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Commander in Chief Shane Travis

Executive Order 001

Counter Intelligence Initiative


By order of the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of The Confederation of MidAmerica, a new government agency: The MidAmerican  Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), will hold the responsibilities of Counter Intelligence (CI) within the Confederation and allies as requested and also conducting espionage in other countries as directed by the Executive branch. The CIA will have authority to arrest anyone within the Confederation who poses a threat to National Security but must stay strictly within that line of investigation. Other arrests regarding things such as theft or murder unrelated to National Security should be left to local authorities.


The CIA will also have the authority to fallow and spy on individuals from foreign countries with legal VISAs who they believe may pose a threat to the Confederation or any member States within. CIA agents are required to be armed while on duty unless doing undercover work. Nations who have been acting aggressively or unfriendly to the Confederation in any way will have a priority when it comes to their civilians being monitored when visiting MidAmerica. The CIA will also be required to work with local law enforcement in order to spread identities and work along side detectives on the municipal level to better monitor suspects.


If foreigners are seen taking excessive pictures of one or more military/government facilities they may be brought into questioning by the CIA or other government authorities and their filming devices confiscated. No warrant is needed to bring a foreigner into questioning and no warrant is needed to take any items they have on them.


The CIA will not act as a National Police Force and will only confiscate, search, and arrest when necessary in the name of National Security.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Delegates meet at regional capitol in Dallas to discuss a 'United' Texas




On Monday diplomats from every member-nation in the region of Texas met at the regional capitol in Dallas to begin talks of possibly unifying Texas under one flag and government. Leaders from the Houston-Galveston Republic and from the Panhandle created the idea of a unified Texas after visiting the Alamo in San Antonio and declaring it their "mission" to unify the region again. This would of course mean that the proposed "Texas" State would be the biggest in the Confederation. However with unity comes the controversy that Texas would hold a lot of economic, political and possibly militaristic power over the Confederate government.


"The unifacation of Texas would undoubtedly be a good thing - imagine how much easier it'd be to work together. Yes we do have to worry about corruption or one State holding to much power but that is up to the Confederate Congress to regulate." Congress does, in fact, have the duty of accepting or denying any and all border changes within the Confederation which means that a "United" Texas is a dream if the Congress doesn't approve.


Talks in other regions, such as Louisiana and the unorganized territory in the Great Plains region, may lead to a Confederation that is more united and organized or one that is simply uneven and in need of reform - time will tell the outcome.

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Commander in Chief Travis ordered the largest peace-time military deployment in MidAmerican history after record-breaking rains in the north and rains in northern Louisiana have caused a perfect storm scenario where the Mississippi river is now overloaded with water which forced Confederate authorities to open the nationally-owned Morganza spillyway. Though the most populated areas of Louisiana - Baton Rouge and New Orleans - will be spared of the flooding, most of Acadiana and southern Louisiana are being flooded with waters reaching ten feet high in the most vulnerable locations.
Conditions were deemed so devastating that Congress closed all Louisiana border crossings with American Commonwealth who Secretary of State Collins said "are also feeling the effects of this natural disaster." Of the three headquarters the National Guard has set up, the main one is located in Krotz Springs where a key oil refinery is located in the region. The Army Corps of Engineers has been deployed to the town where the levees are currently being tested and reinforced. Meanwhile, the Air National Guard have begun air drops along areas already in need of full scale evacuation. Damages are expected to be anywhere from 10-300 billion dollars depending on if other levees in the region hold up. 
Chief Travis made an emergency address to Congress stating that he would not declare martial law outside of Southern Louisiana and would also not declare martial law past the municipal level if deemed necessary.

Edited by PresidentDavid
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Rural Irish Road


The Confederate Government has recently made a surprising international offer to the Irish Republic stating that MidAmerica will "fully fund the remaining portion of the An Slí Mór project in Ireland." Secretary of State Collins lead the effort to fund the An Slí Mór project and even addressed Congress during a Special Session for the floods in southern Louisiana. "We need more international friendships," said Collins, "and Ireland is a perfect nation to start such relations." Chief Travis did not comment much on the matter, but did say that "if the Irish Republic accepts this offer, the funds will come from MidAmerica's project fund which is currently overstocked in funds. I can assure the people of Louisiana that this will not overshadow them or their monetary needs because the Rainy Day Fund is being accessed to fund disaster relief." 


