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Countdown to Crisis; The J Andres Saga; Chapter 8

J Andres

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

October 2, 2160



Logo of the Rossingol Robins


ROSSINGOL -- The Rossingol Robins (56-52) have defeated the Montreal Royals (56-52) in Game 7 to win the Atlantic Baseball League championship, making it their tenth championship overall, cementing their place as the winningest franchise. The ten championships are double that of the next closest franchise, the Pittsburgh Hornets.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

October 6, 2160




First Row: President Eleanor Mueller & Commune Premier-elect Walter Lewis

Second Row: Director Appointees Randall Cohen, Brooke Mueller, and Alicia Lin


ENDOR CUIDAD -- The New Horizon party squeaked out another win, but the election was much closer than many had grown to expect. President Eleanor Mueller was reelected, winning 53% of the vote. Labor party candidate Dr. Bohdan Aksenov captured 39% of the vote, with the remaining balance taken by the Libertarian party.


In the Commune, the percentages looked fairly similar, with the New Horizon party taking 22 seats, the Labor party taking 16, the Libertarian party taking 3, and then Dylan Sherman, running more or less as an independent taking the final seat.


Mueller announced her appointees during her acceptance speech. Randall Cohen has been appointed as the Director of Defense, Brooke Mueller has been appointed Director of Foreign Affairs, and Alicia Lin has been appointed as the Director of Industry.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

January 27, 2161



Logo of the Philadelphia Pittsburgh Railway


PITTSBURGH, ALLEGHENIA -- Since the fall of the Eastern Union, the new regions of Alleghenia have complained about the distance that seems to separate their king from them on the coast. The Philadelphia Pittsburgh Railway closed those concerns by completing the rail connections between the two halves of the nation, shortening the travel time by an entire day.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

February 13, 2161



Chambers Hall in Boston


BOSTON -- A third theater has opened in Boston's theater district, this one with a very recognizable founder. Former President Earnell Chambers has been spending his post-presidential years trying to improve Boston's status as a cosmopolitan city. He has founded a new theater, Chambers Hall, which will contribute to that image. Compared to the other theaters opened in recent years, Chambers Hall is a marvel of modern architecture, unlike most new building built after the war. Glass and lights are abundant. The theater is opening with West Side Story planning a four month run, and Cabaret beginning a run in July.

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JA_EBC1.JPGEastern Broadcasting Company



March 30, 2161



Prince Albert, Prince of Newport


[The sound of jazzy intro music fades out]


[VERONICA] Good evening, and welcome back to Whispers in the Court. I'm Veronica, and joining me as always is the illustrious Marcus. How are you doing tonight, Marcus?


[MARCUS] Oh, I'm positively bussing with excitement, Veronica! It's always a pleasure to be here with you, especially when the scandal mill is churning.


[VERONICA] Scandals! We must be talking about Prince Albert's misadventures?


[MARCUS] Of course! It was the only thing anyone could talk about before we came on air.


[VERONICA] For our listeners, Marcus, do tell us. Give us the dish. What exactly did our dear prince get up to?


[MARCUS] It seems our dear Prince Albert decided to let loose at the Admiral Club Casino in Annapolis last night. He indulged a bit too much in the casino's finest spirits. Eyewitnesses report that he was seen downing shots of bourbon like there was no tomorrow.


[VERONICA] Oh, my! Sounds like quite the party! But I'm guessing the story doesn't end there?


[MARCUS] It does not. The prince was seen with numerous women throughout the course of the evening. Of course, that is to be expected when we are talking about Prince Albert.


[VERONICA] No surprise there. You've seen the guy. He's next in line to the throne AND he's a looker. If he ever makes it here to Albany, you can bet I'll be throwing myself at him too.


[MARCUS] Not all the women were single though, and he found himself in a heated altercation with one of the women's boyfriends.


[VERONICA] Now here's the drama!


[MARCUS] It started with shouting, but ended with the prince punching the man in the face.


[VERONICA] I was expecting worse.


[MARCUS] I'm not done.


