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Caribbean Aftermath

Sarah Tintagyl

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The withdrawal of British and Spanish forces from the Caribbean resulted in a great fanfare across the Mexican Republic. Across Mexico City, citizens flew flags and threw confetti over the marching brigades of the army. Mexico had secured victory without a single life being lost, at least at the moment. Even with the Spanish withdraw, Cuba presented a problem. The Nationalist forces still moved freely on the eastern side of the island and if they could mount a successful guerrilla war, it would damage Mexican prestige.


Already a force of one thousand Mexican paratroopers had landed in Central Cuba, taking up positions against the Nationalists. With Mexican dominance of the seas secured, Amalia Solorzano dispatched an additional one-hundred thousand soldiers, under the command of General Racquel Garros to solidify Mexican positions on the island and smash the rest of the Nationalist forces.


Meanwhile, politics continued to move forward. While Solorzano could rest on her laurels of the Caribbean victory and the fact that the European withdrawal consolidated her power in the capital, she believed the future of the Caribbean and the future of the Americas were the most pressing issues. Unable to have a meeting in Havana because of the Nationalist Threat, Solorzano sent the following message to her allies in North America and to the newly established Communion south of the Mexican border.





With victory secured in the Caribbean and a united American front showing Europe that we will not be reannexed, I believe it is time to cement our alliance further. The Americas are vast and much territory remains decentralized. We, as the centralized nations of the Americas must take on the responsibility of making sure these lands do not fall into hostile foreign hands. I would like to invite you to Kingston, in Jamaica and discuss the creation of a Continental wide - Greater American Community. We will stand united in the face of all hostility brought against us by the world as well as strengthen our nations to make the Americas the center of the economic and cultural world.


Amalia Solorzano

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[Reply from the Communion]


"Señorita President Solorzano,


we apologise deeply, but no diplomat or representative from the Communion can attend your summit at the time.


With regret,"


1st Chairman of the Communion,

Fernando Restrepo
Appointed by the People

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Dear President Solorzano,
I will personally attend the meeting in Jamaica to discuss the future of the Western Hemisphere and the role our nations will play in it, given the success in the Caribbean. I look forward to meeting with you and with other American leaders.
Julius Palmer
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Procinctia supports the idea of a Greater American Community.

This in spite of recent de facto declaration of war by Mexico.
Nothing odd in supporting the political agendas of your battlefield foes.

Just because you have armies poised to attack us doesn't mean we can't be friends.

We''ll be seeing you in Kingston.


From the Office of Generalissimo

Grand Admiral of Procinctia

Generalissimo of Procinctia

El Presidente of Procinctia


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Kingston, Jamaica


While the Confederates and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts had not yet responded to President Solorzano's invitation to Kingston, the Procintians and Americans had and that was enough to start the meeting. Solorzano hoped that the stragglers would appear later and the conference could achieve full continental status. The delegates were greeted by Mexican officials who took them to the Kingston Town Hall, repaired from the damages sustained during the British invasion. Though the British had been right about the corruption of the previous regime, it still did not, in President Solorzano's eyes, give Europeans the right to intervene in the Americas. Now Jamaica, protected by Mexico was moving towards greater sovereignty and the President hoped to use the new rise of independent Republican Cuba as an example of Mexican benevolence over the Americas.


In the inner chambers of the building, Solorzano began.


"Gentlemen, I am happy you could be here today. Only a few weeks before the Americas achieved a great victory over Britain and Spain pushing the Europeans out of the Caribbean. Now we have a great continent to protect and no one nation can do that themselves. The two issues that Mexico would like to bring to this conference is what to do about the vast swaths of land in South America and Canada and how to solve the Panama Crisis between Procinctia and the Confederate States of America without significant loss of life."

Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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El Presidente Grand Admiral Generalissimo of Procinctia was plotting his next moves in the depths of Procinctia Armed Forces Military Command Bunker at [location classified]. . .


Just a simple few rounds of desplaying the overwhelming naval might of the Aleutian. . .

. . . and Greycoat scum would be scurrying right back in their holes!


As desplayed in this extremely-tactical--certainly-not-a-toy diorama he built for studying CSA strategy!

Despite his pending and inevitable victory the Mexicans, who just de facto declaired war, demanded a conference.
Surely the invitation by President Solorzano indicated a willingness to preemptively surrender to North's inherent superiority.

That or a trap devised by usual cunning treachery of Southerners in general.