Motive for funding the An Slí Mór, which is a planned major highway through some of the rural areas of Ireland in the West, was first expressed by Secretary Collins as, "A sign of good faith to the Irish Government." In a later interview with the Dallas Evening Post, Collins stated that "Ireland is a new nation trying to get on it's feet again after a series of man made disasters struck the island. With the fall of Germany, a lot has changed in Europe and many are saying that the change is for the good - I think Ireland is part of that good and I want MidAmerica to be a part of it." Collins continued that he would like to open an embassy in Ireland and be the first to visit to discuss possible diplomatic relations if this project goes through. He said that the MidAmerican government is "very interested in the Irish economy and what we can bring to them and what they can provide for us."


So far, no word has been given from Galway as to if they'll accept the offer from Collins however the Secretary of State said that he is "highly optimistic" about future Irish-MidAmerican relations.

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Commander in Chief Shane Travis

Executive Order 002

Operation Isolation


By order of the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of The Confederation of MidAmerica, 1,000 Marines and 5,000 personnel of the Army Corps of Engineers are to be deployed from Fort Cayman, go through the Panama Canal with an escort from the MidAmerican Navy, and head towards the island of Guadalupe Island off the coast of Baja California. If the Tanxian Military does not allow entry through the canal, then the Navy will escort the troops around Cape Horn and to Guadalupe Island.


After making landfall on the island, a detachment of Marines will go to the South Western tip of the island where a small settlement numbering fewer than 150 people may exist however it and other settlement locations on the island may no longer exist because census data of the island is nearly two hundred years old and is expected to be virtually unreliable except to identify that people may be present on Guadalupe. If so, the mayor or leader of the island is to be found and put in contact with the Field Commander and made aware of the situation so that any public curiosities can be satisfied. If the settlement no longer exists or is abandoned then the area[s] will be photographed and documented extensively.


Meanwhile, the Army Corps of Engineers are to find a suitable location on the island and begin construction of basic structures to house scientists. Later, a weather station and eventually a radar station are to be constructed which will be offered to assist the Hudson Bay Federation in monitoring the skies of the Pacific and possibly build a future SOSUS installation ranging around the island.


A second shipment of supplies is expected to come within 24-72 hours. Use of deadly force is not authorized on civilians unless fired upon first or in a life threatening situation - cooperation with the local population (if one exists) is expected of all soldiers and Army Corps of Engineers personnel and failure to do so will result in a court marshal.

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The American Commonwealth garrison on Guadalupe Island was alerted to abnormal naval movements further away from the island that didn't correspond to declared ship routes through its radar network.  The infantry battalion comprising the primary garrison were ordered to alert and deployed to defensive positions.  The air defense and coastal artillery brigades were also ordered to alert and activated their targeting radars and readied their weapons.  Two F-35s on patrol were vectored towards the inbound ships to intercept and identify them while the rest of the squadron prepared for a naval strike mission.  Base commander Major General Jeffrey Law, the base commander, would transmit a message.


"Unidentified vessels, identify yourselves and state your purpose.  You are approaching a military zone operated by the American Commonwealth and Hudson Bay Federation.  Failure to comply will result in your forcible removal from the area".

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The captain of the MAS Protector battle cruiser listened carefully to the message radioed over to them while he received a report of radar picking up two bogies launching from the island. "Admiral Shepard," said the captain as he looked to the right at his superior, "it seems our intel was either faulty or an uneducated guess. Hudson Bay and the Commonwealth already have a foothold here. Would you like to respond to their hails Admiral?" 


Shepard went up to the captain and grabbed the com, "This is Admiral Shepard aboard the MAS Protector of the MidAmerican Navy. I apologize if my Naval detachment has caused any alert over on your side - we had no idea there was a military facility on Guadalupe let alone one belonging to the Commonwealth or the Federation. I'll be sure my ships stay out of your waters, we'll be diverting our course shortly... My current mission is to find an island to set up a weather station, landing strip, and possibly a radar installation in the future and I was wondering if you or your people had any intelligence of any islands south or north of here that aren't in control by either the Commonwealth or the Federation? Right now we're taking reconnaissance but as you can see we have not exactly found our destination yet. In the meantime I'll radio back home that y'all have a military facility here so that this mistake isn't made again in the future."


