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Trade sanction amoung alliance affiliation.


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The idea I have is simple. An alliance has a leader and that leader is given the ability to trade sanction anyone using the alliance affiliation. This will help the sanctioned alliance remove noob nations using their AA. Nations of 100 strength require nations of 200 or less to attack them and usually a large alliance builds up it's new nations to a thousand in no time making it impossible to deal with small nations.

It will be given to sanctioned alliances only as it affects the score which keeps them sanctioned. It will also discourage rogues using the AA during a war to attack allies of said AA.

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The entire problem with adding any type of an alliance control panel is that the game has already been built around not having one. To implement such a system would then require some way of determining which person in EVERY alliance should get control. That alone would lead to a world of problems. The other problem would be said controling person going rogue or something... they could sanction the entire alliance and laugh because he has complete control.

Alliance tools have been brought up before, but adding such things would take a considerable amount of time to hack in.

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