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Improvements deleted


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http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...Nation_ID=38683 - My Nation

I clicked on the improvement screen and bought some missile defenses then clicked the improvement tab off. I then looked at my nation and noticed my military levels angered my citizens and immediatly thought just to remove some as I'd stockpiled military to buy nukes the day before. I decomissioned some but it didnt fix the problem so I went to see how many citizens I had. A few minutes earlier I had 68k citizens but when I checked it had dropped to 63k. Inbetween all of this I was talking to an alliance member about border walls and if they would benefit my nation. I went to get a border wall and noticed that every improvement had been removed by a value of 1 (I had 5 clinics but now had 4, 1 Foreign Ministry but now 0, this happened to all my improvements). I first thought it was no big deal and bought the improvements again but had limited funds, the next day I collected and only received 900k which is a small portion of my daily earnings, I still havent recovered all my improvements so will have to earn below the normal amount tomorrow too.

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Some one could of had done it just to damage your nation and annoy you.

I believe some one guessed your pass right and then sabotaged your nation.

If they were to steal it then that stealer would be banned with the nation he stole and his own nation for multi-accounting.

Edited by English Empire
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it happened yesterday at about 11pm GMT. Changing my password now.

although if my account was taken over it seems a bit far fetched that they would only delete 1 of every improvement.

Thanks for the update. I'll look into this and get back with you.

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Some one could of had done it just to damage your nation and annoy you.

I believe some one guessed your pass right and then sabotaged your nation.

If they were to steal it then that stealer would be banned with the nation he stole and his own nation for multi-accounting.

If someone wants to sabotage, why not to destroy all improvements, and sell infra?

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It looks like you've re-purchased all of your improvements plus 3 additional missile defenses and 1 additional border wall. Keep an eye on your improvements and post back if this happens again. Next time don't re-buy them until I've fully looked into the issue.

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