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Nicuruaguan Flood


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Striking during the disputes, and lack of sovereignty in the former Tikal.  Imperial missiles from Guantanomo Bay hit the 'Second canal' built by Tikal, followed by rail gun bombardment from the Panama Canal site.  The final following up was lightning strike with the deployment of thousands upon thousand of covert mines throughout the canal and its surrounding area, small enough to leave small boats alone, but would swarm around ships.  


Following on the attack, troops from the Canal Zone would move across via helicopter (remember much shorter distances to travel landing in the second Canal Zone claiming the territory for the Sovereign Initiative.



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Québecois officials in the Ministry of the Exterior wondered why the Nicaragua canal was bombed, instead of being seized. It could've been a good addition to boost naval commerce. as the country had other issues and little commerce with the Pacific currently, they kept their concerns mostly to themselves, instead of issuing a statement.

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Helzan is confused by the reports that this new canal had been so thoroughly bombed and mined however, seeing as the other panama canal is at least partially controlled by Tianxia it was deemed most likely that the strike was for political and economical reasons. Being of no use to Helzan at this moment a short response was made.


"Helzan has no true opinion on the strikes against this new panama canal but believe that Tianxia likely had its reasons."

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American Commonwealth military officials would look in in amusement and disbelief as one of the largest militaries in the world had just been defeated in the span of minutes of bombardment that hadn't even targeted them.  In the meantime establishment of the protectorate would continue, with Commonwealth troops continuing their assigned missions at full combat readiness.  Hundred of combat and support aircraft were redeployed to the Gulf coast states and the Caribbean to assist in handling any further issues while Commonwealth naval forces would also support operations.  Securing the, now defunct, Brazilian military facilities was given a top priority with airmobile troops moving rapidly to secure bases and equipment.  Brazilian Naval forces in the region were also ordered to proceed back to Tampico to be interned.  The protectorate would stretch from the Mexican border down to the TSI canal zone.

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