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Peace Mode?

Aeternos Astramora

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From, "Edit My Nation"

War/Peace Preference:

You may change your War/Peace Preference once every 5 days.

From the Index:

If your nation is older than 7 days and you remain in peace mode for more than:

4 days = -3 population happiness

6 days = -5 population happiness

8 days = -6 population happiness

10 days = -7 population happiness

12 days = -8 population happiness

14 days = -9 population happiness

Why even have the -4 days = -3 happiness if you can't be in it for only 4 days? Or does the "Edit my nation" have an error on it?

Or does this mean that the first three days are "freebies," but the 4th and 5th days aren't?

Edit: Sorry, but this was probably suited better to the Questions forum.

Edited by Aeternos Astramora
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