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Game of Thrones RP sign-up


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From the IRC chat we had about it. Basically a Game of Thrones rp set in Westeros but a lot of freedom will be given, making your own house, etc.


I don't think we came to a conclusion on how much canon we'd follow but we'll figure that out later, this is just the sign-up thread for it.


Edit: Triyun and Sarah are the current royal family of westeros, their house controls king's landing(or did you guys rename it?) and the crownlands around it. Cent's house controls lands west of long lake in the north.

Edited by Greywall
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I have a map I used for my own GoT themed RP I played with my alliance if you guys want it? It's fairly detailed.
Edit: Here anyway if it's needed/wanted. Apologizes I could only find a copy with a province in yellow already >_>

Edited by commanderragnar
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As said last night, Sarah and I have dibs on the royal family.  Crownlands and the Reach for our base lands.


I'll put that in the op, was hoping aggron would pop in by now and take over. 



Dibs on the North.


which part?



I have a map I used for my own GoT themed RP I played with my alliance if you guys want it? It's fairly detailed.


Yes that would be very helpful, thank you :)

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As said last night, Sarah and I have dibs on the royal family.  Crownlands and the Reach for our base lands.

To anyone reading after this post. Their claim is true when we start Triyun and SarahTintagyl will be the ones who sit in kings landing note this doesn't make them any more powerful it just helps build backstory


Dibs on the North.

The north as you see is split up, I think we'll take one starting territory (cr's map) for each house, seeing as Triyun and Sarah are playing the Royal family they'd start with two right next to each other just to show their power.


I have a map I used for my own GoT themed RP I played with my alliance if you guys want it? It's fairly detailed.
Edit: Here anyway if it's needed/wanted. Apologizes I could only find a copy with a province in yellow already >_>

Thanks for the map it'll help immensely. For anyone who is reading this as well just remember a few things if you want to play:

-This is loose canon, you can play Starks or a vanilla House, as long as you have a backstory for them.

-You need to clearly say where you'd be if you say the north you'll probably end up beyond the wall.

-Lastly the rules/ specifics are in the works as of right now so this is for expressing interest and maybe getting some things about your house written down.


If you have questions join #cnrp or  #I_A or #GoT look for Myself, Greywall, Centurius, Triyun or Sarah.  If you want to help come up with backstory to the setting or even join the team to create a stable set of rules then just contact one of the above mentioned. Thank you to everyone!


In winter we hunt! House  Fyrentes!

Edited by High Emperor Aggron
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I shall be House Rosengoldsteinbergowitz of Jew's Landing, secret controller of the Iron Bank and the ravens.  Put me somewhere in the Riverlands, probably in space D3.  Also, I shall grow corn, and PD shall be my bannerman in space D9 where he shall raise cows.  IT IS WRITTEN!

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I shall be House Rosengoldsteinbergowitz of Jew's Landing, secret controller of the Iron Bank and the ravens.  Put me somewhere in the Riverlands, probably in space D3.  Also, I shall grow corn, and PD shall be my bannerman in space D9 where he shall raise cows.  IT IS WRITTEN!

No, pick a good name and we'll talk :P
As to Cent and Greywall. Both are yes'.
Here is another map seeing as we'll probably go with loose territory in combination with using the map above provided by commanderragnar.



Also we've begun drafting the first set of guideline rules.(not final)


Soldiers: Soldiers will always equal your MAX ingame (Cybernations) soldier count.

Cavalry: Cavalry will always equal your MAX ingame (Cybernations) tank count

Navy: Navy is restricted to landing ships or sloops. Your maximum navy is on a 1:1 factor, if you have 8 ships in Cybernations you can have 8 ships in GoT RP

Dragons: Dragons are so rare and unwieldy that only a major house could dare to raise and appease such a monster. You may only ever have One Dragon provided you have Nukes in Cybernations. If it dies it is dead. (unless you have an egg? :smug: )  EDIT:: May switch Dragons for Wildfire.

Valyrian Steel: A house may only ever have one Valyrian steel sword, provided you have at least 1000 in game technology.

Edited by High Emperor Aggron
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Are requirements per person or per house?  I think we should allow for men of war to be the carriers and battleships.  Also change mine to the Westerlands and the Kings Land instead, if I have my army.  

Agreed to your request, as to the requirements, we'll need to talk that over but I'd think per player.. As to men of war, also need to talk about it.

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Requesting Braavos and the Braavosi lands.

iKrolm if you want another piece of land feel free to pick anywhere.  You can also create a house near Braavos and reclaim it through whatever means you'd like.


Literally already claimed Braavos dude, soz.


Lord of Braavos will be a deserter of the Wall, Vidarr the Terrible (tee hee).


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