[VERONICA] Okay, here we go.


[MARCUS] He vanished for a few hours as the Annapolis Police were searching the casino for him, but then he turned back up on the casino floor, dancing in his birthday suit, to the lights and sounds of the slot machines.


[VERONICA] That will do it.


[MARCUS] Yeah, unsure what the prince may have been indulging in besides the bourbon, but he spent the night in police custody before being released early this morning.


[VERONICA] That's going to take us to our first commercial break. When we come back, we're going to take your calls, we want to hear your thoughts on the prince's night of mishaps.


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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

April 15, 2161



The K107


SEATTLE, CASCADIA -- Kaminski Aircraft announced the completion of the K107 Reconnaissance Balloon. Compared with the K103 released about 6 years ago, the K107 has less total air volume, improving again on its rising speed. 


Teresa Kaminski was onboard for a test flight in Seattle and provided details in a press conference carried widely across the Pacific Radio Network. "The K107 is the premier flying vehicle. It is rated for altitudes of 4000 feet, which will improve survivability against attacks from the ground and improving visibility to in excess of 80 miles in all directions."


Don't expect to see the K107 over our skies soon. Sources close to the Cascadian government have indicated that the government will place export restrictions on the K107, so neither the balloon itself or the designs for the balloon can be exported out of Cascadia without explicit government permission.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

May 2, 2161



Megan Annan and Anne Kensington


ROSSINGOL -- The board of Annan Enterprises has announced that Megan Annan and Anne Kensington will be moving forward for further evaluations for the role of CEO. Which means that Keylon Kensington and Sydney Annan will not be selected.


Megan Annan has been leading the front office of the Rossingol Robins baseball team and the team won The Atlantic League championship last year after finishing in 9th place the year before. Anne Kensington has been leading Syracuse Steel and has improved efficiency and throughput at the main foundry facility and increased sales.


Meanwhile, Irving Marine Corporation and Annan Arms sales have not improved measurably in the last two years. Most notable, IMC lost out to KMS on the contract to develop the next class of battleship.


Anne Kensington will now manage Irving Marine Corporation and Megan Annan will manage Annan Arms. Annan Enterprises intends to declare the chosen candidate as the Chief Operating Officer by 2163 to provide them time to work with Edward Kensington directly before he retires.


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JA_PRN1.JPGPacific Radio Network



May 29, 2161



Chelsea Waterford of EBC and Devin Valdez of MBC


[CAMPBELL] Titans of industry conspiring to line their own pockets with your hard-earned money?


[Sounds of radio static and montage of the EBC and MBC callsigns]


[CAMPBELL] This is Pacific Radio Network Nightly News, and I'm your host, Fred Campbell. That's right folks. A merge might be in the works between the dominant radio broadcaster EBC and the upstart MBC. Here to discuss, is our favorite senator, Edith Bartlett. Thanks for coming on the show today, Edith.


[BARTLETT] Always a pleasure, Fred.


[CAMPBELL] So, there have been no official announcements from either side, so let's start with the facts. EBC CEO Chelsea Waterford was spotted in Pittsburgh today, meeting with rival MBC CEO Devin Valdez. The two met at The Keystone, an upscale restaurant not far from MBC headquarters. What could these two possibly have discussed for two hours over lunch?


[BARTLETT] We know that EBC is getting worried about MBC. The Appalachian Baseball League is a big draw, and not just in the border provinces. The Atlantic League is still king, and in scripted content, the EBC is still miles ahead, but both companies have something to offer. A combined EBC/MBC would be a true multinational broadcasting giant.


[CAMPBELL] And what would that mean for our listeners?


[BARTLETT] For your listeners? Not too much since they're already listening to the most reliable source of news free of corporate influence here on PRN. But for most others, it would be a further consolidation of our business landscape and a lack of listening options on the dial.


[CAMPBELL] Was there anything else these two could have been discussing? A clandestine tryst?


[BARTLETT] No (chuckles). Most likely this is the beginning of a conversation that will continue in their respective board rooms, but the fact that Waterford traveled from Albany to Pittsburgh lets you know that EBC assesses the threat posed by MBC to be real.


