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Looking for an alliance with 50-300 members. Im orange but willing to change. I have good leadership as well as diplomacy skills. Any alliance that wants me I will pick which one I think is the best. =) Im looking into The Grämlins

Edited by Thetyler95
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Looking for an alliance with 50-300 members. Im orange but willing to change. I have good leadership as well as diplomacy skills. Any alliance that wants me I will pick which one I think is the best. =) Im looking into The Gr�mlins

Why the membership number requirement, if I may ask?

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anything above that makes me feel insignificant, like a piece of sand on a beach. Anyone have a link to The Grämlins forum ?

The Gramlins are an excellent alliance, and you would do well joining them. However, I suggest an alternate route. The North American Hockey alliance is looking for committed CN players who are not required to be hockey fans, although that is always a nice bonus. While we're well below your 50 member threshold, we stand as a proud protectorate of The Phoenix Federation. We are also a multi-colored alliance at this time, and new members will not be required to switch colors.

Whichever road you decide upon, I wish you the best of luck. If that road leads you to our forum, it can be found here:


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I would like to invite you to come and check out Macedonia.We don't have the 50-300 members your looking for,as we are a small,new alliance.But someone with your leadership and diplomacy skills would be welcome in a new alliance,such as Macedonia.We also are on the BLUE team.

Come check us out and see what you think: Macedonia Forums

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Hi I'm Leader of Krew Bracia. We are well well below 50 members but we would love to have you here. We would encourage you to be yellow but it is not required.

Forums: http://s1.zetaboards.com/Krew_Bracia/index/

Also if your not happy with joining ours or don't meet your require ments then I suggest The Revolution as they fit in the range you requested. They are great, but of course we'd like to have you at KB.

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The CIS has 200 members, just in the middle of your member range. We're black based and have the most senate votes on black (not atm but that's only cause of a minor miscommunication, we'll re-dominate next time, even with Sparta). Our link is http://www.theconfederacy-cn.com/forums/index.php?act=idx, try it and it's fine if you don't like it, but I hope you join. We like to help our junior members, so you'll get ltos of aid if you're active. Ask me if you have any questions, and thx for your time.

Lord Simus X, Recruitment Officer

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Looking for an alliance with 50-300 members. Im orange but willing to change. I have good leadership as well as diplomacy skills. Any alliance that wants me I will pick which one I think is the best. =) Im looking into The Gr�mlins

Unfortunately numbers of members is irrelevant as you can have small alliances where you remain insignificant.

With us you get back what you put in, I have been there for nearly a month, am a Legion Lt Commander (Second in Command), a recruiter and have just applied to be a diplomat.

Tech Raiding is not allowed as we do not need it (we have Tech Deals coming out of our ears).

We are Aqua based, but there is no pressure to change (I am still white).

We have two people dedicated to organising Trade Rings for maximum bonuses (if you want them).

And last but not least a friendly forum where those interested can keep in regular contact.

If this is what you are looking for PM me here or visit my nation and send me a mail here

Edited by Wilhelm1908
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Looking for an alliance with 50-300 members. Im orange but willing to change. I have good leadership as well as diplomacy skills. Any alliance that wants me I will pick which one I think is the best. =) Im looking into The Gr�mlins

I dont think anyone presented you the link to Gramlins yet, the link is: www.cn-gremlins.com

In case that isnt what you want after all i invite you to join M. Carter Brown

MCB is an alliance founded by paintballers from mcarterbrown.com (take a gues where our name comes from), but a good deal of the members are non paintballers, including me.

We are an Orange alliance with 55 members and over 900k strength.

Elections are just behind our back, currently we are working on a new charter and we still have an urgent need for diplomats, maybe you can fill in here?

Im looking forward to hear from you,

Prodigy.NL, Minister of Foreign Affairs


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