Maybe somebody actually was playing a real peacemaker just for once?

Perhaps, most likely, the Procinctian head-of-state decided it was a little bit of all three.

No matter as the Aleutian Presidente was ready to handle anything they could throw his direction.

Who was he to decline such a "generous" invitation?

Donning an old uniform and carrying  fourth best swords it was time for a journey towards Mexico!


Finally arriving at Kingston Town Hall in time for Solorzano's opening speach,

"Evactly how to solve the Panama Crisis between Procinctia and the Confederate States of America without significant loss of life?

How about promptly surrendering the canal to Panama?

Otherwise fleeing instead of battling Procinctia should limit casulties overall."

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"And what would Procinctia do with the Canal, may I ask?" said Solorzano after the Grand Admiral arrived.

"Returned from the iron grasp of the Confederacy back to people of Panama in exchange for three kegs of highest quality aged Panamanian Rum," El Presidente Grand Admiral Generalissimo of Procinctia, "a fair trade for everyone involved."

Edited by Generalissimo
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"And what is to stop other nations from taking back the canal? As you are aware, the Panamanian people are part of the Communion of America now, would you give it to them?

"Communion of America didn't actually exist when the affair truely began.

We didn't anticipate such a develpment.

Just maybe they could be getting it?

Slightly more justified when compared to CSA's extremely tenuous claims.

Anyhow beating the Graycoats right now is priority for Procinctia.

Minutia of political details can be worked out after the battles define outcomes?"


And if so, why is Procinctia campaigning if the Panamanians themselves are not?"

"I have fairly solid evidence that Confederates were met with protests.

Said protesters were dispersed with gunfire.

Safe to say that Panamanians attempted to campaign.

They had simply failed against bigger guns.

In Panama

As the fleet left Panama for Puerto Rico, the Marines set about securing and renovating the abandoned US Army bases, including; Fort Sherman (renamed Fort Jackson), Fort Grant (renamed Fort Lee), Fort Armador, Fort Randolph (renamed Fort Beauregard), France Field, Fort De Lesseps, Fort Clayton, and Fort Kobbe. The initial return of foreign troops had not been something welcoming to the Panamanians, several riots had broken out in the temporarily occupied cities of Panama and Colon. The rioting had led to the deaths of several protesters after Marines fired on the crowed, dispersing it.

In a similar vein we're making those grievances known by employing methods of the Confederates.

With bigger guns."

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"These are of course grave protests that Procinctia is making and not unfounded, unfortunately the way you went about making such protests against the Confederacy's claims presents another problem. While the Confederacy may not be entirely fit to govern the Canal, neither do we trust the Procinctians and their vigilante sense of justice. The world is much more ordered than that Grand Admiral." Said Solorzano to the leader of Procinctia.


"While the Confederates are absent and I do hope they arrive, I believe that President Palmer and myself can agree that the the Canal is better left open to the governance of the Panamanians and protected by the same coalition that has protected the Caribbean against European invasion. My proposal would have your forces withdraw and the Confederacy relinquish ownership of the Canal to be placed as a joint-protectorate of all American countries who seek entrance in a continental alliance. The Canal should be all of our responsibilities."


Solorzano looked at the Grand Admiral. "Wouldn't you agree, Excellency?"

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The Minister of Foreign Affairs Felix Hébert, arrived just after the Mexican leader had finished speaking.


"I do apologise for my lateness, my flight was delayed due to bad weather in Richmond." He said, taking his seat. "If I may, I would like to make some remarks on the current situation in Panama." One of Héberts aides handed him a folder full of notes. "As you all know the nation of Procinctia has attacked Confederate troops stationed in Panama. The attack has come without any provocation, and has thus far, left over fifty Confederate soldiers have been killed in Procintcian air attacks." He paused for a moment to take a sip of water and shuffle through his notes. "The assault on the Confederacy comes after allegations by Procinctia that Confederate Marines had caused the deaths of protesters in the Canal Zone. This is absolutely false, and is based on no substantial evidence. (OOC: The post you quoted is marked classified) Instead, Procinctia is making an opportunistic attempt to seize the Panama Canal, using the false rumors spread by communist provocateurs and agitators." Hébert again paused and went through his notes. "To this end, we have come here today to call on this conference of American nations to assist us in repelling Procinctian aggression and returning control of the Panama Canal to it's rightful owners in the Panama Canal Company."