[CAMPBELL] Okay, thanks Edith. Up next, we are going to talk to Edith more about her first few months in the Commune and some of her priorities, but first, a word from our sponsor...


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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

June 8, 2161



Flag of Elegada


VILLAHERMOSA -- The forces of the Augustine Empire and New Tahoe have continued to push further into Elegadan territory. The Elegadan forces have been pushed back to the Yucatan Peninsula. The shore defenses have been nearly overwhelmed by the firepower of the Augustine Navy. The few victories for Elegada have been further inland, where they are battling New Tahoe in dangerous terrain.


Elegadan refugees continue to stream north from the war-torn region, primarily seeking refuge in the North American Commonwealth, Alleghenia, or J Andres. Here in J Andres, the largest populations have been settling in Rochester.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

June 27, 2161



Caroline St-Onge, Prime Minister of Acadia


ENDOR CUIDAD -- Acadian Prime Minister Caroline St-Onge visited J Andres today to see the new Commune building. St-Onge has been the Prime Minister for the last 12 years and recently announced she will be seeking another term in office.


"It is very exciting to see J Andres give the people stronger democratic representation by restoring the Commune and retiring the Crown Council. Democracy in North America has been advanced by these actions, and Acadia is pleased to see them in our neighbor."


The Prime Minister also met with Senator Dylan Sherman before embarking on the train journey home.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

August 12, 2161



Senator Edith Bartlett, leader of the Labor Party in the Commune


ALBANY -- While most are trying to enjoy the last few weeks of summer, the Labor Party is back at work early. The Commune's summer recess continues until the end of the month, but Edith Bartlett has gathered the Labor Party senators for a week-long conference in Albany to plot their agenda for the upcoming year.


"While we differ on many issues with the New Horizon party, we have more in common than the voices on the radio care to admit," she said in her opening remarks. "Let us identify our priorities, where we can find middle ground, which battles are worth fighting, and which are worth saving for another day."


The remainder of the conference will be behind closed doors.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

October 2, 2161



Logos of the Boston Redhawks and the Richmond Stars


BOSTON -- Two championship games on the radio at the same time! The Boston Redhawks defeated the Endor Dragons in Game 5 last night while the Richmond Stars defeated the Halifax Sharks in Game 4. This marks Boston's third Atlantic League Championship, and Richmond's first Appalachian League Championship.


All week the conversation has been about which game would provide better listening that evening. Would the Atlantic League matchup be more thrilling, or maybe the Appalachian league? Both games ended up being nail bitters, with many, including this reporter, finding themselves nervously toggling the dial between the EBC and MBC stations.


Also announced after the game, The Richmond Stars have been purchased by Henrico Tobacco and the Clarksburg Wildcats have been purchased by Three Rivers Brewery. Four of the five Appalachian league franchises have now been sold, leaving only the Halifax Sharks. 

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

February 11, 2162



Logos of the National Rail Company and the Ottawa Syracuse Railway


BURLINGTON -- The National Rail Company has expanded its Vinsalia Line service to connect Burlington to Albany. The expansion of the National Rail Company service was a priority for the Labor Party in the Commune this fall, and the rail will also continue up into Ottania where it will connect to Montreal. The Montreal connection is not expected to be completed until sometime next year.


The Ottawa Syracuse Railway has also expanded service on its Eastern Atlantic Line, connecting Richmond to Washington. 

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

February 16, 2162



Prince Albert, Prince of Newport


ANNAPOLIS -- Prince Albert, heir apparent to the J Andres throne, has been slain in Annapolis this evening. The 21-year old Prince has been a regular at the Admiral's Club Casino for many years, and was visiting for their Mardi Gras celebration. Details are still sparse at this hour, but King Phillippe has ordered his daughter Elizabeth, Princess of Saratoga, his sister Marie, Marquise of Syracuse, and her children, Louisa and Aiden, to shelter in place and not to leave the country.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

March 8, 2162



Ruth, Countess of Lanier


ROSSINGOL -- The designs for the newest class of battleship are complete. The keel was laid at Kensington Mews Shipbuilding in eastern Rossingol today. At the ceremony was Director of Defense Randall Cohen and Ruth, Countess of Lanier. The Countess was responsible for overseeing the design of the ship, and will now remain in Rossingol through the launch of the lead ship, Artemis.