The Admiral would have a cable message prepared for Austin to let them know that Guadalupe is not only inhabited but under military control of what the country considered two strategic allies and that wherever the hell they got their intel it was not a reliable source. He would then have the ships divert their course due west and then anchor to find out where they'd be going to.

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Due to intense flooding around the area, reported damage from a series of lightning storms and wind damage from a funnel-cloud the River Bend Nuclear Generating Station near Baton Rouge put both of it's reactors on shutdown which shortly led to major power outages in Louisiana and Arkansas. Millions more saw their power go out when two power stations in Arkansas and three more in Louisiana were put offline due to damage from either the weather or flooding.


Chief Travis ordered an additional 55,000 soldiers of the National Guard to Louisiana to reinforce the now sparsely spread 10,000 troops he sent a few days ago while 15,000 were sent into Arkansas. Two Heads of State in southern Arkansas already declared States of Emergency without hesitation after the power outages and more damage. All of this is coming just as new flooding in the Ohio region, which directly drains into the Mississippi river, has suffered severe flooding which could make the situation not only worse but possibly much longer. 


Most of the troops sent into Louisiana are assisting in either evacuating civilians to higher ground or assisting the Army Corps of Engineers in constructing makeshift levees and canals to channel the waters away populated areas. Water levels in the Mississippi are already higher then they have ever been in MidAmerican history and scientists say they could break a century record.


Low areas of Baton Rouge have been put under voluntary evacuation however the National Guard has already occupied both cities if the worse were to happen. Chief Travis's promise to the Congress not to declare martial law unless totally necessary may be recognized if waters breach into Baton Rouge which would lead to the question as to how bad does a situation have to be before the military takes control?


Commander in Chief Travis has already put two more 4,000 man battalions of National Guardsmen on standby in case of deployment. Travis said that, "I will be traveling to Lafayette later to meet with President Delorey of Acadiana and I will meet with other officials as long as I do not interfere in relief efforts." Travis went on to say that he would be urging Athenian officials to ensure that the levees around New Orleans would hold to protect the people of the Athenian Colony.

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"As a member of the Atlantic community and a friend to the many nations that dot the American Continents, the government of the Union of South Africa pledges Seventy Five Million Rand to the Confederation of MidAmerica. Thirty million of these funds will go towards direct humanitarian relief supplies, which will be shipped post haste to the Confederation by the South African Naval Auxiliary. The rest of these funds will be a direct monetary infusion for the Confederation's government to use to improve flood control measures and rebuild/improve infrastructure after the worst has passed."


Lawrence Tenerife

Foreign Minister

South African Foreign Service

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The Federation Army and Corps of Engineers detachment in Alexandra, Louisiana offers their services to facilitate evacuation and recovery work for stricken citizens in Louisiana.  The Federation government is allotting $40 million in assistance aid to the state to be used as see fit.


Charles Elorn

Minister of Foreign Affairs

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"As a member of the Atlantic community and a friend to the many nations that dot the American Continents, the government of the Union of South Africa pledges Seventy Five Million Rand to the Confederation of MidAmerica. Thirty million of these funds will go towards direct humanitarian relief supplies, which will be shipped post haste to the Confederation by the South African Naval Auxiliary. The rest of these funds will be a direct monetary infusion for the Confederation's government to use to improve flood control measures and rebuild/improve infrastructure after the worst has passed."


Lawrence Tenerife

Foreign Minister

South African Foreign Service


From The Secretary of State of The Confederation of MidAmerica

To The Foreign Minister of The Union of South Africa


Minister Tenerife,


On behalf of the people of the Confederation of MidAmerica, I would like to thank you for your government's generosity during these troubling times in the Louisiana/Arkansas regions. The Head of State of Acadiana (the poorest nation in the Confederation and most affected by the floods) , President Delorey, wanted me to thank you on behalf of himself and his people for your government's generosity. He personally paid for a Bald Cyprus tree, which is the official Tree of Acadiana, to be sent to South Africa in hopes that your government can find a place to plant it and remind your citizens of the good that you have done.


