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Brazil Arise!

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[b]Salvador, Bahia, Kingdom of Brazil[/b]


Despite the scorching sun and oppressive heat, thousands of people celebrated in the streets once the news arrived that the nation's new King had been crowned. Citizens in the royal capital, who were the first to learn the news of the coronation of the new monarch, wasted no time in taking advantage of the free rum and spirits offered up to celebrate the momentous occasion. 


For the rich and well connected nobility, they attended official celebrations at the Royal Palace and immediately sought to position themselves to gain favor and influence with the new monarch. For the core nobility, the coronation (and the ensuing celebrations) brought them another rare opportunity to show off their ostentatious wealth and to mock those who were beneath them.


At noon, the Imperial Chancellor (in full ceremonial garb and robes of state) emerged on the balcony of the palace, overlooking the city below. With a deep and booming voice, he shouted:


[i]"By the Grace of God, His Most Catholic Majesty King Pedro Fernando Alfonso de Braganza (XVII) King and Emperor of Brazil and all Her Dominions, Rightful King of Portugal and Catalonia, Lord of the Provinces of the South, Duke of Hispania, Viscount of Greater Colombia, God’s Anointed and Enlightened One, Sword of the Holy Mother Church, Supreme Commander of Brazil’s Armies by Land and by Sea, Master of the Two Oceans, and so forth, and so forth, and so forth, has begun his noble reign this day! Long live the King!"[/i]




Unlike his staunchly isolationist father before him, King Pedro would quickly order his government to allow foreign nations to set up Embassies in Brazil. Three trusted advisers would each be handed a note from the Prime Minister inviting a particular nation to exchange diplomats with the Kingdom. One by one the advisers would set sail for their destination, bearing the Prime Minister's message.


The first adviser would sail for Alvonia. The second for Austrica and the third for Ingeria. In order to not waste military resources, the advisers would sail on ordinary merchant ships which would be commandeered for the journey.

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((OOC: Gonna speed this up a bit if you don't mind.))
Port Fayhill, Austrica
Aboard the 105 gun Brezzord, Captain Fidelis Arden stood in bewilderment at the ship sailing into the mouth of the harbor. "Wros sra kicd ora sraae duems?" he whispered to himself, "What the fuck are they doing?"
Never before had a Dark Mark ship sailed into Port Fayhill and it was a shame Arden's ship was docked for repairs after a storm nearly tore the ship apart the week prior. He would have loved to sink this pathetic excuse for a boat. The Dark Mark ship continued on its course, seemingly unconcerned for its own safety. Captain Arden continued to watch the ship, ever curious as to its intention. There was something different about it. In his long and decorated naval career, Arden fought battles against the Dark Mark for more than half his life and not once had he seen a ship like this. At a full sprint, he left his ship to notify the admiral.
"Cukkudura Laocoon," Captain Arden could barely catch his breath as he burst into Commodore Balen Laocoon's office, "I have spotted an unidentified vessel sailing into the port. I am almost sure it is not a Dark Mark ship, sir. It doesn't have the usual..."
"So this is how you greet a commanding officer, Covsoem?" the Commodore interrupted.
"My apologies, sir," the Captain immediately saluted his superior. He snapped his right hand so his index finger touched the tip of his brow, facing his palm slightly out toward the Commodore. The Commodore returned the salute.
"Now about this ship. I want the Cumpiarar and Vomsrar to escort it in. And when it reaches the dock, I expect a full company waiting to greet them. Understand?"


"Yes, sir," Arden turned to leave.


"Covsoem," Laocoon called to Arden just before he closed the door, "If anyone decides to leave the ship, I want them arrested. If they resist, shoot them."

Edited by Isotope
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As soon as the merchant ship approached the  Austrican coast, the merchant ship's captain would ensure that both the Brazilian Royal Standard and the National flag were prominently displayed. Despite this, the diplomat remained significantly nervous as they approached. When the  Austrican ships appeared, and it became clear that they were approaching the merchant vessel, the captain ordered his crew to stop the vessel and to wait for the  Austrican ships to approach.


Once the ships were in range, the crew would attempt to communicate with both vessels in order to identify themselves and to state that they carried a message for the  Austrican government from Brazil. The crew would nervously await the response.

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