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JA_PRN1.JPGPacific Radio Network



May 7, 2162



Flag of the former Blessed Dominion of Elegada


[CAMPBELL] Serious news to report tonight folks.


[Somber music plays on a lone guitar]


[CAMPBELL] This is Pacific Radio Network Nightly News, and I'm your host, Fred Campbell. The Blessed Dominion of Elegada has fallen. Archbishop Timoteo II has announced his surrender. The Augustine Empire now rules the Gulf of Mexico in its entirety. With me tonight, I have Bishop Lopez, a member of the Elegadan clergy who fled the nation for J Andres and has settled in Rochester. 


[LOPEZ] Good evening.


[CAMPBELL] Thank you for coming on the show tonight. The war with the Augustine Empire has caused you to flee your home. Many of your countrymen did not have the same opportunity, and are now in occupied lands with uncertain futures. Have you spoken to anyone down there today?


[LOPEZ] I have not. The phone lines have not carried international calls there for months.


[CAMPBELL] Do you have friends that remained?


[LOPEZ] Of course. I pray nightly for their safety. Our nation was a peaceful one, but we were a roadblock to the dreams of a dead Emperor. His children believe it was their destiny to achieve what their father could not. This led to the slaughter of thousands and was senseless.


[CAMPBELL] With the dream fulfilled, do you expect the violence to end?


[LOPEZ] No. North Mexico still stands, and while they are on the Pacific coast, in time, the Empire will want their land too. The empire takes and takes and subjugates. There is no end to what it will consume.


[CAMPBELL] Okay, thank you Bishop. Our thoughts and prayers go to the people of Elegada and we hope that violence on the Gulf has finally come to an end. In better news tonight, I'm pleased to announce that the Pacific Radio Network has launched its first transmitter in Ottania. Our friends in the north won't be able to hear my lovely voice, but a Montreal-based news desk will be taking care of our Ottanian friends. We will be talking with some of those reporters in a moment about their experiences in launching the new stations, but first, a word from our sponsor...

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

June 1, 2162



Former President Earnell Chambers


NEWPORT -- Former President Earnell Chambers has been honored for his public service to the nation and his continued service to improving Boston, the nation's most populous city by King Phillippe Iv this morning. The King bestowed upon Chambers the honorary barony of Endor. The Barony was previously created as an honorific title for former President Mateo Bourbon in 2137. Chambers graciously accepted the honor, and promptly boarded a train back to Boston to resume what he called, "the difficult and important work."

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

October 3, 2162



Logos of the Boston Redhawks and the Clarksburg Wildcats


BOSTON -- The Boston Redhawks (56-52) have defeated the Buffalo Sirens (62-46) to win back-to-back Atlantic League Championships. The Clarksburg Wildcats (27-21) have defeated the Richmond Stars (30-18) to win their second Appalachian League Championship. The final Appalachian League franchise, the Halifax Sharks, has also found a buyer in Harpoon Seafood, a seafood wholesaler based in Acadia.


Of more significance than either championship, was the announcement that the executives and owners of all fifteen franchises will be discussing a possible merger between the two baseball leagues over the course of the next few months. 

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

November 13, 2162



Ethan O'Dargan


SAN FRANCISCO -- The war in Elegada is over, and so is Ethan O'Dargan's presidency. New Tahoe fought on the side of the Augustine Empire in Elegada. Many believe that New Tahoe was strong-armed into the war by the Emperor as a repayment for the various wars that the Empire had supported New Tahoe. In New Tahoe, the war was extremely unpopular, and despite its conclusion, he paid for it in the election.