Additionally, Commander in Chief Travis took notice of your action and also wanted me to thank you for doing so. He addressed Congress during it's special session and asked permission for South Africa to open an embassy in Austin and they most graciously accepted that request - in addition you may also open a consulate in Lafayette, the capitol of Acadiana, at the request of President Delorey. If you chose to send over an ambassador, we would be happy to do the same.


Thank you again for your financial aid - I hope to be working with you in the future.


Mark Collins

Secretary of State of The Confederation of MidAmerica


The Federation Army and Corps of Engineers detachment in Alexandra, Louisiana offers their services to facilitate evacuation and recovery work for stricken citizens in Louisiana.  The Federation government is allotting $40 million in assistance aid to the state to be used as see fit.


Charles Elorn

Minister of Foreign Affairs


From The Commander in Chief of The Confederation of MidAmerica

To The Foreign Minister of The Hudson Bay Federation


Minister Elorn,


On behalf of the people of MidAmerica I would like to thank your government's generosity for their relief efforts and financial aid. It seems that we are almost done with this natural disaster however we are not out of the woods yet - the recent rains reported in Ontario are expected to go downstream towards Louisiana and Arkansas in the next few days which will hopefully be the last blow to the region. I have deployed the National Guard and Army Corps of Engineers to evacuate civilians and reinforce infrastructure still standing.


I'll have a general from Alexandria meet up with your forces to tackle the most important tasks at hand. Again and again the Hudson Bay Federation proves their worth as MidAmerica's strongest ally.


God Bless,


Shane Travis

Commander in Chief of The Confederation of MidAmerica

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A third wave of devastation invaded Louisiana and southern Arkansas in what Chief Travis has called "the worst natural disaster Louisiana has scene in centuries" however with travesty comes generosity and helping hands. 


The Hudson Bay Federation, MidAmerica's closest ally, stepped in with a donation of $40million dollars "in assistance aid to the state to be used as see fit" which President Delorey of Acadiana is calling a "national life-saver". The Hudson Bay Federation has also reportedly deployed it's version of the Army Corps of Engineers to assist the MidAmerican military in evacuations and relief efforts. Major General MacArthur of the Acadiana National Guard brought the Federation troops down south where they have reinforced MidAmerican soldiers who are pouring into the region to assist just as a vital levee protecting Acadiana's culturally rich and historical Bayou Teche region partially failed. Efforts to close the levee have brought national attention and assistance from various private businesses and every level of government in order to ensure that Acadiana's capitol, Lafayette, is not five feet underwater and to protect the most historic area of Louisiana.


Meanwhile the government of South Africa donated a whopping 75million Rand to victims and the Confederate government. Chief Travis was among the many who were thankful for the actions of Hudson Bay and South Africa. He told the Confederate Congress that "we are so fortunate to have an ally like the Hudson Bay Federation and I am happy to see that there is still generosity in the world - I am sure God is smiling at the good will of the Union of South Africa." Travis requested that Congress approve a South African embassy at the capitol in Austin which was approved at a near unanimous vote.


The Chief has also deployed two more 4,000 man battalions of National Guardsmen to Louisiana in the event that the "final blow" coming from the rains in Ontario may bring the already crippled region to its knees. An estimated 3.2 million people are expected to be without electricity. Travis addressed the issue and said that "restoring power is first priority once the relief effort begins. For now we are still trying to get people out of harms way." President Delorey of Acadiana made a city-wide curfew for the Cajun capitol of Lafayette and ordered his nation's entire National Guard on standby. 


As relief and aid pours in from C-17s of the air force, tankers belonging to the Navy and the Army's Corps of Engineers who are keeping levees standing many people are asking what they did to deserve such disaster.

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Nations in Texas met at the regional capitol in Dallas where, within twenty-four hours, agreed to merge and make one single republic which will result in the de facto dissolution of their own governments and borders to make way for one "Lone Star Republic" said a representative from Waco. According to an official message released from Dallas, the "Republic of Texas" has already been formed and now currently exists however it is up to the Confederate Congress to approve such a merge - the problem for Texans is that it may not happen.


