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British Hidalgo


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British Hidalgo




MORE INFO- http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/British_Hidalgo

History- The Indigenous peoples inhabited this area for thousands of years and lived by their native customs. This however changed when in the early 19th century Spanish explorers from Spain took the indigenous people's natural resources for their own financial gain and used them as slaves. This strongly angered the elders of the people and soon started capturing Spanish soldiers as repayment and revenge. These actions to the Spanish were not unnoticed and soon the Head of the Expedition, Alejo Alejandro, asked to the governor for reinforcement troops to ensure that the indigenous population no longer posed a threat to their work. When the soldiers eventually arrived they brutally massacred the natives, raped the women, and took the children and men as slaves to be sold back in Spain. The native people continued to capture troops who were marching in the forests and with them, their weapons. Soon the natives had enough firearms to start to overthrew the local Spanish administration. It took eight long and bloody years until the Spanish were pushed back towards the East. The Western part of the Spanish colony declared its independence in 1848. They named it Hidalgo, which means nobility, and organized several elders from different tribes to run the government. The largest tribe in the area was the Ache, their elder was chosen to be the central figure head of this new state. His name was Yvytyruzu Ypety, he however turned out to be a brutal dictator of the people and favored those in his native tribe. The other tribes people grew angry and even rebellious at times, however they never had the resources to formulate a revolt against Ypety. In 1898 a secret British expedition to South America took place and they journeyed to Hidalgo, well known in Europe for revolting against the Spanish, the explorers met with the indigenous people that were not in Ypety's native tribe and encouraged and supplied them for a revolt against the brutal dictator. The British did this not becuase they believed in justice, but because they knew that Hidalgo had a large deposit of timber, iron ore, and limestone. The explorers planned on allowing the natives to fight and then place themselves as rulers of Hidalgo. They presented this plan to their counterparts and they agreed. For five years civil war raged, killing upwards of 20,000 natives and 1,000 British. Eventually the natives conquered the capital with British support and handed power to the British in hopes that they would temporarily rule and stabilize their country. The British had other plans, they did not care about reunification in the sense of mending ties, but instead wanted to grain the natural resources for profit at the natives' expenses. The British wanted to control the entire area, and so in 1910 launched a military campaign against the Spanish and easily acquired the Eastern Territories. The British with overly abundant resources that they can export to Britain and the North American countries, renamed it the British Hidalgo. In order to help prevent revolt by the indigenous people they started educated males and females regardless of social class and taught them English. The hope was that they would not be able to communicate with other countries because of the language barrier and would not have any foreign support.The British held control of the British Hidalgo peacefully until 2003 when the Indigenous people wanted independence as a free nation. They never considered British occupation as a long-lasting solution. A revolt broke out and was led politically by George Patterson and militarily by Jose Gomez. They united the people, indigenous, British, and Spanish, against the government and fought for their independence for several years. Finally on August 9, 20XX they ousted the last British troops from British Hidalgo and declared their existence. The need for a stable, democratic, and representative government was felt by every single person. The Indigenous people wanted to get rid of "British" in the national name, however the British settlers were very opposed to the idea, and since the Indigenous people have fought many wars for independence so soon, they agreed with the British in exchange that the first leaders must be Jose Gomez and George Patterson, leaders of the revolution against the British. The settlers agreed and representatives from all ethnic groups gathered to sign the draft of the constitution.


Government- the British Hidalgo’s government is a representative democracy. The central government contains 3 separate branches of power, the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial.


The Executive is headed by the President and is assisted by an appointed cabinet. The Legislative consists of two houses, the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies. The Judicial Branch shall consist of local, state, and a national court.

Military- The military of British Hidalgo consist of the British Hidalgonian army and air force.


The constitution of British Hidalgo establishes the President of British Hidalgo as the commander-in-chief.


British Hidalgo has voluntary military service, and 18-year-old males and older are eligible for three year enlistment. Those 22-year-old males and older with a college degree are eligible for commissioning as an officer.


