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Global Organization for Liberty and Defense


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Greetings. GOLD is a democratically run alliance on the Yellow Team. Applications are open to all colours though.

You can find our forums here: http://www.gold-cn.org

Our IRC is located at #goldcn on Esper.net.

If you are intrested in joining, here's how:

1. Register on our forums.

2. Post an application in the application sign-up forum.

3. Set your alliance affiliation to Global Organization for Liberty and Defense once you are masked as a member.

4. New members must sign-up for the GOLD Academy, a seven day long introduction to our alliance and our policies, as well as information for new players about the game, after which nations are eligible for starter aid.

Charter of the Global Organization for Liberty and Defense

Article I.

We, the member nations of the Global Organization for Liberty and Defense, recognizing the need for greater stability and security, set forth this Charter to protect our brother nations against aggression, defend our freedom and further our position as world leaders.

Article I.

Admission and Expulsion

1.  Admission

Nations wishing to join the Global Organization for Liberty and Defense must fill out an application to the Global Organization for Liberty and Defense including the following:

Leader Name:

Nation Name:

Nation Strength:

Past Alliances:

The Minister of Domestic Affairs may change this form to fill the changing needs of the application process.

2.  Expulsion

A member nation may be expelled from the Global Organization for Liberty and Defense at any time at the discretion of the Premier.  The Security Council may override the expulsion of a member by a 6/8 majority vote.  Reasons for expulsion may include but are not limited to espionage, rogue attacks, membership in multiple alliances and the unauthorized use of nuclear weapons,

Article II.

Government Structure

1.  General Membership

The General Membership of the Global Organization for Liberty and Defense is composed of the signatory nations of this charter.  They solely have the responsibility to elect nations to positions in the government.

2. Premier

The elected leader of the Global Organization for Liberty and Defense, this person serves a three-month term, and can be elected an unlimited amount of terms.  He or she has the final say in all things in the alliance.  In the event of a tie in voting in the Security Council, the Premier may place a tiebreaking vote.  The Premier can be removed by a 75% no confidence vote of the general membership.  You must have been in GOLD for at least 3 months to be eligible.

A.  Viceroy

The Viceroy is appointed by the Premier and confirmed by a vote of the General Membership.  In the event the Premier is unavailable during an emergency, the Viceroy takes on his or her responsibilities until such a time as it is either no longer needed by circumstance, or the absent Premier returns.  The Viceroy must be a member of GOLD and must hold a government position in addition to the title of Viceroy.  In the event the Premier is unable to continue in their duties the Viceroy will hold power until an emergency election can be held to replace the Premier.

3. Security Council

The Security Council will consist of eight members.  Four members are appointed by the Premier and confirmed by a vote of the general membership.  These members are appointed the Ministers and serve on the Security Council in addition to their ministerial duties.  Four members serve one-month terms as Security Councilors.  To be eligible for a seat on the Security Council, members must have been in GOLD for at least 1 month and have been nominated and seconded by the general membership.  Only a unanimous vote by the Security Council may disband the alliance.

A.  Veto

The Security council has the power of Veto, however, they must consult the Premier (Or the Viceroy as per Article III:1:B). The power to veto something is very powerful. To issue a veto, a 6/8 vote is required.  A veto may be overruled by a simple majority popular vote started by the Premier.

4.  Ministries

Ministers are appointed by the Premier and are confirmed by the general membership.  Ministers serve at the pleasure of the Premier and may remain in their position as long as the Premier chooses to retain them.  A minister may be removed forcibly from office by a 75% no confidence vote among the general membership initiated by a Security Council member.  Ministers hold a vote in the Security Council.  All Ministers have the right to appoint Deputies to aid in the execution of their duties.  Deputies need not be approved by the general membership, but may be removed from office by the Premier.

A.  Minister of Defense

The Minister of Defense is the head of the Global Organization for Liberty and Defense military. He or she organizes the military, military responses, and offensive strikes as well as overseeing participation in offensive wars.

B.  Minister of Domestic Affairs

The Minister of Domestic Affairs is responsible for all matters pertaining to the recruitment and education of new citizens as well as the organization of elections. These duties include in game messaging to new members, masking of new members on the forum, management of the Academy and providing oversight for correct election procedures.

C.  Minister of External Affairs

The Minster of Foreign Affairs handles foreign affairs with other alliances and unaffiliated nations. He or she appoints ambassadors and diplomats to foreign alliances.  The Minister of Foreign Affairs also may negotiate treaties on behalf of the Premier.

D.  Minister of Finance

The Minister of Finance handles all financial and trade matters.  He or she reviews all aid requests and oversees tech deals and donation deals.

Article III.


1.  Security Council Elections

The election will begin with a nomination period of 48 hours.  During this time, members are allowed to nominate two (2) and second two (2) different members for the election.  Following the nomination period,  a 24-hour campaigning period will begin in which candidates may post speeches and answer questions.  At the end of the campaigning period, a 72-hour election poll begins.  The 4 members who get the most votes are named to the Security Council.

2.  Premier Elections

The election will begin with a nomination period of 48 hours.  During this time, members are allowed to nominate one (1) and second one (1) member for the election.  Following the nomination period,  a 24-hour campaigning period will begin in which candidates may post speeches and answer questions.  At the end of the campaigning period, a 72-hour election poll begins.  The member who gets the most votes by the end of the poll is named Premier.

Article IV.


1.  War

A.  Wars of Aggression

The Global Organization for Liberty and Defense recognizes the right of their members to participate in individual wars.  Offensive strikes against unaligned targets are not prohibited, however, the alliance is only obligated to give aid, military, financial, or otherwise, to it's members in the event of an unprovoked defensive war or an alliance war.  Rules on engaging in an offensive war are subject to change by the Minister of Defense.

B.  Wars of Defense

Should a member nation of the Global Organization for Liberty and Defense come under attack the attacking nation will be requested to pay five times the value of damages.  Should they refuse to pay such amount they will be ZIed.

2.  Espionage

Espionage is a cardinal offense in the eyes of the Global Organization for Liberty and Defense.  Any nation found to be partaking in espionage while a member of the Global Organization for Liberty and Defense will be expelled and ZIed; no questions asked.

3.  Nuclear Weapons

The possesion of nuclear weapons being necessary to the continuation of stability and peace, the right to possess nuclear weapons is encouraged by the Global Organization for Liberty and Defense.  The launch of nuclear weapons must first be authorized by the Premier or in his stead the Viceroy.

Article V.

Ratification and Amendments to the Charter

This charter for the Global Organization for Liberty and Defense must be ratified by a two-thirds vote of the general membership.  Amendments to the Charter may be proposed by any member of the Global Organization for Liberty and Defense and require either a 6/8 majority council vote to pass or a two-thirds vote of the general membership.  In the event the Premier vetoes a proposed amendment, it may be passed by a 75% majority vote of the member nations.

Edited by Sylterix
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