The Confederate Congress is part of the Central Government of MidAmerica. Two congressman from each member-nation of the Confederation are elected and sent to Austin to represent their people for a three year term. Texans will need 27 of these representatives (half plus one of the 52 congressman) to vote in favor of their merge. Luckily for Texans they already have 22 congressmen originating from Texas which means they need only five more votes.


Smaller member-nations like West Kansas or Acadiana may try to block the merge because it would give Texas "immense economic and political power" says Chancellor White of Pontchartrain. "Can we really trust a member-state that large to exist in MidAmerica?" Other concerns even come from Texans who would only be represented by two congressman even though the new nation would have over 25million citizens. Congressman Samuel Adams of Dallas said that, "If this thing goes through, we might need to restructure our Confederate Congress."


Similar efforts to unite entire regions have taken place in other regions such as Oklahoma and Kansas but most famously in Louisiana where "superstar" President Anthony P. Delorey wants to see "Louisiana united again" and has tried several times to merge with his eastern and western neighbors to no avail. When asked his opinion of the matter, Commander in Chief Travis, a native Texan, said that he would "support whatever decision congress makes." However he did say that he hopes the Congress votes for "what is best for MidAmerica" and that "change is not always a bad thing."

Edited by PresidentDavid
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The small naval armada that originally planed to go to Guadalupe Island would instead occupy the Revillagigedo Islands after sending broadcast messages to see if any military presence were on the islands. If not, they would move onto the islands and establish forward operating bases.

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The MidAmerican ships would be informed that unoccupied islands off the coast of the Latin American protectorate were also under the administration of the protectorate jointly operated by the American Commonwealth and the Hudson Bay Federation and that their attempts to land were unauthorized.  In the meantime F-35s and MQ-4 Tritons would shadow the ships until they left the area.

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From The Secretary of State of The Confederation of MidAmerica

To The Foreign Minister of The Union of South Africa


Minister Tenerife,


On behalf of the people of the Confederation of MidAmerica, I would like to thank you for your government's generosity during these troubling times in the Louisiana/Arkansas regions. The Head of State of Acadiana (the poorest nation in the Confederation and most affected by the floods) , President Delorey, wanted me to thank you on behalf of himself and his people for your government's generosity. He personally paid for a Bald Cyprus tree, which is the official Tree of Acadiana, to be sent to South Africa in hopes that your government can find a place to plant it and remind your citizens of the good that you have done.


Additionally, Commander in Chief Travis took notice of your action and also wanted me to thank you for doing so. He addressed Congress during it's special session and asked permission for South Africa to open an embassy in Austin and they most graciously accepted that request - in addition you may also open a consulate in Lafayette, the capitol of Acadiana, at the request of President Delorey. If you chose to send over an ambassador, we would be happy to do the same.


Thank you again for your financial aid - I hope to be working with you in the future.


Mark Collins

Secretary of State of The Confederation of MidAmerica


From the Office of the Foreign Minister of South Africa

To the Office of the Secretary of State of the Confederation of MidAmerica


Secretary Collins


We are greatly appreciative of your gift of a bald cypress to our nation, and such a stately gift will be coveted by our nation and planted on Government Row in Cape Town. We are quite happy to help you and your nation in its time of need, and should there need to be further efforts needed, we remain standing by. The South African Army has forces that can provide disaster relief assistance in training in the American Commonwealth which can be diverted should you require additional manpower, and additional financial or material assistance can be rendered.


We will accept your gracious offer to provide us with an embassy in Austin, as well as a Consulate in Lafayette, and an ambassador and consul will be appointed post-haste to these positions, along with diplomatic staffers. In reciprocity, the Confederation is welcome to open an embassy in Cape Town in the government district, as well as build a couple of other consulates in other cities, given the fact that the Union is quite a large state.