States- The British Hidalgo consists of 5 states, each run by an elected governor.

Economy- Landlocked British Hidalgo has a market economy distinguished by a large informal sector, featuring re-export of imported consumer goods to neighboring countries, as well as the activities of thousands of microenterprises and urban street vendors.

More recent data show that 25% of the British Hidalgonian population is poor, 20% of which live in extreme poverty. Moreover, 70% of the latter live in rural areas of the country.


Similarly, land concentration in the British Hidalgonian countryside is one of the highest in the globe: 10% of the population controls 66% of the land, while 30% of the rural people are landless. This inequality has caused a great deal of tensions between the landless and land owners.


Demographics- British Hidalgonian's population is distributed unevenly through the country, with the vast majority of people
living in the eastern region near the capital and largest city, San Tomas, which accounts for 10% of the country's population. About 56% of British Hidalgonians live in urban areas, making British Hidalgo one of the least urbanized nations in South America.


Religion- The official state religion is Roman Catholicism, however the constitution tolerates all religions.  

Culture- Additionally, nearly all British Hidalgonians also speak English, and it is the only South American country to have it as its official language.


Sport in British Hidalgo is an important part of British Hidalgonian national culture. Football is the most popular sport, while other sports such as rugby union, volleyball, basketball, and tennis all have significant popularity. Chess, futsal, golf, motorsport, and rowing are also noteworthy British Hidalgonian sports and pastimes.


Education- Literacy is about 93% and 85% of British Hidalgonians finish the 5th grade. Literacy does not differ much by gender.

Primary education is free and mandatory and takes nine years. Secondary education takes three years.

British Hidalgo's universities include: National University of the Ascension, Catholic University of our Lady of the Ascension, and the University
of America


Healthcare- Average life expectancy in British Hidalgo is rather high given its poverty: as of 20XX, it was 75 years, equivalent to far wealthier Argentina.

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Office of the President





On Aug 9. 2013, our amazing leader, Jose Gomez, rescued our nation from the clutches of evil. Commanding overwhelming support, he was elected President. with such an amazing victory fresh on our minds, we're happy to say that we work tirelessly to ensure our nation's main focus: the strengthening of our international ties and to promote our economy.

According to the State News Agency, a large majority of the 50,000 citizens say that they practice Roman Catholicism, under a mostly open, honest, and transparent government.

The President was recently heard remarking that as a result of our policies on international trade, the national economy is strong. As a result, most people are overwhelmingly happy, and can be found whistling away the day or even dancing in the streets!

The President's government appointments will be announced shortly.

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President: Jose Gomez

Vice President: George Patterson

Secretary of State: Celestina Scavo

Secretary of Treasury: Laurie Starcher

Secretary of Defence: Tamie Sabb

Attourney General: Cayla Troyer

Secretary of Interior: Marceline Smyth

Secretary of Agriculture: Andy Hodge

Secretary of Commerce: Mercedes Vierling

Secretary of Labor: Danna Maniscalco

Secretary of Health and Human Services: Theressa Kubiak

Secretary of Housing and Urban Development: Marinda Gustin

Secretary of Transportation: Ellamae Rames

Secretary of Energy: Josefina Fenderson

Secretary of Education: Marina Toscano

Secretary of Veteren Affairs: Phung Sultan

Secretary of Homeland Security: Diana Sheen






House Speaker: Franklyn Kreiner

President pro tempore of the Seate: Horacio Astorga


State Senators: Nova Sober, Alissa Racine, Bee Maples, Beulah Halverson, Caryn Kennerson, Jadwiga Devries, Josh Hiebert, Marguerite Yoho, Rory Handy, Roslyn Strand, Joaquina Angel, Claribel Myatt, Maxine Alvidrez, Chanell Kauffman, Santiago Rix, Gwendolyn Flink, Alene Leveille, Porsche Vandegrift, Laquanda Lachermeier, Eduardo Dabney


