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Boognish Bonks Bundy's Bonce. Bodacious.

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What up?

We haven't found that sheep we came back here for yet so we prayed to our stupidfaced god and he didn't say anything for a while. I guess he was disappointed in us.

Then the other day, I found this scrap of paper while packing the compound walls with more explosives (someone tried to just walk in the other day; it's a compound for a cult my guy, do you not see everyone eating only rice and happens to be heavily armed? some people...am I right?) So yeah Boognish left this message for me and I didn't know what the hell he meant at first:



Classic mumbo-jumbo cult nonsense I know but hey I decided to just go with it and the rest of the cultists have decided the same, which is great news.

So Bundy, let's bounce! Boognish Cult wants to throw down and make everything nice and brown. What else is there to do here until we find that damned sheep?


For the time being Boognish Cult will dance with Alpha Wolves! We hope you like our Kool-aid and suspicious looking vests (we're just fat okay don't go there)



 Lot of love; from Pandy Fackler and The Idiots

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Welp, had to do something about all the howling and canine noises outside the cult walls sooner or later!  And it would so seem to be louder than the rest of Planet Steve:




Looks like a more even bonking with OP involved! 


o/ To bonking, Boog, and BC

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going great so far; shoutout to bundy and AO for helping two of us to gain the biggest nothing:



Top 7 Day Smallest Nation Gains

  1. -11,933 Strength Change - Probably Mochi of Imagination - Brown Team
  2. -11,001 Strength Change - Gladiator2 of Shamrock2 - Blue Team
  3. -9,744 Strength Change - Thanatos of Underworld - Blue Team
  4. -9,350 Strength Change - Pandy Fackler of Pollos Asado - Brown Team
  5. -8,625 Strength Change - Caspase of Magistar Corporation - Blue Team


you sure showed us the need for an aid mechanic when you're being punched down on by someone with such an odd tenacity! (did we piss in your cereal? sorry the sewage pipes at the compound are quite rudimentary at best, our engineers would sort it out but are unfortunately pre-occupied)


oh wait, it is cool to be able to receive or send aid after a heavy smashing and maybe that was the purpose admin had in mind for it to be used when he conisdered how it'd help the game; not a mechanic to see who can send the biggest ball of resources to one another. maybe boognish told me to attack your alliance to demonstrate this!


our missionaries are travelling far and wide inside of your borders with ease. your people will be tamed, submit to boognish. 


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