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"The forcible dispersal of protestors by Confederate troops in the Panama Canal zone, if true, were unfortunate, but it under no circumstances warrants the gung-ho vigilantism carried out by Procinctia that led to senseless deaths and destruction in this part of the Americas, and potentially created instability in the Western Hemisphere. And not to mention, Procinctia's actions carries forth an unsettling precedent: that foreign nations have the right to unilaterally interfere into the affairs of others based on perceived injustices, and especially without recourse to diplomacy. In the interests of preventing a repeat conflict in the near-future, I propose the Panama Canal be designated as an international zone administered and protected by Mexico, the Confederate States of America, the American Enclave, and the Communion of America through a Panama Canal Commission (PCC). Procinctia may join in as an observer, but it will have no role in the Canal's administration and defense. This shows that actions have consequences and that Procinctia's aggression will not go unpunished. Moreover, after a period of time, control of the Canal may be transferred to the Communion of America as long as it proves itself to be a responsible nation and that the Canal be kept open for international traffic. What are everyone's thoughts on all this?"

Edited by JEDCJT
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"While I approve of the creation of a continental coalition to administer the Canal, I would like to see that coalition exist permanently. The economic revenue and the importance of the canal is too important to entrust to one nation and in respect to the Communion, they could not even affirmatively respond to this Conference. You must understand then, gentlemen, I have my doubts in the Communists ability to administer such a pivotal location in the Americas However," Solorzano continued, "I believe we are unanimous here that Procinctia must not be allowed to continue their assault against the Canal and the Confederate holdings there, despite what allegations have been delivered."


The President turned to the Grand Admiral,  "Excellency, I believe I speak for all leaders at this conference. Procinctia will withdraw immediately from the Canal or otherwise meet the full assault of the American nations gathered here."

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 "I've noticed a degree of hypocrisy in attacking an American nation to prove that attacking other american nations is bad."

". . . The world is much more ordered than that Grand Admiral."


"While the Confederates are absent and I do hope they arrive, I believe that President Palmer and myself can agree that the the Canal is better left open to the governance of the Panamanians and protected by the same coalition that has protected the Caribbean against European invasion. My proposal would have your forces withdraw and the Confederacy relinquish ownership of the Canal to be placed as a joint-protectorate of all American countries who seek entrance in a continental alliance. The Canal should be all of our responsibilities."


Solorzano looked at the Grand Admiral. "Wouldn't you agree, Excellency?"

"While I approve of the creation of a continental coalition to administer the Canal, I would like to see that coalition exist permanently. The economic revenue and the importance of the canal is too important to entrust to one nation and in respect to the Communion, they could not even affirmatively respond to this Conference. You must understand then, gentlemen, I have my doubts in the Communists ability to administer such a pivotal location in the Americas However," Solorzano continued, "I believe we are unanimous here that Procinctia must not be allowed to continue their assault against the Canal and the Confederate holdings there, despite what allegations have been delivered."


The President turned to the Grand Admiral,  "Excellency, I believe I speak for all leaders at this conference. Procinctia will withdraw immediately from the Canal or otherwise meet the full assault of the American nations gathered here."

"The world is more ordered?

It's really not.

We're living in a world completely lacking in any international type institutions whatsoever.
Literally, without exaggeration, completely opposite to anything resembling order.

Currently power is drawn from the barrel of a gun.

Any concessions you might receive won't be coming from alleged order.

Simply more threats backed with armed force.

How is that any different from the ultimatum I made?

Violence is best solved with additional violence.

Guns are best answered by still bigger guns.

Appeals to authority are ultimately irrelevant compared to your threats.
Thank you in proving, with practical demonstration, my earlier points on that."


"And not to mention, Procinctia's actions carries forth an unsettling precedent: that foreign nations have the right to unilaterally interfere into the affairs of others based on perceived injustices, and especially without recourse to diplomacy."

"Confederate States of America had a full day to respond.

Ultimatums aren't bluffs.

Didn't send a single communication of any kind in our direction.

Diplomacy works both ways you know."


. . ."using the false rumors spread by communist provocateurs and agitators."

"This completely new revelation could, if proven, dramatically change overall paradigm of Procinctia in this entire affair.

Communist provocateurs and agitators?"

Generalissimo exaggeratedly waves a fist

"That changes everything.

Why didn't you bother to say anything before our ultimatum ran it's course?"