State Deputies: Tomeka Shamburger, Yulanda Lander, Andy Brawn, Rebecca Filmore, Una Jepson, Sara Leclaire, Tesha Loth, Nathanial Hawbaker, Fidelia Broadwater, Layla Oneil, Fernande Birch, Vertie Pfister, Karla Fleet, Sarina Conger, Wendolyn Kontos, Han Laureano, Hsiu Krenz, Ivana Bender, Irmgard Hochstetler, Roscoe Heit, Pei Cornwall, Reynalda Diniz, Aleen Remaley, Rashida Knop, Charisse Bahe, Brendan Deckman, Stephan Maeda, Abbie Calzada, Rolland Gaulding, Marcia Zanchez




Supreme Court of the British Hidalgo:


1. Sylvia Warren

2. Cedric Montgomery

3. Marian Martin

4. Sheila Koser

5. Winford Mccrady

6. Carylon Mckellar

7. Gino Ryerson

8. Tyisha Border

9. Vicente Kirkendall




State of San Sebastián Governor: Kraig Dutra

State of La Paz Governor: Clelia Fecteau

State of San Juan Governor: Shantay Gaddy

State of San Miguel Governor: Linwood Chaidez

State of Santa Maria Governor: Argentina Vose

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British Hidalgo



Formation of the British Hidalgonian Armed Forces


Capital de San Tomas, Aug 10, 20XX


On the first day of Jose Gomez being elected the first President of British Hidalgo, he appointed Tamie Sabb as the Secretary of Defense. Secretary Sabb, the first woman to be appointed to the rank of General in the revolutionary army, has met with military and political leaders in an effort to form a unifying military institution for British Hidalgo. Her unifying plan was the formation of the Armed Forces of British Hidalgo.


This new plan was submitted to the President and both houses of the legislature. It is to be under the Department of Defense, and will consist of the Army and Air Force. Although it is under the Department of Defense, the constitution establishes that the President is the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. The plan also includes new military command and control installations and military academies for the Commissioned Officer Corps.

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The Army's Mission is:

  • Maintaining the sanctity of the land borders of the British Hidalgo.
  • To strengthen civil-military relations.
  • Cooperate in emergencies, the needs of civil defense.
  • Organize, compose and manage reservations.
  • To organize, equip and train your strength to face any threat.
  • Cooperate in activities to support the country's national development.
  • To cooperate with scientific and technological development of the country.

The Army currently consists of 100,000 NCOs on Active Duty, 55,000 COs on Active Duty, 82,100 soldiers in the Reserves, and 39,500 total National Guards of the States.


Army General Command, Fort Curuguaty

  • Army Headquarters (50)
  • Army HQ Escort and Security Battalion (100)
  • Army General Staff (50)
  • Army Inspector General's Office (50)
  • Presidential Escort Regiment (100)

Army Logistics Command, Fort Tacumbu

  • Command and Control Center (50)
  • Adjutant General's Corps (50)
  • Acquisitions Office (50)
  • Army Armaments Corps (1000)
  • Army Chaplain's Corps (3000)
  • Army Medical Department (10,000)
  • Army Transportation Corps (5000)
  • Army Communications Corps (2000)
  • Army Engineers Service (5000)
  • Army Institutes of Education (150)
  • 82nd Logistics Support Regiment (1500)
  • 84th Logistics Support Regiment (Reserves) (2000)

Army Aviation Command, Fort San Rosa

  • Command, Service and Logistics Company (200)
  • Helicopter Battalion (800)
  • Fixed Wing Air Battalion (500)
  • Attack Helicopter Battalion (500)
  • Multipurpose Helicopter Battalion (Reserves) (100)
  • Army Aviation Maintenance Center (300)
  • Army Aviation School (50)

1st Corps of the Army, Fort Curuguaty

  • 3rd Infantry Division (Reserves) (20,000)
  • 4th Infantry Division (Reserves) (20,000)
  • 3rd Armored Division (20,000)
  • 2nd Military Police Brigade (10,000)

