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A Hungary Ukranian


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To: Government of Hungary
From: The Premier of Ukraine

Hello neighbor! The government of the Ukraine would like for you to possibly meet us in Kiev for a conference on improving relations between our nations. Together we can make Europe a great place for the both of us!

Svetlana Edited by Rotavele
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To: The Premier of Ukraine
From: Hungarian-Slovakian Provisional Government


We would be happy to send some delegates to meet with your government in Kiev.  We will appoint them tommorow and they should arrive their sometime tommorow evening.

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The Ukraine State News Agency covered the arrival of the Hungarian Delegation, 3 representatives of The Ukrainian Government welcomed the Delegation and offered them a secure escort to the capital building to meet with the Premier.

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The Hungarian delegation cordially greets the Ukrainian representatives and thanks them for the warm reception and invitation to their country.  They then graciously accept the escort in the Ukranian government limos provided for the ride to the capital building.

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"So, I've been informed that you're government is interested in a Non-Agression Treaty, Mutual Defense Treaty, and a Mutual Economic & Trade Treaty, am I correct?  


While usually rare for a provisional government to do so, I have been authorized to sign such Treaties on behalf of the Hungarian and Slovakian Provisional Government, if you are ready to do so."

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"I apologize, but we must rap this up within an hour. I have just been informed one of our officials has been assassinated late last night, and I am needed back in our capital as soon as possible."


*the ambassador quickly signs the treaties and excuses himself*

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*The Hungarian ambassador to the Ukraine calls the Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs from his office back in Hungary.


"I apologize that this will be a short call, as things are still very hectic here, with the ongoing investigation into the assassination.


I just wanted to give you a quick call to say that, pending approval from the Ukrainian government, after the signing of those three treaties yesterday, my government wishes to begin joint-construction with the two of our nations, of a joint-railway that will span thorughout Hungary and Ukraine, to better facilitate commerce and trade in both our nations.


Ofcourse, it will be several weeks, perhaps a month, before such construction will be able to start, since all our resources are currently tied up between preparing for elections and aiding the ongoing assassination investigation."

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*Upon receiving news of the treaties being signed, while back in Budapest, the Hungarian ambassador calls the Ukrainain Foreign Affairs minister.*


It's great news, hearing that  our friendship is now official!  


If it has all been ok'd back on your end by your government, I have it by a good source that the Hungarian-Ukrainian Trans-Rail Line construction is set to commence in 2 weeks.


One more thing, if you don't mind, Minister.  Would your government be up for signing the International Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty?  It is best that terrorists and rogue nations don't get their hands on Ukraine's--or any other nation's, for that matter--nuclear materials and devices.  Wouldn't you agree?

Edited by Euphaia
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"Of course we would. We have already been interested in doing so with France and Italy. We also would love a rail road between our nations. We also will allow you to build a harbor shall you wish to have access to the Crimean Seas."

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"What do you think of Alvonia and Ubersteinia putting troops on both of our borders in Poland  and Belarus? To be honest, the Ukraine is starting to contemplate this thread after the mass shooting by an alleged Ubersteinian Soldier."

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Hungary greatly appreciates your government's offer for a harbor on the Crimea Sea.  Such a harbor would be an immense help for Hungary's economy and trade.  


*The Hungarian ambassador listens as the Ukrainian Minister mentions the troop buildup in Poland and Belarus, takes a moment to contemplate it, and answers.*


A troop build-up in Poland would greatly alarm us, as Hungary and Slovakia are both peaceful and defensive nations, and such a build up would cause great worry and concern with the peace-loving citizens of both nations.  Hence why we've been signing Non-Aggression, Mutual Defense, and Trade treaties.  We only wish to live in peace and grow economically, that is once this whole assassination crisis has been solved, hopefully sooner rather than later.  


I'll have our ambassador in Ubersteinia lodge a polite, formal request not to station troops along the Poland-Hungary/Slovakia border, as we have no intention of offensively attacking any nations, only defending ourselves, Slovakia, or Ukraine, should someone offensively attack us first.

Edited by Euphaia
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Private Correspondence


From: Hungarian-Slovakian Provisional Government


To: Ukrainian Government


In the interest of peace and stability in the region, Hungary-Slovakia has decided to offer Ukraine to build, staff, and maintain a Hungary-Slovakian military base in Ukraine.

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Private Correspondence


From: Hungarian-Slovakian Provisional Government


To: Ukrainian Government


In the interest of peace and stability in the region, Hungary-Slovakia has decided to offer Ukraine to build, staff, and maintain a Hungary-Slovakian military base in Ukraine.


A quick reply was sent "We would be happy to allow that of our allies."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Private, Confidential Diplomatic Communique


We continue to offer Ukrainian ships any ammunition they may need, until the blockade is lifted.


Our ammunition may only be used for defensive purposes only, never used offensively, or else Hungary-Slovakia will cease to provide said ammunition to Ukraine.


If at anytime, however, a Ukrainian ship should be fired upon firstunprovoked, Hungary-Slovakia will disregard the stated stipulation it has set above.


However, after a swift and decisive resolution was moments ago passed by our parliament, Hungary-Slovakia must withdraw its offer of providing Hungarian sailors to serve on any Ukrainian ship, unless Ukraine or any Ukrainian ship is attacked first and unprovoked.


Once the blockade has been lifted, Hungary-Slovakia, by order of the Hungarian-Slovakian parliament, will cease providing said ammunition to Ukrainian ships.

Edited by Euphaia
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