Edited by Generalissimo
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Commonwealth of Massachusetts sends 4,000 soldiers to claim Haiti as a Commonwealth Protectorate. AKA soon to be annexed.

"You are in violation of our territory. This is a Mexican protectorate zone. Turn back."

"Interestingly enough word on the street may seem involve Mexico getting a lot of scrapes recently.

Real peacemakers aren't you?"

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"Grand Admiral," said Solorzano, "You are avoiding the debate. Continual attacks on the Confederates in Panama will only further divide the Americas. President Palmer and myself have offered suitable suggestions to the future of the Canal. While the Confederates may not have right to the Canal, nor do you have right to attack them. As it stands, you have two options, you can either withdraw from the Canal and become an observer in the new continental system with, on line for good behavior from your nation, become of full member, or be labeled a rogue state."


She chuckled when the Admiral brought up the "invasion attempt" by the Commonwealth several weeks ago. "Yes, we are peacekeepers. Maintaining the sovereignty of the Caribbean from foreign invaders whether American or European. Do you see yourself as a liberator? I don't believe you are."

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Dear Mexico,

My tardiness should not constitute an emergency. Our nation is simply quite busy and are not completely sure how "safe" a meeting with a nation like yours could be. However, expect to have a representative arriving within the next 10 hours aboard a plane. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated in advance and I hope you treat my representative with the greatest respect, for he will treat you as such as well.


Calvin Coolidge

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As it stands, you have two options, you can either withdraw from the Canal and become an observer in the new continental system with, on line for good behavior from your nation, become of full member, or be labeled a rogue state."

"There are two kinds of people in the world, my friend.
Those with a rope around their neck, and the people who have the job of doing the cutting.
Who is wearing a rope today I wonder?
Vast majority of your fleet has focused strength in the Caribbean.
With bottleneck of the Panama Canal under dispute actually enforcing your mandate is unlikely.
Any state can declare any other nation rogue - it's a meaningless platitude.
I, Generalissimo, could name Mexico a rogue nation.
Difference being Procinctia can enforce it.
Would be a real shame if you lost all Pacific access.
Escalation is a mutually dangerous game.
You have as much to lose in this.
Of course I have a third option.
Outright war against Mexico."

Do you see yourself as a liberator? I don't believe you are."

"I see myself so much a liberator as you're a peacekeeper."


Your cooperation is greatly appreciated in advance and I hope you treat my representative with the greatest respect, for he will treat you as such as well.

"We're looking forward to hearing what Commonwealth of Massachusetts will be saying on this.

It's literally a difference between peace and war.

Not exaggerating this."

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Calvin Coolidge would formally represent his nation in Kingston. He arrived within the time stated and walked to the Kingston Town Hall, where he was sure that they were meeting. He would walk in wearing a nice suit and a tall hat.


"I once again will apologize for my nations tardiness. I will also apologize that I have absolutely no clue what conversation is currently going on. If I could be quickly caught up, that would be appreciated."

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Calvin Coolidge would formally represent his nation in Kingston. He arrived within the time stated and walked to the Kingston Town Hall, where he was sure that they were meeting. He would walk in wearing a nice suit and a tall hat.


"I once again will apologize for my nations tardiness. I will also apologize that I have absolutely no clue what conversation is currently going on. If I could be quickly caught up, that would be appreciated."


"Don't worry because I brought my shiny new Magnetophon reel-to-reel tape recorder with me!"

Generalissimo pulls out sizable recording device from a comically oversized knapsack.

"I have it all on reel."

Entire proceeding begin to playback from the beginning. 

Edited by Generalissimo
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"This completely new revelation could, if proven, dramatically change overall paradigm of Procinctia in this entire affair.

Communist provocateurs and agitators?"

Generalissimo exaggeratedly waves a fist

"That changes everything.

Why didn't you bother to say anything before our ultimatum ran it's course?"


"No message reached our government in time, before you began recklessly bombing our soldiers.Hébert replied before turning to the American and Mexican leaders.