2nd Corps of the Army, Fort San Juan Bautista

  • 1st Infantry Division (20,000)
  • 2nd Infantry Division (20,000)
  • 2nd Armored Division (Reserves) (20,000)
  • 4th Field Artillery Brigade (5000)

3rd Corps of the Army, Fort Mariscal Estigarribia

  • 5th Infantry Division (Reserves) (20,000)
  • 6th Infantry Division (20,000)
  • 1st Armored Division (20,000)
  • 7th Field Artillery Brigade (5000)

Army National Guard Corps, Fort Cerrito

  • 7th Infantry Division (10,000)
  • 8th Infantry Division (10,000)
  • 9th Infantry Division (10,000)
  • 2nd Military Police Brigade (4000)
  • 3rd Military Police Brigade (4000)
  • 1st Field Artillery Brigade (1500)

Special Operations Command, Fort Cerrito

  • 5th Army Special Operations Group (CLASSIFIED)
  • 3rd Naval Special Warfare Group (CLASSIFIED)
  • 8th Special Operations Wing (CLASSIFIED)
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The Air Force's Mission is:

  • to preserve the peace and security, and provide for the defense, of the British Hidalgo;
  • to support national policy;
  • to implement national objectives;
  • to overcome any nations responsible for aggressive acts that imperil the peace and security of the British Hidalgo.

The Air Force currently consists of 32,000 NCOs on Active Duty, 10,000 COs on Active Duty and 12,000 airmen in the Reserves.


Air Force Material Command, Air Base Garcia

  • Air Armament Center (1000)
  • Air Logistics Center (1000)
  • Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Center (1000)
  • 12th Test Wing (2500)
  • 8th Air Base Wing (10,000)
  • 21st Air Base Wing (Reserves) (10,000)
  • Air Force Academy (50)

Air Force Mobility Command, Air Base La Paz

  • 22nd Air Refueling Wing (3000)
  • 6th Air Mobility Wing (5000)
  • 19th Airlift Wing (5000)
  • Presidential Airlift Group (2000)

Air Force Combat Command, Air Base Accord

  • 4th Fighter Wing (2000)
  • 20th Fighter Wing (Reserves) (2000)
  • 7th Reconnaissance Wing (3000)
  • 41st Air Control Wing (2000)
  • 7th Bomb Wing (2000)
  • 21st Security Forces Brigade (2500)
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Department of Defense




The Armed Forces of the British Hidalgo currently are fitted with less-than-modern weaponry and needs new, technologically advanced military software and equipment.The Acquisition Review Board will start to review the current needs of the Armed Forces and will start to post contracts for different equipment that is needed for both the Army and Air Force.


The Chamber of Freedom, with the approval of the President, has allotted a total of $8,000,000,000.00, with an additional $2,000,000,000.00, after review, to the Department of Defense to purchase and acquire the needed equipment and technology for the Armed Forces.

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Department of Defense



The Acquisitions Review Board, along with the Army Acquisitions Office, have finalized the final composition of all Army and Air Force equipment and technology needed to modernize the Armed Forces. The total Armed Force's soldier count is at about 320,000. After reviewing and talking with several well known defense and firearms contractors the total payout will be much larger than the anticipated $10 billion allocated by the Chamber of Freedom. Due to monetary constraints of the government, the Department of Defense will be lent an additional $20 billion annually for the Armed Forces acquisition costs for several years by unnamed sources. The composite of equipment ranges from Humvees to large military transport aircraft, it will definitely make British Hidalgo as one of the largest military powers in South America.


Contracts for the equipment are as follows:  


Oshkosh Defense- $800 million


Boeing- $59.5 billion


Lockheed Martin- $20 billon


General Dynamics- $4.4 billion


L-3 Communications- $32 million


Hidalgo Defense Industries- $225 million


Sikorsky- $300 million


Euro copter- $2.4 million


Artillery Inc.- $450 million


Armored Defense- $3 billion


Protective Service Initiative- $1 million


Military Ware Industries- $3.5 million


Weapon Service Inc.- $1.5 billion


Others- $3 billion


AMMUNITION CONTRACTOR NEEDED!!! If interested please contact the Department of Defense.