Ronan Gallagher of the Sonoma Party was victorious, and will be inaugurated in the end of January.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

March 19, 2163



Director of Industry Alicia Lin and Senator Edith Bartlett


BURLINGTON -- The government-operated National Rail Company added its first foreign connection today with service to Montreal from Burlington. Montreal could previously only be accessed through Montreal. This will shorten a trip from Albany to Montreal to about 9 hours from the current day and a half journey.


Director of Industry Alicia Lin was present at Burlington to wish the passengers well on the train's maiden voyage. As was Labor Party Senator Edith Bartlett. After the Labor Party conference two years ago, Bartlett made increased funding for National Rail a priority. "Over the past decades too many private railroad companies have entered the market and are concentrating capital in the hands of the few off the backs of the many. Today's connection in Montreal, will continue to improve the transportation network on the continent and drive down costs borne by consumers."

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JA_PRN1.JPGPacific Radio Network



April 18, 2163



Flag of Ottania


[CAMPBELL] Riots in protests tonight in Ottawa.


[Indistinct chanting in French, followed by the sound of an explosion]


[CAMPBELL] This is Pacific Radio Network Nightly News, and I'm your host, Fred Campbell. Our top story tonight is unrest in Ottania, where thousands have marched on the capital city of Ottawa to protest the lack of democracy.


[in French] Nous voulons une voix!


[CAMPBELL] The protests have been primarily peaceful, although some have capitalized on the crowds for looting and general mischief. The focus of the crowds, is their right to vote. Here is one of the event's organizers, Laurelia Belanger.


[BELANGER] (In accented English) We want our voices heard. We see democracy in our neighbors and we hear democracy on the radio. The monarchy is not meeting our needs. The King must see us. The King must hear us.


[CAMPBELL] You heard Ms. Belanger refer to the radio. King Louis has blamed the riots on Pacific Radio Network affiliates in Ottania for quote "poisoning the airwaves with west coast thinking." I think the many listeners of this station appreciate the PRN for being the best source of truth on the airwaves. Anyways, soon we will chat with Astor University professor Ralph Cassidy on his thoughts on the Ottanian riots and what they mean for monarchies across the continent, but first, a word from our sponsor...

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

May 20, 2163



Coolidge Tower in Boston


BOSTON -- The tallest building constructed since the Grand Mexican War has been completed. Standing at 212 feet tall the 17-story Coolidge Tower has opened in Boston today. The tower will feature commercial stores on the bottom floors and residences on the upper floors which will have a view of Boston Common. Boston, the nation's most populous city, has been increasingly running out of real estate in its downtown area.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

May 31, 2163



Logos of the Atlantic and Appalachian Baseball Leagues


ALBANY -- The Atlantic and Appalachian Baseball Leagues have reached an agreement. There had been wild speculation that the two leagues were considering a merger, but instead, they have announced a relationship where teams will be promoted and relegated. The Atlantic Baseball League will be the top tier of play and the Appalachian League will be the secondary tier of play. The two leagues will share some revenues.


Both leagues will begin play with 8 teams next year, so the bottom two teams from the Atlantic league will be relegated to the Appalachian League, where they will be joined by an expansion team. The leagues have announced an auction for rights to field the 16th team.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

June 9, 2163



Princess Elizabeth, Princess of Saratoga


ALBANY -- The Queen Mother, Maisie has hosted another grand ball at Francisco Hall in Albany, with the expectation to find a suitor for Princess Elizabeth, the heir apparent. It was in a similar fashion nearly 30 years ago that a ball was held for King Phillippe IV. However, it has been discussed that none of the suitors were to the Princess's liking. No families have been asked to remain and the search for a consort will continue.

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JA_TheAnchorTimes1.JPGThe Anchor Times

July 11, 2163



Director of Foreign Affairs, Brooke Mueller


PENSACOLA -- Director Mueller was unable to negotiate a free trade agreement with the Augustine Empire. "The Augustine Empire is the largest market on the continent. I will continue to work with the Emperor to try to open J Andres businesses up to this market," she said. This is yet another in a string of recent losses for the New Horizon Party ahead of the 2165 elections. 

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