Best of Regards,


Lawrence Tenerife

Foreign Minister

South African Foreign Service

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Within the past few months, the people of MidAmerica have seen an aggressive foreign policy agenda headed by Secretary of State Collins with little opposition from Congress. The most recent move by Collins was an invitation for the Union of South Africa to establish an embassy in Austin and a consulate in Lafayette with possibly more consulates in the future.


For a long time, the MidAmerican government was simply trying to keep the country glued together after making what was intended to be a short term government a long lasting political figure that has made MidAmerica standout from other governments around the world. That still may be the case in some instances such as the newly founded Republic of Texas which wants more than two votes in the Confederate Congress however the fact that the eleven member-nations within Texas were able to form one government shows that unity is strong in MidAmerica. The question now is: What direction will the Congress and the Secretary of State bring the country into?


So far, the answer seems to be that the government not only wants more friends outside of North America but also around the world especially in Europe and Africa. The Hudson Bay Federation obviously stands as the Confederation's closest ally however the government has little to no formal relations with many of the nation's neighbors, especially Faraway. "South Africa is one of those countries that most people would rule out of being a close friend of MidAmerica," said newly appointed ambassador to the Union of South Africa, Paul Stevens. "However I think because of it's geographical location and its stable - borderline neutral positions on many aspects of global politics, the Union of South Africa has the potential to be a strong ally of MidAmerica; its more up to them than us if they want to take that path." The Ambassador went on to say that he was "optimistic" that South African-MidAmerican relations would continue to "go uphill." Stevens said he plans to continue working with the South Africans and get a better insight into their culture once he arrives in Cape Town.


Secretary Collins will be soon returning from Ireland. His office said that he plans on strengthening "diplomatic relations in North America" after making a "mini-international tour." Commander in Chief Travis, while not officially in charge of any government functions other than leading the military, does have a powerful and respected voice in MidAmerica. He said that he wants to see "more friends made but that isn't enough. I want to see allies made." Whether Congress will go along with this is to be announced however one could guarantee that Secretary Collins is not done reaching out to other countries around the world.

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Acadian citizens boating back to their homes


Millions of dollars in aid from foreign nations and millions more from the general public have brought a massive wave of charitable aid along with the "Louisiana Recovery Effort" set in place by Congress. Affected regions of Louisiana are now receiving a large chunk of the Confederation's so-called "Rainy-day fund" and foreign aid in the form of supplies and thousands of volunteers who have been coming into the poor region in droves.


Colonel Durant of the Acadiana National Guard said that he has "never seen anything like this before. I've met people from as far as West Kansas asking how they could help." The floods that have attracted the attention of the entire nation have displaced 15,000 people and still eave nearly 500,000 people without electricity. Baton Rouge, the biggest city in the region, is still without electricity after both reactors in a nearby nuclear power station were taken offline which supply electricity for the south east portion of the region. Two power stations in Arkansas that were previously declared "unsafe for use" by the Arkansas government are now back online. The City of Alexandria in north Louisiana now has electricity and is no longer under a State of Emergency.


Lafayette, the capitol of Acadiana, has had electricity restored in some areas of the downtown area of the city and was spared flooding by only a few miles while other historic parts of southern Louisiana were not as fortunate. Opelousas was a city that was not spared flooding but only suffered minor damage and power loss. This did not stop residents from holding one of the largest masses in recent history. The church, whose Parish was established in 1776 by Acadians from Nova Scotia, was lit by candles and held a mass at nine at night. "It was the only building lit in the city," said resident Rick Brown. "It didn't take long for most of downtown to get inside for mass."


As the area begins to recover, sources confirm that a diplomat from South Africa was invited by President Delorey of Acadiana and Secretary of State Mark Collins to Lafayette to "access damage". A building in Lafayette has already been designated to serve as South Africa's future consulate for the city. Delorey's office said that it would be brought online "after power and water are restored for the entire city." A visit from Secretary Collins is expected to bring more aid once he reports his finding back to Congress which has already poured in billions of dollars into the region. 

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After dealing with the floods in Louisiana and the formation of The Republic of Texas, Congress has ended the Emergency Session that it was called into and has called a recess of one month. After accomplishing so much, many answers have been given as to what direction the Confederate government wants to go in, however many questions have been raised about how much longer the Confederation can last with it's current government.


