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Income tax went down by 12 cents


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Trade partners who change color after you start trading don't matter, color matters when you start trading. Besides, one happiness doesn't equal 12 cents with my improvements and tax rate. I suppose it was GRL.

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Trade partners who change color after you start trading don't matter, color matters when you start trading. Besides, one happiness doesn't equal 12 cents with my improvements and tax rate. I suppose it was GRL.

Trade partners who change color after you start trading certainly do make a difference, you'll lose the trade bonus. The game will note the change and you'll lose the bonus. Even if your trading partners changes color and then changes right back, you still lose the bonus. This is to prevent you from bouncing from color to color setting trades to get the trade bonus from 5 different colors. What the game will not do is when a trade partner from another color changes to match your color, you wouldn't gain the trade bonus without cancelling and re-establishing the trade.

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