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Question About my Trades


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Well, considering I don't have very good resources (Lead & Pigs), and I'm on the Yellow Team (HORRIBLE team for trades; Alliance color though] here are the bonus resources I'm getting





Fine Jewelry


and Radiation Cleanup

Scholars, with 90%+ Lit. Rate

Basically, for my resources is this good? I know sometimes not having bonus resources can be beneficial as well however.

Edited by Biohazard
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Construction, Scholars, Fast Food, Microchips, Steel, and Radiation Cleanup

These take advantage of Pigs and Lead, rather than just lead. They give you a much better population boost and still give decent infra discounts. but it's up to you.

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Construction, Scholars, Fast Food, Microchips, Steel, and Radiation Cleanup

These take advantage of Pigs and Lead, rather than just lead. They give you a much better population boost and still give decent infra discounts. but it's up to you.

Problem is this requires him to ditch his silver, gems and rubber trades to get the population boost you're suggesting through Fast Food. He can get the same population boost you're offering by replacing the silver and gems with water and wheat which will give him the bonus resource Beer. And he gets to retain the rubber related bonus resources of Asphalt and Automobiles.

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Well, my nation is stalling at the moment...just a tad, so I need all the money I can get (which soon, I won't need too many resources), regardless however, which do you guys think is better? Beer or the current set.

Take note, it took me a month to find these trades. (Yellow is failing, horribly)

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If you are willing to go outside your color for trades you should be able to get any bonus set you choose within a reasonable time. I only had 1 in color trade for over 3 months, but I got the 3BG set I wanted, and I did fine. Yes it is great if you can get all all in color trade groups but you have to play the hand you are dealt.

Speaking of which, lead & pigs, ouch! Pigs aren't TOO bad, but in combination with lead that just bites, built in redundancy makes lead just that much less useful for you. I would say if you have managed to get an 8BG set like you have already, you should be happy with it. That set's only real drawback is low population, but it makes excellent income and has good modifiers. If you are really not happy with it, I think you need to decide which trade set you want before you go looking for partners. And lead & pigs are awkward to fit into some sets.

Looking at your nation again I see you are still in a position to tech deal. I'd keep the gold and microchips then if you can, dealing will improve you faster then any boost from a particular set.

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