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Greetings Comrade,


We in the Soviet Union have noticed an ammunition contractor is needed for your country, and the Union offers her services to your nation. The Soviet Union can produce whatever armaments necessary for your armed forces, be it small arms ammunition or large-caliber artillery and naval shells. All we require is a list of calibers your military uses and we can provide the appropriate levels in a short amount of time. Monetary concerns will be handled when and if said contract is signed in full.


- Chairman Innokentiy Zolnerowich

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Encrypted to the British Hidalgo Department of Defense:




Southern Firearms submits for consideration to supply ammunition and, if you wish, our lineup of [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?app=forums&module=post&section=post&do=edit_post&f=74&t=116971&p=3157057&page="]export-approved small arms[/url]. Southern Firearms is a private defense contractor based out of Selenarctos. We have a long and stable history and over twenty years in the international arms market, longer than most countries have existed. We supply only top quality goods and our manufacturing partnership with the Artega Group's Advanced Manufacturing Technique allows us to produce our products with unmatched speed and consistency.

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Encrypted to the British Hidalgo Department of Defense:




Southern Firearms submits for consideration to supply ammunition and, if you wish, our lineup of export-approved small arms. Southern Firearms is a private defense contractor based out of Selenarctos. We have a long and stable history and over twenty years in the international arms market, longer than most countries have existed. We supply only top quality goods and our manufacturing partnership with the Artega Group's Advanced Manufacturing Technique allows us to produce our products with unmatched speed and consistency.


To: Southern Firearms

From: Department of Defense

Subject: Ammunition Contract


I would first like to thank you for your interest in this contract our current ammunition need is very large, however it will reduce over time. We need ammunition ranging from .357 pistol cartridge to 155 mm artillery ammunition. There are other contenders for this contract and the DOD Acquisitions Review Board is considering making smaller, but still profitable, contracts for different ammunition.


Tamie Sabb

Secretary of Defense






Greetings Comrade,


We in the Soviet Union have noticed an ammunition contractor is needed for your country, and the Union offers her services to your nation. The Soviet Union can produce whatever armaments necessary for your armed forces, be it small arms ammunition or large-caliber artillery and naval shells. All we require is a list of calibers your military uses and we can provide the appropriate levels in a short amount of time. Monetary concerns will be handled when and if said contract is signed in full.


- Chairman Innokentiy Zolnerowich


To: Chairman Innokentiy Zolnerowich

From: Department of Defense

Subject: Ammunition Contract



I would first like to thank you for your interest in this contract our current ammunition need is very large, however it will reduce over time. We need ammunition ranging from .357 pistol cartridge to 155 mm artillery ammunition. There are other contenders for this contract and the DOD Acquisitions Review Board is considering making smaller, but still profitable, contracts for different ammunition.


Tamie Sabb

Secretary of Defense

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Department of Defense



To: All Contending Defense Contractors

From: Department of Defense Acquisitions Review Board and Army Acquisitions Office

Subject: Military Initiative Contracts


Recently, a notice from the Department of Defense to all defense contractors concerning ammunition contracts were posted. After careful review and consultation it has been decided to expand the contracts to some newer military technologies and that ammunition contracts will be smaller and a single defense contractor is eligible to be awarded several. Below is the list of available contracts, if your contractor is interested please reply to this message ASAP with a proposal. Proposals are to include cost, availability, time, and shipment options. Proposals are due no later than 8/12/13 3:00pm Eastern Standard Time. Once submitted, the Board will review each proposal and award them to the best contractor.