"The forcible dispersal of protestors by Confederate troops in the Panama Canal zone, if true, were unfortunate, but it under no circumstances warrants the gung-ho vigilantism carried out by Procinctia that led to senseless deaths and destruction in this part of the Americas, and potentially created instability in the Western Hemisphere. And not to mention, Procinctia's actions carries forth an unsettling precedent: that foreign nations have the right to unilaterally interfere into the affairs of others based on perceived injustices, and especially without recourse to diplomacy. In the interests of preventing a repeat conflict in the near-future, I propose the Panama Canal be designated as an international zone administered and protected by Mexico, the Confederate States of America, the American Enclave, and the Communion of America through a Panama Canal Commission (PCC). Procinctia may join in as an observer, but it will have no role in the Canal's administration and defense. This shows that actions have consequences and that Procinctia's aggression will not go unpunished. Moreover, after a period of time, control of the Canal may be transferred to the Communion of America as long as it proves itself to be a responsible nation and that the Canal be kept open for international traffic. What are everyone's thoughts on all this?"

"While I approve of the creation of a continental coalition to administer the Canal, I would like to see that coalition exist permanently. The economic revenue and the importance of the canal is too important to entrust to one nation and in respect to the Communion, they could not even affirmatively respond to this Conference. You must understand then, gentlemen, I have my doubts in the Communists ability to administer such a pivotal location in the Americas However," Solorzano continued, "I believe we are unanimous here that Procinctia must not be allowed to continue their assault against the Canal and the Confederate holdings there, despite what allegations have been delivered."


The President turned to the Grand Admiral,  "Excellency, I believe I speak for all leaders at this conference. Procinctia will withdraw immediately from the Canal or otherwise meet the full assault of the American nations gathered here."


"We cannot support the creation of such an authority.The land we currently occupy - with the exception of all military fortifications - as well as the canal itself is the private property of the Panama Canal Corporation, and they are responsible for the administration of their private land. It is the responsibility of the Confederate government to ensure that private property is protected from communists hell bent on property theft and greedy foreign powers."

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Coolidge would take a call and excuse himself for a moment. All the people would here was:


"Hello? Yes. What? You have to understand how important this meeting is. Ok, ok bye."


He then would walk back over and speak calmly to the representatives:


"I apologize. It is terrible that I must bring this upon you suddenly, but yet another problem has arisen. Up in Greenland, my nation went up and protected it formally. However, Sweden, months later, has entered Greenland claiming it as theirs and threatening us for war. This is One: In violation of our protectorate Two: Violation of American Territory Three: Violation of the rights of the people of Greenland. They gave us a week to leave, but I believe that is foolish of them. Was is quite dumb, you see. People argue about who is protecting that land and then destroy cities and towns and buildings and kill civilians in war against each other. They are using the wrong tactic to win. We need to stand together! As strong as our navy is, our army has small numbers due to our small claim. Those of us "Liberators", and I know this is a fast approach, but we should sign the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, although just a pitch for a new treaty. If not, stand with me against sweden!"


He then paused and awaited an answer.

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Coolidge would take a call and excuse himself for a moment. All the people would here was:


"Hello? Yes. What? You have to understand how important this meeting is. Ok, ok bye."


He then would walk back over and speak calmly to the representatives:


"I apologize. It is terrible that I must bring this upon you suddenly, but yet another problem has arisen. Up in Greenland, my nation went up and protected it formally. However, Sweden, months later, has entered Greenland claiming it as theirs and threatening us for war. This is One: In violation of our protectorate Two: Violation of American Territory Three: Violation of the rights of the people of Greenland. They gave us a week to leave, but I believe that is foolish of them. Was is quite dumb, you see. People argue about who is protecting that land and then destroy cities and towns and buildings and kill civilians in war against each other. They are using the wrong tactic to win. We need to stand together! As strong as our navy is, our army has small numbers due to our small claim. Those of us "Liberators", and I know this is a fast approach, but we should sign the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, although just a pitch for a new treaty. If not, stand with me against sweden!"


He then paused and awaited an answer.

Generalissimo leaned back on his conference chair and lazily adopted a relaxed posture, "Tell you what, if you manage getting full unanimous total backing from everybody in this little backroom, I might be willing to back of the greycoats. Entirely willing and ready trading one battlefield for a different one.""

Edited by Generalissimo
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"Grand Admiral," said Solorzano, "You are avoiding the debate. . ."

You're new to international diplomacy aren't you comrade Solorzano? You have my word as El Presidente Grand Admiral Generalissimo of Procinctia it's neither stalling or evading outright debate. Proper diplomacy often takes places at crawling pace. Even fast-tracked negotiation like Treaty of Portsmouth settling the Russo-Japanese War still took a month of discussions. That involved President Theodore Roosevelt himself. Took him 26 days. You're no Roosevelt and expect a resolution by day's end. Who exactly is more a rouge leader here? 

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