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I keep having problems with the alliances I'm looking into. I want early help in the game financially to match up with the bigwigs and get involved. I'd also prefer something with a little more freedom so I can fight random unaligned uninvolved people when I get bored (I dont mind choosing something that I have to ask permission so long as it's quick and timely). I promise that out of me you'll get not only 1, but 2 committed members (my friend and I are looking) who will entrace themselves in the goings-on of the alliance. So if this all fits what you have:

1. Tell Me what the fiscal benefits early of joining are

2. Tell Me the size and liklihood of actually being noticed

3. Tell me rules of war against unalligned people

I don't want a peaceful nation, that's boring. The more benefits, the better the warmonger the better. BEcause let's face it: that's more fun anyways.

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Join Norden Verein. We fit all your slots perfectly.

1. Huge tech deal market and aid tons of aid given out every day

2. We have 117 members. We are a meritocracy. Which means that we promote based on merit. If you are a leader and step up, you get promoted. Simple as that.

3. Attack any unaligned, non red nations you want.

I would also like to note that we have never been defeated in any war.

Find us at nordenverein.com

We welcome you to the Nordland with open arms.

Edited by Weiss von Toten
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Or join the North American Hockey Alliance.

We allow tech raids on unaligned nations not on the red sphere only. Startup aid is generous, and I am available frequently to answer questions and provide other assistance.


Note: you don't hae to be a hockey fan to join.

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I keep having problems with the alliances I'm looking into. I want early help in the game financially to match up with the bigwigs and get involved. I'd also prefer something with a little more freedom so I can fight random unaligned uninvolved people when I get bored (I dont mind choosing something that I have to ask permission so long as it's quick and timely). I promise that out of me you'll get not only 1, but 2 committed members (my friend and I are looking) who will entrace themselves in the goings-on of the alliance. So if this all fits what you have:

1. Tell Me what the fiscal benefits early of joining are

2. Tell Me the size and liklihood of actually being noticed

3. Tell me rules of war against unalligned people

I don't want a peaceful nation, that's boring. The more benefits, the better the warmonger the better. BEcause let's face it: that's more fun anyways.

You're perfect for the Confederacy of Imperial States (CIS). We're 200 strong and you can raid anyone in an alliance of under 5 who isn't red (or NPO will kill you). We have a black senator, so we have an advantage in wars, and we offer you ltos of aid as lnog as you're active. I have gotten over 15 million in aid in my first month here, and it's a great alliance. There are also lots of jobs you can do here with rewards of their own too. Our forums are at http://www.theconfederacy-cn.com/forums/index.php?act=idx, but they're gonna be down for the next few hours. Try it, maybe you'll get in, but if not just wait til tomorrow and I garauntee it'll be fixed. You'll definitely be noticed if you're active. Take myself as an example. I'm a very small nation (6k NS), but I have many jobs in the CIS, and I definitely get noticed. As for tech raids and random wars, just repeat the oath in the War Council section and you'll be allwoed to tech raid anyone in an alliance of under 5 as long as they're not red (once again, NPO will kill you). As lnog as you don't go over 5 ppl and you've signed the pledge, you can start finding raid partners to gang $%&@ ppl :D. Also, our irc channel is #cis on coldfront. Thx for reading this, and I hope you find your perfect alliance (hopefully with us).

Lord Simus X, Recruitment Officer

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Join the United Purple Nations...we're 250 strong, we allow tech raiding on every color but red and fellow purple nations!!!!!!!! Head over to the Academy and look through the material there, and once you've passed the easy exam, you'll get THREE MILLION in aid!!!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!! Go here...UPN Academy

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Join the Avenguard Crusade. Were small- 17 members so you WILL be noticed and welcomed. Were looking for active players who want to contribute to the alliance. We allow tech raids on unaligned nations not on the red team. We will give you some startup aid, not sure exactly how much but we would love to have you.

head on over to our forums http://www.mysticalworlds.org/Avenguard/index.php

Edited by Guffey
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