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Getting Ready for Wonders


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I'm nearing the point where I'm gonna start buying improvements, but the Nation Building Guide above wasn't much help. I have no idea what to buy first and what to buy after that. Some help, please? A list of all of them in the right order would be fantastic, but right now just my first one would be good. :) Thanks in advance!

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I'm looking mostly to cut down my bills as much as possible. I don't want to be a military might until I have nothing else to do with my nation, at which point I'll probably just be getting my alliance a higher average nation strength score. i'm mostly just a tech dealer.

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SM would be better for the first one for the sole reason that it can be bought earlier.

Lies DRA is my favorite wonder, if you want to try for #1 this NEEDS to be your first wonder. If you're a bit more casual it's still a great wonder to have if you like tech deals. But from what i've seen SM seems to be the best wonder if you aren't obsessed with tech and rankings.


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Lies DRA is my favorite wonder, if you want to try for #1 this NEEDS to be your first wonder. If you're a bit more casual it's still a great wonder to have if you like tech deals. But from what i've seen SM seems to be the best wonder if you aren't obsessed with tech and rankings.


DRA costs more money, which means longer until your first wonder, which means longer until all of the rest of your wonders.

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are wonders like improvements? do you need x infra per wonder? or can you buy as many as you can afford?

You can buy one per 30 days. ALWAYS make sure you buy one every 30 days. You don't want to delay one day because that means that ALL of your subsequent wonders will also be a day late.

That is why you want to start early (which was my problem). Starting earlier usually means buying a cheap one first, which the SM is. If you want a DRA right away like the person who posted before my last one said, make it a 2nd wonder (unless you already have the money for it now and want it). I didn't in fact buy my DRA until just now and it was my 9th wonder.

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I bought my first wonder this week at 4999 infras. I was confused on what the Stock Market's +10 to income actually effected, but I found out.

The +10 citizen income effects before you collect taxes, but it benefits from banks, schoosl, etc. mutipliers.

So Stock Market is basically a +5 happiness wonder. I should of bought a Great Monument instead. :awesome:

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what do you mean by the wonder clock? why is it so important to get them every 30 days on the dot?

As your nation gets larger and you run out of improvements you will find that your income really doesn't increase that much as you buy infra (I can spend about $6M on infra to only increase my net daily income roughly ~$15K) and the only real boost you can get is with Wonders. And since you can only buy one every 30 days, you'll wish you purchased the first one earlier so that you could buy the next one sooner.

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is it ever TOO early to start buying wonders?

I'm currently at 3770 infra, and I'll soon have enough money saved to buy the SM.

kudos, I didn't buy my first one until after the 5K mark, but really wish I would have now.

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Getting a wonder before the 5K jump is like buying a Rolls Royce on extended payments when you can barely afford a used Chevy.

If you cannot amass the amount needed with your net income in 10 days or less then you should be buying Infra, Tech, and Land instead.

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Getting a wonder before the 5K jump is like buying a Rolls Royce on extended payments when you can barely afford a used Chevy.

If you cannot amass the amount needed with your net income in 10 days or less then you should be buying Infra, Tech, and Land instead.

This is absolutely horrible advice. You should have at least 3 wonders before crossing 5k infra.

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I bought my first wonder this week at 4999 infras. I was confused on what the Stock Market's +10 to income actually effected, but I found out.

The +10 citizen income effects before you collect taxes, but it benefits from banks, schoosl, etc. mutipliers.

So Stock Market is basically a +5 happiness wonder. I should of bought a Great Monument instead. :awesome:

The Great Monument is only a +5 wonder if your people don't want the government you want and continue not to want that in the future 3-4 months until you are finished wth 5 happiness wonders. In reality it is worth 5 happiness about 90% of the time and 4 happiness the remaining 10%. All af the other 5 happiness wonders should be purchased first because they are 5 happiness 100% of the time.

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The Great Monument is only a +5 wonder if your people don't want the government you want and continue not to want that in the future 3-4 months until you are finished wth 5 happiness wonders. In reality it is worth 5 happiness about 90% of the time and 4 happiness the remaining 10%. All af the other 5 happiness wonders should be purchased first because they are 5 happiness 100% of the time.

I understand that negative side of the Great Wonder/Temple improvements, but its a nice benefit in war-time when Oktavia sports the hammer and sickle. :jihad:

I'm looking at Social Security System next because the 2% tax increase will actually scale up as I gain more tech+wonders.

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