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The IRON Alliance wants YOU!


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  • 2 weeks later...
So IRON..... why are you so awesome?

Wow where does a person even start to respond to a question like that. However fair enough, why is IRON so awesome. I'll just touch upon a handful of highlights.

1. Membership: Absolutely the number 1 reason to become a IRON alliance member. You won't meet a more diverse group of benevolent people from all 4 corners of the earth. IRON didn't become one of the largest sanctioned alliances out of sheer luck. We work hard and play harder.

2. New Membership: NO ONE in IRON gets left behind. From the moment you finally elect to take the plunge and join IRON, you'll be thanking yourself you did just that. There is constantly something going on in IRON, and steady demand for players of all strength ranges to get involved in various activities within IRON.

3. Reputation: IRON'S reputation of being Honorable, Noble and Respectful to the fellow nations of Planet Bob, is well known to all who having been playing CN for any measurable length of time. Seldom if ever will you see any IRON member flaming or flame baiting anyone on these boards. With exception to those who really deserve to get smacked with a table and even in those instances we generally just :rolleyes: and watch you hang yourself with your own words.

4. Incentive programs for new players: Wow! I knew I should have joined IRON right from the get go, but I had to learn the hard way. When I first joined IRON, I was always hovering in the top 6.8-7.2% range of all nations and depite the recent Tech changes, regarding nation strength here I am 42 days later as a member of IRON in top 3.8-4.8% range (Currently). The proof's in the pudding.

5. Organization & Leadership: Again IRON didn't get this large by luck. In order to maintain such a large alliance without it imploding you better be extremely well organized and have very sound leadership.

Perhaps you were looking for a more tongue and cheek answer as to why we are so awesome. I elected to give you and those reading this post a more straightforward answer as to why we are in FACT awesome. I could probably go on forever with additional examples of our "Awesomeness" but in 20 minutes I got to hang the Christmas lights...and fall off the ladder...again.

So for those of you still "Tire kicking" as to which alliance you want to join, stop by our forums for more details, we just put a fresh pot of coffee on.

Edited by General Vengeance
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