Armed Forces Pistol Contract:

Rounds- .357 Magnum

Amount- 400,000,000


Army Personal Defense Contract:

Rounds- 4.6 x 30 mm

Amount- 100,000


Armed Forces Rifle Contract:

Rounds- 5.56 mm

Amount- 200,000,000

Rounds- 7.62 mm

Amount- 38,000,000


Medium Defense Contract:

Rounds- 50 BMG

Amount- 36,000,000

Rounds- 20mm

Amount- 250,000

Rounds- 40mm Grenade Rounds

Amount- 36,000,000


Large Artillery Contract:

Rounds- 81mm Mortar Rounds

Amount- 250,000

Rounds- 155mm Excalibur Shells

Amount- 750,000

Rounds- M30: 404 M85 DPICM submunitions

Amount- 250,000


Special Contract:

Device- STHAL Artillery Interdiction Device

Amount- 750

Ammunition Amount- 750,000

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[b]Encrypted to Hidalgo DoD:[/b]



Our quote for ammunition procurement at the quantities requested is enclosed below (all prices in National Selenarctos Coins, the government-backed currency of Selenarctos). While our prices may appear higher than some 'budget' contractors, we feel that the quality of our goods and service more than makes up for the difference.


0.357 Magnum: 80,000,000NSC

4.6 x 30 mm: 50,000NSC


5.56 mm: 100,000,000NSC

7.62 mm: 26,600,000NSC


50 BMG: 64,800,000NSC

20mm: 6,750,000NSC

40mm grenades: 1,980,000,000NSC


81mm Mortar Rounds: 137,500,000NSC

155mm Excalibur Shells: 37,500,000,000NSC

M30: 404 M85 DPICM submunitions: 2,750,000,000NSC


STHAL Artillery Interdiction Device: [url="http://cnrp.wikia.com/wiki/Selenarctos_Ground_Force#Centurion_C-RAM"]Centurion C-RAM[/url], 26,500,000,000

20mm Ammunition: 20,250,000


The trailer mounted Centurion C-RAM system is offered through a subcontracted deal with Bulldog Armored Vehicles, the largest supplier of military grade vehicles in Selenarctos. Please note that the Centurion C-RAM uses a Phalanx CIWS gun with an internal ammunition reserve of 1,550 rounds. We recommend, at a minimum, that you fill the internal magazine and order additional ammunition for training and reloading. Bulldog Armored Vehicles offer extensive training programs available for the Centurion C-RAM system for an additional 200,000NSC per crew.

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.357 Magnum - 1.2million Rubles per 10 crates*
4.6 x 30 mm - 1.3 million Rubles per 10 crates
5.56 mm - 2 million Rubles per 10 crates
7.62 mm - 1 million Rubles per 10 crates
50 BMG - 1.4 million Rubles per 10 crates


20mm - 1.7 million Rubles per 10 crates
40mm Grenade Rounds - 1.5 million Rubles per 10 crates

81mm Mortar Rounds - 700,000 Rubles per crate

* A crateload is as follows:


Small Arms: (12.7mm and below) 100,000 rounds of ammunition

PEO (Potential Explosive Ordinance): (14.5mm - 75mm) 5,000 rounds of ammunition, less if caliber is large

Explosive Ordinance: (76mm and above) 2,000 rounds of ammunition

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ooc: Voodoo alone isn't in charge of the South American Protectorate, it's a joint effort. How do I know? I'm one of the people who help found it. Further, Voodoo tells me he told you to make an IC request. Normally these sorts of things end with the new nations being smashed. I for one and I know others would like to try something different. What is now going to commence is the natural reaction to the abrupt appearance of a new nation in a protectorate without the permission of all the members without the smashing of your nation, depending upon how you respond. Please turn up for the meeting as requested so we can sort this out icly and politely.




The Amazon Republic


"What we have here appears to be an illegal uprising within the South American Protectorate. At this point in time the Amazon Republic will be deploying forces to the Northern border of this nation for the purposes of observation and will be acting defensively in capacity. Representatives of the British Hildalgo will make themselves avaliable at our administrative center commonly known as Treefort for a meeting so that we might all get to the bottom of this matter in a timely manner."