With Congress's recess, the capitol will also be closed to the public to "allow capitol-workers some time off because they work just as hard as us," said Congressman Daniel Lewis of Oklahoma City. Sources from the Confederation's most important building say that the capitol will not be totally empty but that security exercises will be taking place. The country, however, is not focused on new tactics of the capitol Marines but more on the continuity of government of the Confederation of MidAmerica.


After Texas became a united republic, many of it's representatives began to question why Texas, a Member-State of millions of people, should get two votes like some other Member-States who only have a few thousand residents. At first, simple calls were made to restructure the Congress or even make voting based by population and not by existence of a State. This, however, was not enough for Congressman Roberts of Dallas. "Our government is evolving and our country is becoming more united - to protect our people we need a more unified government, we need a constitution."


Currently the government of MidAmerica is ran by passed laws of the Confederate Congress however there is no guiding document or even a principle set of ideas that limit the Congress in what they can and can not do. If Congress does decide to call a constitutional convention, they will most likely make the second Congress delegates of it and allow them to decide what kind of government MidAmerica will have for future generations to come.

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  • 4 weeks later...



Any and all official documents in the embassy in Ireland would first be shredded, burned, and then annihilated. The fifteen Marines and 29 citizens in the compound, including the former ambassador to Ireland, would leave the embassy and take a ship back to MidAmerica to the Port of Galveston where they would first contact the Texas Government to reveal their location, make their way to Houston, and then take a train to the capital in Austin. 

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By order of Congress, the Confederation of MidAmerica dissolves its central government. In order to keep peace and order in North America, the central government organized separate polls for each member-nation of the Confederation to show what nation the populace wanted to join. 


Unorganized Territory: 82% Faraway, 18% Hudson Bay Federation


Texas: 78% American Commonwealth, 18% Independent, 4% California


Other member-states collectively: 87% American Commonwealth, 10% Faraway, 3% California


With a 93% approval from the Congress of MidAmerica, I accept their wishes to dissolve this Confederation. I, Commander in Chief Travis of the MidAmerican armed forces, will keep order in all territories until authorities from our allies in the American Commonwealth, Faraway, and the Hudson Bay Federation arrive to help protect this region. Once they are under control, I will step down as Chief of this army, and disband this army. It was an honor to serve as Commander in Chief of this country. I look forward to a peaceful change of power for the region of MidAmerica to our allies. 


God Bless you all, 


Commander in Chief Travis of The Armed Forces of The Confederation of MidAmerica

Edited by PresidentDavid
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In the wake of the election results, the Royal Faraway Army, headed by Lady Hanobel Hazelwood, Commander of the Southern army, would cross the Missouri and Mississippi into MidAmerica. Two full armies would be dispatched to deal with the occupation of MidAmerica, to take over the administration.


A message would be sent per classified diplomatic cable to winnipeg and Washington D.C., as the tanks and trucks rolled from East St. Louis into St. Louis.


With the dissolution of the central government authority of MidAmerica, the armed forces of her Majesty have resolved to taking over the administration of the large territory, in order to prevent anarchy and uprisings similar to the Madison Crisis. But while our Realm will not be accepting any revolutionary madness, we would appreciate the cooperation of your government in resolving the issue of whom to succeed the MidAmerican State.


With regards,

Lady Hanobel Hazelwood,

Minister of the Exterior of the Faraway Realm


Meanwhile, a small airborne detachment would land on the Cayman Islands and hoist the three golden maple leafs on red ground, claiming the isles for the Realm.

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Commonwealth military forces were mobilized and deployed within an hour of the notification of the Confederation's collapse with troops pouring across the borders seizing vital population centers, utlities, military facilities and expanding operations from there.   Airborne units would be used to rapidly seize objectives further west.  Lessons had been learned from the last time Commonwealth forces had embarked on a similar peacekeeping mission.  The population would still be treated with respect and kindness but also firmness.  Curfews would be enforced, trouble makers would be detained if their actions warranted it.  Military units deployed with riot gear and non-lethal weapons along with their normal combat gear.  Meanwhile the State Department would acknowledge the Faraway actions and greenlight their claims on the Cayman Islands.

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