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New Alliance/IRC Combo List

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A bunch of things.

Global Order of Darkness (GOD)'s IRC is now just #god on coldfront.

Also you have SPAAA in yellow and multi-colored, they should be in pink and their new name is Spootland-Phantom Alliance of Allied Allies, forums, irc at #swampcastle on coldfront

Atlantic Empire moved from Aqua to Blue.

The Order of Halsa is in multicolored; they are now maroon.

Also VE is in multi colored when they should now be green.

All of these can be removed:

Also Auxiliary Army (AA) - #fools_paradise (Notice:irc://irc.esper.net/fools_paradise) (recently disbanded; see their forums). (In Purple)

Protectorate of Curland (PoC) - #poc (Notice:irc://irc.esper.net/poc) (Merged with NoV) (In Green)

Sons of Muspel (SoM) - #som (Disbanded) (In Green)

NCAAbbs - #ncaabbs (Notice:irc://irc.chatster.org/#ncaabbs) (Merged with UPN) (In black)

The Phoenix Collective (TFC) #tfc (Merged to form SOLID) (in blue and multicolored; both need to be removed)

Mauves Collective #mauvescollective (disbanded) (in purple)

United Nations of Honour (UNH) - #UNH (in orange) (Disbanded)

Order of the Sword (OotS) (In black) (Merged to form Legio x)

Knights of the Imperial Cross (KIX) - #KIX (in maroon) (Merged into TTK)

Phantom Warrior Corps (PWC) - #phantom (in aqua) (Merged with SPAAA)

The Brotherhood of the Storm (BHS) (in white) (Disbanded awhile ago)

Royal Order of St. George (ROG) - #royalorder (Merged into Rok)

Atlantic Shadow Confederation (ASC) - #asc (Notice:irc://irc.synirc.net/asc) (Merged into rok)

The Dominion - #thedominion (in multi-colored) (Merged into MA)

Total Liberation Front (TeLF) - #TeLF (merged with someone)

Turquoise Alliance of Awesome (TAA) - #taa (Notice:irc://irc.synirc.net/taa) (merged into someone)

Edited by ShadowDragon
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I didn't see LSF up there for some reason, maybe I missed it but here's the information.

Alliance (full name, acronym): Libertarian Socialist Federation (LSF)

Alliance Color: Pink, though not enforced

Alliance IRC Channel: #LSF

URL to forums: http://z15.invisionfree.com/LSF/index.php?

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