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GUN is perfect for you! We are a neutral, green alliance with an ns of over 1.6 mil, and over 230 members. We are the biggest tech sellers in the game :P we can help you grow very, very, fast.


since you are in war, you are not welcome in GUN.

Edited by titodafarmer
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Hello, I would like to invite you to join the NFL Alliance. The NFL is a newer blue team alliance that is always looking for good members. All members under 12,000 Nation Strength joining the alliance get $1,000,000 just by joining, and staying with the alliance for a period of ten (10) days! It's the easiest $1,000,000 you can get on this game!

The NFL is a sovereign alliance, that is protected by the most powerful alliance in the game, it is an easy way to keep your nation safe, while being part of a nice, enjoyable community.

So what are you waiting for? Join the NFL right now by registering on our forum, then applying for membership. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me any time.

Also, Government positions are still open within the NFL, we have not yet filled all Government Positions, and are looking for active members to assume those roles.

Forum Link: http://z15.invisionfree.com/nfl_alliance


yo mama

I might be able to slide an extra 3 mil to you if you join

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Hey as a newer member myself, I know how hard it is to find a good alliance that'll really help you out, and give a fun time! I've just joined Royal Ardor Monarchy (RAM) and we're really in need of some new members. It would be awesome if you could choose us over the larger groups, as we can be more indepth with our size. Your input is definatly more valuable, and climbing the ranking ladder is all that easier. If you've already joined a group, well, think about changing teams! :)

The link to our alliance is (z3.invisionfree.com/RAM). Think about joining up. As a new recruit you might be able to recieve $3 Million in aid, and we're always avaiable for help and questions!


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