The Amazon Republic Rangers are given orders to start deploying along the reported Northern most part of the British Hildalgo border. They are ordered to observe only and to maintain a defensive posture. Low flying MC-130 transports begin conducting HALO drops at predetermined drop points at the distance of fifty miles north of the border. From there the highly mobile Ranger units will use their High Mobility Vehicles to begin closing on the border to set up observation posts.To follow these units an Armored Division is ordered to start deploying south to set up a forward deployment base. The hundreds of armored vehicles aren't capable of making such a deployed overnight, but will be in position shortly.


Three full squadrons of advanced air combat fighters are ordered to begin patrolling the northern border and to fill the CAS role in the event British Hildalgo attempts aggressive action. Electronic Warfare Aircraft and Signals Intelligence Aircraft are put into the air to begin the process of collecting electronics signals from the targeted region. A dedicated task forces is quickly established on an Ad Hoc basis to start creating a short term and long term plan for dealing with the region should it come to having to fight.


The first item of interest to the Committee is the ability of the Amazon Republic to cripple the Center of Gravity for the warfighting capabilities of British Hidalgo. The first thing done is a thorough inventory of the Amazon Republic's arsenal to determine what exactly can be brought to bear. Two items of interest are sought, weapons of short range nature and long range nature. It is rapidly determined by questioning former Chilean Marine General Bernito Chavez of the Arica Inserection era that the Republic has a modest stockpile of medium range cruise missiles at its disposal.


Other items are quickly brought to the attention of the Committee and once a clear picture of what can be used to "go deep" as the General exhorted, the planning process begins. A total war concept is quickly embraced that will systematically target the communications, control, and command elements of British Hidalgo. Further, transportation routes will be heavily savaged with ever possible weapon that can be brought against them. Much of this depends on the help from other nations but alone the Amazon Republic ought to fare well enough with the right intelligence.


To that end the Amazon Republic satellites are ordered to retask themselves and begin extensive sweeps of British Hidalgo.


Further, The Amazon Republic Nuclear Arsenal is put on full alert and ordered to go to a high state of readiness and the 1st Amazon Republic Army is ordered to activate its reserve units for active duty.



Notice to the South American Protectorate


"The Amazon Republic, a full member of the South American Protectorate Treaty, is commencing operations to determine the nature of the British Hildalgo situation. At this time the deployments being made are for the purposes of observation and intelligence collection. We've requested that members of the British Hildalgo government make themselves avaliable for questioning so that we might best understand who and what they represent. Our foremost concern is that the people of the former nation of Paraguay not be taken over by foreign interlopers and that the transition from one government, to protectorate, and finally to a new government was a transparent democratic process.

We invite members of the South American Protectorate to sit in and participate in these meetings. It is our belief that the entity known as the British Hildalgo hasn't shown itself to be an immediate threat and that meetings ought to be conducted before anything more dramtic transpires. We will conduct these meetings at our adminstrative center commonaly known as Treefort.


Amazon Republic Administrator Carlos Del Fina"

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The Republic of Pará did not share a border with British Hidalgo, and therefore the deployment of forces tasked with maintaining a vigil upon what appeared very much to be a rogue nation was left to the Amazon Republic. Pará, for its part, did put its military once more on high alert, and the premier issued orders for the armed forces to prepare for potential action-- after all, Pará had itself invaded the last government to inhabit the region now claimed by this 'British Hidalgo', in order to depose a psychotic dictator, and the two administrations prior to that one had been anything but hallmarks of stability and cooperation. It was necessary to proceed with caution but with firmness-- act decisively if the situation called for it, but remain reasonable. No sense jumping the gun-- better to wait the situation out and see what transpired.


Official South American Organisation Announcement


We thank the Amazon Republic for its acumen and prudence in this regard, and will be certain to send representatives to this meeting with the administration of British Hidalgo.


