA, and are currently treatied to the Ravyns (a fellow black team alliance) as well as the ODN.

*Nations are not required to be on the black team, though it is recommended

With 27 members to date, EDEN is currently working towards her goal of 500,000 NS by the end of the month. We've achieved an avg. NS of over 13,000, and currently posses 77 nuclear weapons. We are a peaceful alliance that does not approve of tech raiding (it's not very beneficial, as we orchestrate several tech deals). For more EDEN stats, please see our stats page here


EDEN was founded by myself and Mr.AdmiralX in June of 2008. Mr.AdmiralX is former three-time Minister of Defense (MoD) for the Legion, and I am a former Home Minister and Deputy Prime Minister of Legion as well as High Council of the MCXA. Our third triumvir, fallinup, is a former Director of Communications for the Legion as well as holding several titles within the Interior Ministry of Legion. The three of us have been members of CN for nearly two years apiece.


Contact Information

If you would like any additional information, please feel free to let us know.

Forums: Here

Charter: Here

IRC: #EDEN on irc.coldfront.net

Edited by Empress van Wain
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