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Setting up 3x3 Tech deal!

thor gold

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I need two buyers and three sellers to complete a 3x3 tech deal! I'll hold this deal 4 times, so if you want to stay in the deal you can!

For people new to tech dealing, here is an outline of a 3x3 tech deal:


In written form, each buyer sends 3 million to their assigned seller (Buyer 1 to Seller 1, etc). In turn, the three sellers each send 50 tech to the two buyers that didn't send them money. This tech deal can be done in under a day if everyone is on at the same time.

-The List-

Buyer 1: Thor Gold of Alagaesia

Buyer 2: spongebob of bikini bottoms

Buyer 3: n00bh4x0r of vanguard

Seller 1: Zoran of Republic of Serbia

Seller 2: porting of Canoo

Seller 3: yaoming 600 of communists 3432


Guild finished! I'm sending out a PM now incase you don't read this.


-STEP 1-

Thor Gold sends $3 million to Zoran

Spongebob sends $3 million to Porting

n00bh4x0r sends $3 million to yaoming 600

-STEP 2-

ALL SELLERS buy enough tech to get to EXACTLY level 50. Buying more than 50 tech will result in a loss of profit. Once at 50 tech, then:

Zoran sends 50 tech to Spongebob

Porting sends 50 tech to n00bh4x0r

yaoming 600 sends 50 tech to Thor Gold

-Step 3-

Again, sellers buy enough tech to get EXACTLY 50 tech. Then...

Zoran sends 50 tech to n00bh4xor

Porting sends 50 tech to Thor Gold

yaoming 600 sends 50 tech to Spongebob

/tech deal! We'll get started now, since all the buyers have signalled readiness.

Edited by thor gold
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For the country who is supposed to send me the 3 mil. please send it asap. So i could buy the techs and give them to the other two members of the trade.

Check your PMs. Thor sent one out about putting the deal on hold temporarily, until he finds a new seller or gets the third seller out of his war.

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Zoran is officially expelled from the guild. I will find a new seller ASAP and get him to send 50 tech to Spongebob and n00bh4x0r. This is the guy I pay, so I'll make sure to find him at risk of being called a scammer O_O

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