Official Notice from the Republic of Pará


"The nature of this nascent nation's genesis, even with the history of corruption and tyranny in this region notwithstanding, evokes trepidation and concern from those of us who have seen the people of historical Paraguay suffer through incompetent and aggressively militant regimes. My apprehension is only further aggrandised by the evident domination of this nation's leadership by some sort of British diaspora, which I find quite suspect given a lack of historical precedent-- there was certainly no surplus of Anglo-Saxons in Paraguay when Pará liberated the nation from its last grossly ineffectual regime. However, I've seen no reason yet to suspect either aggression or corruption from Hidalgo, so only time will tell whether my misgivings hold water. I also ask that the meeting with the leadership of Hidalgo be open to representatives of Pará and, of course, all other nations involved in the South American Organisation, as this is a matter that concerns us all."


- Isabel Vieira, Premier

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To: Isabel Vieira, Premier and the government of the Amazon Republic
From: Department of State
Subject: Tensions between states

I wish to assure you that our country truly believes in they foundation of freedom. Freedom of the people and freedom of this country. Our military is purely for self-defense only. We do not intend to invade or occupy any sovereign nation or territory. It is my hope that representatives from both our countries may meet to create a better understanding and to keep the peace on our same continent.


Celestina Scavo

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The location for a landing strip near Treefort is transmited to the government of British Hidalgo along with the rest of the nations in South America. Attached is a short note courteously requesting the nations of South America attend the meeting so that there might be a better understanding of British Hidalgo. Security arrangements would appear to be comprehensive as the seriousness of the situation dictates a strong stance be taken to deter threats before they even occur.


To stop those potential threats, a battalion of armor, two Air Defense Artillery Companies, a company of Military Police, a Mobile Army Surgical Hospital, Engineering Company, a company of Air Assault Troops, and two squadrons of Interceptors are tasked with providing security for the meeting. It's a diverse selection of units at first glance, but units chosen for a specific role within the overall security plan under the supervision of a Colonel Chavez and the support staff for an infantry regiment that are borrowed for this specific occasion. 


ooc- just show up in the conference room, and yes, it's a city in the top branches of a thick triple layer canopy jungle that started out as a hippie commune but was bought by the government to serve as a central administrative location for a decentralized nation. It's got all the comforts of home about 100 feet off the ground.

Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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To: Office of the President

From: Department of Defense

Subject: Recent foreign troop movements


Mr. President,


Recent troop movements by several neighboring countries have increased and are directed at our country. I have consulted with the Generals of the Army and Air Force and they agree that we should mobilize units in order to defend ourselves in case we are put in that position. Our Command and Control Center has picked up aircraft movements north of our border and several advanced surveillance and electronic counter measure aircraft.


Our overall suggestions are as follows:

1. Deploy 2 squadrons of F-35 from the 4th Fighter Wing to patrol our airspace and to defend it if needed

2. Deploy several P-8 Poseidon aircraft over our northern border to further detect foreign troop movements

3. Deploy the 6th Infantry Division to our Northern Border

4. Deploy the 1st Armored Division, with M1A1 Abrams Tanks to the NB.

5. Activate all reserve units

6. Deploy the National Guard to all 5 states.


Mr. President, these are all defense measures. We do not intend on doing and offensive measures unless we are attacked.



Tamie Sabb

Secretary of Defense





To: Department of Defense

From: Office of the President

Subject: Recent foreign troop movements


Madam Secretary,


I understand the danger of no action to be taken in order to defend our borders, however we must at the same time not show that we are an aggressive nation. I agree to the following measures,


1. Deploy 2 squadrons of F-35 from the 4th Fighter Wing to patrol our airspace and to defend it if needed

2. Deploy several P-8 Poseidon aircraft over our northern border to further detect   foreign troop movements

3. Deploy the 6th Infantry Division to our Northern Border

4. Activate all reserve units


The troops and airmen are to use the following rule of engagement, "DO NOT FIRE UNLESS FIRED UPON."




Jose Gomez


Edited by lkfht
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The President, along with the Secretary of State, have just landed at a landing strip near Treefort. The President has traveled here in hopes that mutual understanding may occur between the British Hidalgo and the rest of the South American nations. Tensions have been high the past several days, with military deployments but several countries as an abundance of caution. The President hopes to talk about the borders of the country and economic cooperation.

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